
Surrounded by celebrity bodyguards, scientific research geniuses are left unattended! Wei Dongyi went home alone, and the status of the "actor" was high

author:The Secret History of the Empress

I don't know when, celebrities are linked to pomp!

Bodyguards, dresses, feasts have become synonymous with celebrities!

So, can you imagine a scholar who has made great achievements in the field of mathematics, but lives so simply and unobtrusively?

Surrounded by celebrity bodyguards, scientific research geniuses are left unattended! Wei Dongyi went home alone, and the status of the "actor" was high

The irony of the "play".

Wei Dongyi is an assistant professor at Peking University who has high hopes from the academic community.

However, his unique lifestyle always catches the eye!

Surrounded by celebrity bodyguards, scientific research geniuses are left unattended! Wei Dongyi went home alone, and the status of the "actor" was high

Recently, some netizens met Wei Dongyi in Jinan, who happened to be returning to his hometown.

What is striking is that he is only carrying a blue plastic bag in his hand, and his face shows a determined expression, as if he is thinking deeply about some important mathematical problem!

Surrounded by celebrity bodyguards, scientific research geniuses are left unattended! Wei Dongyi went home alone, and the status of the "actor" was high

He is dedicated to studying mathematics, and when he is greeted warmly by passers-by, he is a little shy!

Even when the neighbor was eager to drop him off and take him home, he waved his hand and refused, as if he was embarrassed to trouble others!

Surrounded by celebrity bodyguards, scientific research geniuses are left unattended! Wei Dongyi went home alone, and the status of the "actor" was high

The approachable math genius walks home, allowing everyone to see the down-to-earth side of celebrities.

It also makes people think deeply, the unknown "drama" is protected by a large group of bodyguards when he travels, but the mathematical genius is alone, which is too ironic!

Surrounded by celebrity bodyguards, scientific research geniuses are left unattended! Wei Dongyi went home alone, and the status of the "actor" was high

The same thing is reflected in all aspects of Wei Dongyi's life!

When Wei Dongyi was dining in the Peking University cafeteria, he was wearing an extremely shabby T-shirt, and the damage at the cuffs was clearly visible.

Surrounded by celebrity bodyguards, scientific research geniuses are left unattended! Wei Dongyi went home alone, and the status of the "actor" was high

Faced with a bowl of ordinary food, he was reluctant to waste even a few grains of rice near the mouth of the bowl when he dined!

Such a scene is very different from the image of a university professor in our impression!

Surrounded by celebrity bodyguards, scientific research geniuses are left unattended! Wei Dongyi went home alone, and the status of the "actor" was high

Some people say that Wei Dongyi's life is too simple, and the school should find a girlfriend for him and take good care of his daily life.

Jiang Ping is a good choice, the two have similar interests!

Surrounded by celebrity bodyguards, scientific research geniuses are left unattended! Wei Dongyi went home alone, and the status of the "actor" was high

As an assistant professor in the School of Mathematical Sciences at Peking University, Wei Dongyi's income is by no means shabby.

But he has always maintained a simple style of life, more than ten years as a day!

Is it really the world of geniuses that ordinary people like us can't understand?

Surrounded by celebrity bodyguards, scientific research geniuses are left unattended! Wei Dongyi went home alone, and the status of the "actor" was high

Wei Dongyi's world

Wei Dongyi, born in 1991 in Jinan, Shandong Province, has shown an amazing talent for mathematics since he was a child!

He has won gold medals in the International Mathematical Olympiad several times and was sent to Peking University with a rare mathematical talent.

Surrounded by celebrity bodyguards, scientific research geniuses are left unattended! Wei Dongyi went home alone, and the status of the "actor" was high

Now, at the age of 33, he has become an assistant professor at Peking University, and has made a number of major breakthroughs in the fields of partial differential equations and geometric analysis, and his published papers have attracted much attention in the international mathematical community!

Such a leader in the field of mathematics, but his life is incredibly simple!

Surrounded by celebrity bodyguards, scientific research geniuses are left unattended! Wei Dongyi went home alone, and the status of the "actor" was high

He doesn't seem to care about his appearance at all, whether at work or in life, he always looks "raunchy".

A white-washed T-shirt, a pair of plain jeans, and a pair of sneakers are his most common outfits!

His hair was unkempt, and his beard was often left unshaven for several days.

Surrounded by celebrity bodyguards, scientific research geniuses are left unattended! Wei Dongyi went home alone, and the status of the "actor" was high

If it weren't for those piercing eyes, you'd be hard-pressed to associate him with a college professor!

But Wei Dongyi is not careless about life!

On the contrary, in his opinion, it is precisely because of the simplicity of life that he can devote more energy to mathematical research!

Surrounded by celebrity bodyguards, scientific research geniuses are left unattended! Wei Dongyi went home alone, and the status of the "actor" was high

His daily routine is extremely regular: he wakes up at 6 a.m. every morning and rides his bike to school;

Eat in the cafeteria at noon and never be picky eaters;

In the afternoon, he continued to work, often when the students were off work, and he was still there

Surrounded by celebrity bodyguards, scientific research geniuses are left unattended! Wei Dongyi went home alone, and the status of the "actor" was high

Writing books in the office;

Dinner is still solved in the cafeteria, and sometimes it is over after eating a few steamed buns;

Evenings are time for reading and thinking, often working late into the night.

Surrounded by celebrity bodyguards, scientific research geniuses are left unattended! Wei Dongyi went home alone, and the status of the "actor" was high

It is in such a simple and boring life that Wei Dongyi has created one mathematical miracle after another!

In his office, books and waste paper are piled up, but in his eyes, it is a world of free exploration.

Surrounded by celebrity bodyguards, scientific research geniuses are left unattended! Wei Dongyi went home alone, and the status of the "actor" was high

He often plunges headlong into these piles of paper, swimming in a sea of logic and symbols!

For him, there's nothing more exciting than solving a math puzzle.

Surrounded by celebrity bodyguards, scientific research geniuses are left unattended! Wei Dongyi went home alone, and the status of the "actor" was high

For ordinary people, Wei Dongyi's life may be difficult to understand, or even difficult to accept!

But in his opinion, this is perfectly normal.

Even the eating habits of geniuses are very different!

Surrounded by celebrity bodyguards, scientific research geniuses are left unattended! Wei Dongyi went home alone, and the status of the "actor" was high

Family dinners

Not long ago, Wei Dongyi's cousin shared a video on social platforms, recording Wei Dongyi's participation in a family dinner!

In the video, Wei Dongyi's dress is still simple and casual, an ordinary T-shirt and a pair of white-washed jeans.

Surrounded by celebrity bodyguards, scientific research geniuses are left unattended! Wei Dongyi went home alone, and the status of the "actor" was high

When the camera swept over the table, people were surprised to find that among the sumptuous dishes on the table, Wei Dongyi only had three simple steamed buns and a few bowls of water in front of him!

It turns out that this math genius has a special preference for food!

Surrounded by celebrity bodyguards, scientific research geniuses are left unattended! Wei Dongyi went home alone, and the status of the "actor" was high

He doesn't like meat and prefers vegetarianism;

He doesn't like greasy, only light;

He doesn't even like the spices, thinking that they will affect the original taste of the food.

Under the persuasion of his family, he reluctantly sandwiched some green vegetables, but before eating, he deliberately rinsed the seasoning on the leaves with water.

Surrounded by celebrity bodyguards, scientific research geniuses are left unattended! Wei Dongyi went home alone, and the status of the "actor" was high

You know, in Chinese food culture, deliciousness is often associated with greasy, spicy, and other flavors!

Many people think that only big fish and big meat can be considered a hearty meal!

Surrounded by celebrity bodyguards, scientific research geniuses are left unattended! Wei Dongyi went home alone, and the status of the "actor" was high

But Wei Dongyi is contrary to this mainstream, he pursues a simple and pure taste.

It is undeniable that Wei Dongyi's eating habits do give people a special feeling!

Surrounded by celebrity bodyguards, scientific research geniuses are left unattended! Wei Dongyi went home alone, and the status of the "actor" was high

It made the genius mathematician more "down-to-earth" and more approachable.

On the other hand, some artists in the entertainment industry do not make a great contribution to society, but when they attend the event, they are in a big row, for fear of being ignored!

Surrounded by celebrity bodyguards, scientific research geniuses are left unattended! Wei Dongyi went home alone, and the status of the "actor" was high

Small cards big play

In this bizarre world, everyone has their own way of life!

Some people pursue fame and fortune, and some people are willing to be bland;

Some people are keen on external pomp, while others are focused on inner practice.

Surrounded by celebrity bodyguards, scientific research geniuses are left unattended! Wei Dongyi went home alone, and the status of the "actor" was high

And in Wei Dongyi and Xu Lu, we seem to see two completely different attitudes to life!

The pomp and circumstance of young actor Xu Lu when he attended a fashion event attracted widespread attention!

I saw her wearing a gorgeous dress worth hundreds of thousands of yuan, wearing expensive jewelry, and stepping on a pair of expensive high heels.

Surrounded by celebrity bodyguards, scientific research geniuses are left unattended! Wei Dongyi went home alone, and the status of the "actor" was high

Surrounded by as many as five bodyguards and four or five assistants, but there are actually no followers around!

Far from giving people a lofty feeling, this kind of pomp and circumstance makes people feel that they are deliberately hype!

Surrounded by celebrity bodyguards, scientific research geniuses are left unattended! Wei Dongyi went home alone, and the status of the "actor" was high

The same scene is not uncommon in show business!

Lin Feng, Liu Tao, Ju Jingyi and other celebrities have all found dozens of bodyguards to "protect" themselves, and some even need dozens of black umbrellas to cover themselves, I don't know what level of secret, I can't let outsiders know!

Surrounded by celebrity bodyguards, scientific research geniuses are left unattended! Wei Dongyi went home alone, and the status of the "actor" was high

Compared with the two, Wei Dongyi's low-key simplicity is more admirable.

He used practical actions to explain what is the real pursuit!


A person's spiritual realm does not lie in how much material wealth he has, but in whether he can focus on his ideals and make unremitting efforts for them!

In this impetuous era, we need scholars like Wei Dongyi more to set an example for us with their focus and indifference!

Surrounded by celebrity bodyguards, scientific research geniuses are left unattended! Wei Dongyi went home alone, and the status of the "actor" was high

Instead of chasing illusory fame and fortune, it is better to do things in a down-to-earth manner and pursue inner peace and satisfaction.

This is the true meaning of life!

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