
Sunset West Mountain(30)

author:Canal gonziers, 1954
Sunset West Mountain(30)

After dinner, Caiyun came to the house of Jin Suo, secretary of the party branch of the brigade.

"Uncle Suo, are you looking for me?" Caiyun asked.

Jin Suo said, "Yes, you see, Xiaogong, the secretary of the Youth League in our village, took over his father's class, and when the railway worker went, I thought that you would make up for the lack of the secretary of the Youth League." "

Caiyun said, "Uncle Suo, can I carry this burden on this shoulder?" He was only twenty-two years old. "

"Twenty-two is still young? The secretary of the Youth League is a cadre of young people, can't you provoke it, can you let the old man and the old lady be the secretary of the Youth League? At your age, it's time to be a women's rescue director during the war years! Jin Suo said, "You are well-born, educated, and capable, I think it's okay!" This is my trust in you. "

"Thank you, Uncle Suo," Caiyun said, "Then I'll try?" "

"Try it." Jin Suo said, "Caiyun, I want to remind you that the secretary of the Youth League is a reserve candidate for party members, and you must be strict with yourself, set an example for young people, actively create conditions, and join the party as soon as possible." At that time, I will be your introducer to join the party. "

"I will definitely work hard," Caiyun said, "Uncle Suo, in the future work, if I have any mistakes or needs to be improved, you must point them out to me in time." "

"That's nature." "I'll give you a little bit now," said the Golden Lock. You will soon be the secretary of the Communist Youth League, you must stand firmly on the proletarian stand, always maintain revolutionary vigilance, do not confuse yourself with an ordinary person, and pay attention to the influence of your words and deeds. I'll just say it bluntly, you and Qin Tieliang are too close, which is very detrimental to your progress, and someone has already reported this problem to me. You have to keep a certain distance from him, draw a class line with him, and cut off all ties with him! "

"Keep your distance? Make a clean break? Disconnection? Jin Suo's words surprised Caiyun, "Uncle Jin Suo, who is Tie Liang?" Is it our enemy? No, the three points you said are not in line with our party's policy that children can be educated well! "

"I know better than you who he is, and I didn't invite you to give me a political lesson today!" Jin Suo was angry, "His father is a landlord, your father and I are carrying work for his family in the old society, if it weren't for the Communist Party to come, he Qin Tieliang would be the young owner of the Qin family's compound, and you are the enslaved maid of his family, just like your mother!" "

Caiyun said, "Uncle Suo, you were right before, in the old society, you and my father were both working for his family, but the rest is all assumptions. But this assumption did not hold, the Communist Party came, the poor were liberated, Qin Tieliang was not the young owner of the Qin family's compound, he was a member of the new society. He is not a landlord, but a son of a landlord, these are two concepts with different meanings. He is a good child to teach, the object of our unity, how can we keep our distance, draw a line, or even break off the relationship? "

"Don't think that if you read a few more books, you have the qualifications to criticize me, let me tell you, my cultural level is low, but my political consciousness is high!" Jin Suo suppressed the anger that was surging upward, shook his head and said, "Caiyun, your problem is much more serious than I imagined, if this is the case, the secretary of this regiment branch ......"

"Don't say it, Uncle Suo," Caiyun said, "If it is premised on severing relations with Qin Tieliang, I really can't be the secretary of this Youth League branch!" "

Listening to the footsteps of Caiyun's departure, Jin Suo stomped his feet angrily, "I don't know what to do, the yellow-haired girl, if you don't listen to persuasion, there will be a day when you regret it." "

Jin Suo told Changshan about this, and Changshan returned home and asked Caiyun, "Have you talked back to your Uncle Suo?" I don't know what to do, right? "

"At this level, I still be a secretary, and I don't even understand the party's policies!" Caiyun said.

"What do you think?" Changshan asked.

"What do you think? Keep your distance, draw a line, cut ties, no way, no way! Caiyun said, "Qin Tieliang, I want to get close to him, unite him, Dad, tell you directly, I like him, I love him, I want to marry him, I want to be his daughter-in-law!" "

Listening to Caiyun's words, Changshan didn't show much surprise, but Caiyun's mother, Xiaobaitou, was doing needlework in that house, and when she heard that Caiyun was going to marry Tie Liang, she hurriedly ran over, "Yun, you can be angry about other things, but you can't be angry about this lifelong event!" If the Youth League branch is not appropriate, it is not appropriate, but you don't necessarily have to marry Tie Liang! Tie Liang is a good boy, with a good heart, good looks, and hard work and ability, but with his background, whoever follows him suffers. Yun, you can't be his daughter-in-law in a daze, it's too late to regret it! "

"Mother, I'm not confused," Caiyun said, "I've liked him for a long time." We have been together since childhood, I know him, I love him. Yes, he is the son of a landlord, but this should not be a ravine of love, I would like to be with him and face all hardships and hardships together! "

Changshan looked at Xiao Baitou and said, "The girl's vision is not wrong, I also like Tieliang." What happened to the landlord's children? Can't the children of landlords get married? Who said that the children of the poor and middle peasants could not intermarry with the children of the landlords? "

Xiao Baitou thought for a while, nodded and said, "If you want to say it, it's the same." Tie Liang, this child is something I grew up watching, he knows the roots, and he has been liked since he was a child, and when you say this, I also raise my hand in favor! Hey, Yun, how long have you been better? Let's let the family come for a meal, which can be regarded as a family engagement! "

Caiyun smiled, "Our threshold is about to be stepped on by him, and he has eaten our family's food for all these years." Hey, it's really, let's just think about other people, and we don't know what they think? Don't get a hot head, take the time to test and tempt! "

The next evening, Tie Liang finished work and went home, and was about to cook, when Caiyun came over with a few steaming buns and said to Tie Liang, "Why do you say your life is so good?" As soon as I make a difference, I think of you first. Don't cook, eat the big fennel stuffed buns just out of the pan, while they're hot! "

Tie Liang said, "Thank you, uncle and aunt, you always think of me when you have delicious food." As he spoke, he picked up a bun and ate it.

Caiyun snatched the bun, "You have no conscience, just thank your uncle and aunt, this bun flew from you?" "

Tie Liang smiled and said, "Thank you, Sister Caiyun!" "

Caiyun returned the bun to Tie Liang, looked at the house, and said, "Brother Tie, you are in the first month of the month, don't look at it as only a month older, but you are one year older than me, twenty-three years old, it's time to find me a sister-in-law." "

Tie Liang said, "Alas, my sister-in-law doesn't know that the Year of the Monkey is only available in the month of the Monkey, who will follow me if I was born like me!" "

"There will be someone," Caiyun moved a stool and sat beside Tie Liang, and said, "I heard my father and mother discuss just now, and I want to find you a daughter-in-law!" This girl and my mother don't seem to have a relationship far behind, I heard her say that she is five years older than you, and she is quite capable, but she is a little ugly. Five big and three thick, big nose, big eyes, big head, big arms, thighs and big feet, like a big Yanma, especially able to eat, eat four or five nests in a meal, drink three bowls of millet porridge, people look very dark, and they can't see the appearance when there is no sun in the sky. Brother Tie, you look so handsome, do you like this daughter-in-law? "

Tie Liang looked at Caiyun and said, "You're not making fun of me, are you?" "

"No," Caiyun said, "I'm telling the truth. "

"Then, just tell your aunt and don't bother me." Tie Liang said, "I already have someone in my heart!" "

"Someone?" Caiyun's mouth opened wide in surprise.

"Yes, there's someone." Tie Liang said, "We don't have the right door, the wrong household, I may not get her, but I'd rather beat a single, I won't let another woman occupy that position!" "

(To be continued)