
Pharyngeal foreign body sensation, do neck stretching like "pulling radish" can be improved!

author:Zhejiang medicine physician

The sensation of a foreign body in the pharynx can be improved by "pulling the radish".

A friend of mine, who works in telesales, sometimes has a long time to talk to customers, and is so busy that he doesn't have time to drink water, eat, or go to the toilet during the day. Recently, she called me and said that she suddenly felt discomfort in her throat, a foreign body sensation, and often felt that there was a mouthful of phlegm in her throat, and she often coughed up endlessly, and wanted to cough up the phlegm, but she couldn't cough it out when her face was flushed.

Pharyngeal foreign body sensation, do neck stretching like "pulling radish" can be improved!

When she is busy at work, the foreign body sensation in her pharynx is not very obvious, but once she is quiet, the foreign body sensation will be very strong, making her moan constantly, and people who don't know will think that she has asthma.

She also went to major hospitals, took all kinds of medicines, but never got better, and then, she thought that I was running a Chinese medicine clinic, so she called me and asked if there was any way to improve this symptom. I asked her to come to me the next day with her medical records to fully confirm her condition.

Pharyngeal foreign body sensation, do neck stretching like "pulling radish" can be improved!

Early the next morning, my friend rushed to my clinic with a thick stack of medical records, I carefully looked through her previous medical records, and found that she did see many doctors, some doctors thought that she was suffering from cough variant asthma, and prescribed her anti-allergy medication, but it had no effect; Some doctors thought that her cough was caused by variant asthma, and prescribed her rhinitis medication, but it had no effect; Some doctors thought she was suffering from chronic pharyngitis and prescribed medication for her, but it had no effect......

The interval between these cases was only a few dozen days, but her symptoms were still not relieved by the action of various drugs.

After looking through her medical records, I probably learned about her condition, and then recommended for her - the method of pulling turnips, if it works, the foreign body sensation in the pharynx will disappear soon.

I asked her to sit upright on the chair, and then pressed the thumbs of both hands on both sides of her cervical spine, starting from the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra, the parallel spine pushed slightly hard from the bottom to the top, and the process of pushing should be pressed deeply, and at the same time asked her to keep swallowing saliva, so repeatedly massaged several times, my friend said that the phlegm in the throat was loosened, and then I continued to press a few times, put the thumbs of both hands under the occipital bones on both sides, and stretched her neck upwards with increasing strength, and after stretching for 5 seconds in a row, let her relax for a few seconds, Continue stretching three more times.

After the whole set of movements, she told me very happily,

Pharyngeal foreign body sensation, do neck stretching like "pulling radish" can be improved!

This method is so effective that the discomfort in the throat has been reduced a lot, but the process needs to be more intense to achieve the desired effect. Although the pain is strong during the massage, it will be very comfortable after the massage. I told her that this method would take a while to cure her pharyngeal foreign body sensation, and from that day on, she would come to my clinic every day for treatment, and after a week, the symptoms disappeared.

But this friend of mine is a busy person and can't continue to my clinic for treatment due to work reasons, so I told her that she can also get a massage.

How to do it: Lie flat on the bed, then lean the lower end of your neck against the bed rail, slowly move your body down, and rub your neck back and forth 10 times near the bed rail to fully massage the neck muscles on both sides. In addition, it is very effective to press the occipital bone against the fixed place of the bed rail, and use this as a fulcrum to contract the neck muscles vigorously, and then stretch the neck downward.

My friend followed the method I taught her and later called me to tell me that her pharyngeal discomfort had almost completely disappeared, and her neck stiffness and soreness had also been reduced a lot.

Pharyngeal foreign body sensation, do neck stretching like "pulling radish" can be improved!

The method I recommended for my friend is actually the method of massaging tendons and stretching in traditional Chinese medicine, which is called "pulling radish" because this method of stretching the neck is similar to the action of pulling radish.

People like my friend who are busy all day long and work at the desk are prone to lesions in soft tissues such as the cervical spine, muscles, ligaments, etc., and nearly half of such patients will have pharyngeal discomfort, because the laryngeal nerve is connected to the cervical nerve, and when the cervical spine or cervical paravertebral lesions occur, the cervical nerve will be stimulated, involving the throat nerve, resulting in pharyngeal discomfort.

The method of pulling radish can treat the patient's pharyngeal discomfort in a targeted manner, and the throat nerves are no longer irritated, and the patient's symptoms can disappear quickly.