
China cryopreservation tube market report, and market forecast

author:Market insights by industry

The market research report on China's cryopreservation tube industry covers the statistics of historical market data in the past five years and the forecast of future market capacity growth trends. In 2023, the global cryovial market will reach 100 million yuan (RMB), and the scale of China's cryopreservation tube market will reach 100 million yuan. The report predicts that the global cryovial market size will reach 100 million yuan by 2029, and the cryovial market is expected to grow at a CAGR of % during the forecast period.

At the segmentation level, the report analyzes the market volume, market share and growth trend of each segment by product type, terminal application and region. Classified by product type, the cryopreservation tube industry can be subdivided into polypropylene and polyethylene. Classified by end application, cryopreservation tubes can be used in medical institutions, research institutions, pharmaceutical manufacturers and other fields.

中国冻存管行业内主要企业为Abdos Labtech, Argos Technologies, Azer Scientific, BioCision, Biologix Group, Capp, CELLTREAT Scientific Products, Corning, DWK Life, E&K Scientific, Evergreen Scientific, EZ Bio Research, Incell Technologies, Sigma-Aldrich, Simport, Starlab, Sumitomo Bakelite, Thermo Fisher, VWR, Ziath。 报告包含对主要企业发展概况、市场占有率、营收状况及2023年业务规模排行前三企业市场合计份额的分析。

This report provides a detailed analysis of China's cryopreservation tube industry from the perspectives of the development of the cryopreservation tube industry, macro environment, industrial chain, subdivisions and popular product types, distribution areas and domestic production enterprise rankings. The report clearly shows the sales scale, key areas, key regions, competition degree of the cryopreservation tube industry, development advantages and disadvantages of China's cryopreservation tube market, and predicts the development trend and market growth space of the cryovial tube industry in the future.

Market Overview:

Increasing government spending on R&D of new drugs in major economies is providing a major driver for the demand for cryogenic vials.

Front-end enterprises in the cryopreservation tube industry:

Abdos Labtech

Argos Technologies

Azer Scientific


Biologix Group


CELLTREAT Scientific Products


DWK Life

E&K Scientific

Evergreen Scientific

EZ Bio Research

Incell Technologies




Sumitomo Bakelite

Thermo Fisher



Product Category Breakdown:



Downstream Application Market:

Medical institutions

Research institutes

Pharmaceutical manufacturers

The regional analysis in this industry report involves an analysis of the geographical distribution of the cryovials industry, the factors influencing the geographical location, and the development trends of the industry in various regions. By analyzing the development of the cryopreservation tube industry in North China, East China, South China, and Central China, it can help enterprises better understand the local market and make better market positioning and strategic choices. This section mainly covers the following aspects:

1. Overview of regional market development: analyze the current development trend of the cryopreservation tube industry, compare the market situation in different regions, and understand the development trend of the industry;

2. Interpretation of relevant regional policies: analyze the latest policies related to the industry, such as the latest promulgation of relevant favorable policies that have restricted policies, and understand the outlets and barriers of the cryopreservation pipe industry;

3. Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of regional development: By understanding the development level and trends of various places, and analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the development of the cryopreservation tube market in each region, we can better implement the targeted strategic layout.

The full cryopreservation tube industry research report contains the following 12 chapters:

Chapter 1: Definition and characteristics of cryopreservation tubes, subdivision types and applications, and introduction to the upstream and downstream industry chains;

Chapter 2: Analysis of the development status of the upstream and downstream industries of China's cryopreservation tube industry, the current development cycle, and the influencing factors of relevant domestic policies and industries;

Chapter 3: Market size, development advantages and disadvantages of China's cryopreservation tube industry, the position of China's cryopreservation tube industry in the global market, and market concentration analysis;

Chapter 4 explains the development degree of the cryopreservation tube industry in various regions of China, and analyzes the development status and advantages and disadvantages of the industry in North China, East China, South China, and Central China in turn.

Chapter 5: This chapter includes the analysis of the import and export situation, quantity difference and influencing factors of China's cryopreservation tube industry;

Chapters 6 and 7 analyze the sales volume and sales volume of the cryopreservation tube industry segments and downstream application markets in turn, and also include the sales price and influencing factors of each product category, as well as the application status and demand analysis of the main fields;

Chapter 8: Geographical Distribution of Enterprises in China's Cryopreservation Tube Industry and the Advantages and Disadvantages of Key Enterprises in Global Competition;

Chapter 9: details the basic situation of the main enterprises in China's cryopreservation tube industry, the introduction of main products and services, the sales volume, sales revenue, price, gross profit, gross profit margin, and development strategy of cryopreservation tubes;

Chapter 10: Analysis of the driving factors, competitive landscape and key technology development trends of China's cryopreservation tube industry;

Chapter 11: This chapter contains forecasts for the market size, segmentation type and application field of the cryovials industry in China;

Chapter 12: Entry Barriers, Return Cycle, Hot Spots and Strategy Analysis of the Cryopreservation Tube Industry.

Publisher: Hunan Beijiesi Information Consulting Co., Ltd


Chapter 1 Overview of the cryopreservation tube industry

1.1 Definition of cryopreservation tubes and industry overview

1.2 The national economic classification to which the cryopreservation tube belongs

1.3 Product classification of cryopreservation tube industry

1.4 Introduction to the downstream application fields of the cryopreservation tube industry

1.5 Analysis of the industrial chain of the cryopreservation tube industry

1.5.1 Introduction to the upstream industry of the cryopreservation tube industry

1.5.2 Analysis of downstream customers in the cryopreservation tube industry

Chapter 2 The latest market analysis of China's cryopreservation tube industry

2.1 Development status of the main upstream industries of China's cryopreservation tube industry

2.2 Development status of the main downstream application fields of China's cryopreservation tube industry

2.3 The current development cycle of China's cryopreservation tube industry

2.4 Relevant policy support for China's cryopreservation tube industry

2.5 The impact of the "carbon neutrality" goal on China's cryopreservation tube industry

Chapter 3 Development Status of China's Cryopreservation Tube Industry

3.1 Market size of China's cryopreservation tube industry

3.2 Comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the development of China's cryopreservation tube industry

3.3 The position of China's cryopreservation tube industry in the global competitive landscape

3.4 Analysis of market concentration of China's cryopreservation tube industry

Chapter 4 Analysis of the development of the cryopreservation tube industry in various regions of China

4.1 Analysis of the development degree of the cryopreservation tube industry in different regions of China

4.2 Overview of the development of cryopreservation tube industry in North China

4.2.1 Development status of cryopreservation tube industry in North China

4.2.2 Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the development of the cryopreservation tube industry in North China

4.3 Overview of the development of cryopreservation tube industry in East China

4.3.1 Development status of cryopreservation tube industry in East China

4.3.2 Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the development of the cryopreservation tube industry in East China

4.4 Overview of the development of cryopreservation tube industry in South China

4.4.1 Development status of cryopreservation tube industry in South China

4.4.2 Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the development of the cryopreservation tube industry in South China

4.5 Overview of the development of the cryopreservation tube industry in Central China

4.5.1 Development status of cryopreservation tube industry in central China

4.5.2 Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the development of the cryopreservation tube industry in central China

Chapter 5 Import and export of China's cryopreservation tube industry

5.1 Analysis of the import situation of China's cryopreservation tube industry

5.2 Analysis of the export situation of China's cryopreservation tube industry

5.3 Analysis of the difference between import and export volume of China's cryopreservation tube industry

5.4 The impact of Sino-US trade frictions on the import and export of China's cryopreservation tube industry

Chapter 6 Product Category Segmentation of China's Cryopreservation Tube Industry

6.1 Sales volume and market share of product types in China's cryopreservation tube industry

6.1.1 Polypropylene sales in China

6.1.2 Polyethylene sales in China

6.2 Sales and market share of product types in China's cryopreservation tube industry

6.2.1 Polypropylene sales in China

6.2.2 Polyethylene sales in China

6.3 The sales price of the product category in China's cryopreservation tube industry

6.4 Factors influencing the price fluctuation of products in China's cryopreservation tube industry

6.4.1 Cost

6.4.2 Supply and Demand

6.4.3 Miscellaneous

Chapter 7 Application Market Analysis of China's Cryopreservation Tube Industry

7.1 Downstream client analysis in the terminal application field

7.2 Sales volume and market share of cryopreservation tubes in China in different application fields

7.2.1 Sales volume of cryopreservation tubes in the field of medical institutions in China

7.2.2 Sales volume of cryopreservation tubes in China in the field of research institutions

7.2.3 Sales volume of cryopreservation tubes in China in the field of pharmaceutical manufacturers

7.3 Sales and market share of cryopreservation tubes in China by application

7.3.1 Sales of cryopreservation tubes in China in the field of medical institutions

7.3.2 Sales of cryopreservation tubes in China in the field of research institutions

7.3.3 Sales of cryogenic tubes in China in the field of pharmaceutical manufacturers

7.4 Application status and potential in the main fields of China's cryopreservation tube industry

7.5 The impact of downstream demand changes on the development of China's cryopreservation tube industry

Chapter 8 Analysis of the International Competitiveness of Enterprises in China's Cryopreservation Tube Industry

8.1 Geographical distribution of major enterprises in China's cryopreservation tube industry

8.2 Enterprises with international influence in China's cryopreservation tube industry

8.3 Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of Chinese cryopreservation tube industry enterprises in global competition

Chapter 9 Analysis of the Overview of Enterprises in China's Cryopreservation Tube Industry

9.1 Abdos Labtech

9.1.1 Abdos Labtech Facts

9.1.2 Introduction to Abdos Labtech's main products and services

9.1.3 Abdos Labtech vial sales volume, sales revenue, price, gross profit and gross margin

9.1.4 Abdos Labtech Corporate Development Strategy

9.2 Argos Technologies

9.2.1 Argos Technologies基本情况

9.2.2 Introduction to Argos Technologies' main products and services

9.2.3 Argos Technologies vial sales volume, sales revenue, price, gross profit and gross margin

9.2.4 Argos Technologies企业发展战略

9.3 Azer Scientific

9.3.1 Azer Scientific基本情况

9.3.2 Introduction to Azer Scientific's main products and services

9.3.3 Azer Scientific Vial Sales Volume, Sales Revenue, Price, Gross Profit and Gross Margin

9.3.4 Azer Scientific's Corporate Development Strategy

9.4 BioCision

9.4.1 BioCision Basic Information

9.4.2 Introduction to BioCision's main products and services

9.4.3 BioCision Vial Sales Volume, Sales Revenue, Price, Gross Profit and Gross Margin

9.4.4 BioCision's Corporate Development Strategy

9.5 Biologix Group

9.5.1 Biologix Group基本情况

9.5.2 Introduction to the main products and services of the Biologix Group

9.5.3 Biologix Group Vial Sales Volume, Sales Revenue, Price, Gross Profit and Gross Margin

9.5.4 Biologix Group's Corporate Development Strategy

9.6 Capp

9.6.1 Basic information about Capp

9.6.2 Introduction to the main products and services of the Capp

9.6.3 Capp cryopreservation tube sales volume, sales revenue, price, gross profit and gross profit margin

9.6.4 Capp Enterprise Development Strategy

9.7 CELLTREAT Scientific Products

9.7.1 CELLTREAT Scientific Products基本情况

9.7.2 CELLTREAT Scientific Products主要产品和服务介绍

9.7.3 CELLTREAT Scientific Products冻存管销售量、销售收入、价格、毛利及毛利率

9.7.4 CELLTREAT Scientific Products企业发展战略

9.8 Corning

9.8.1 Corning Basics

9.8.2 Introduction to Corning's main products and services

9.8.3 Corning vial sales volume, sales revenue, price, gross profit and gross margin

9.8.4 Corning's corporate development strategy

9.9 DWK Life

9.9.1 DWK Life基本情况

9.9.2 Introduction to DWK Life's main products and services

9.9.3 DWK Life Vial Sales Volume, Sales Revenue, Price, Gross Profit and Gross Margin

9.9.4 DWK Life's corporate development strategy

9.10 E&K Scientific

9.10.1 E&K Scientific基本情况

9.10.2 Introduction to E&K Scientific's main products and services

9.10.3 E&K Scientific Vial Sales Volume, Sales Revenue, Price, Gross Profit and Gross Margin

9.10.4 E&K Scientific企业发展战略

9.11 Evergreen Scientific

9.11.1 Evergreen Scientific基本情况

9.11.2 Introduction to Evergreen Scientific's main products and services

9.11.3 Evergreen Scientific vial sales volume, sales revenue, price, gross profit and gross margin

9.11.4 Evergreen Scientific企业发展战略

9.12 EZ Bio Research

9.12.1 EZ Bio Research基本情况

9.12.2 Introduction to EZ Bio Research's main products and services

9.12.3 EZ Bio Research Vial Sales Volume, Sales Revenue, Price, Gross Profit and Gross Margin

9.12.4 EZ Bio Research企业发展战略

9.13 Incell Technologies

9.13.1 Incell Technologies基本情况

9.13.2 Incell Technologies主要产品和服务介绍

9.13.3 Incell Technologies冻存管销售量、销售收入、价格、毛利及毛利率

9.13.4 Incell Technologies企业发展战略

9.14 Sigma-Aldrich

9.14.1 Sigma-Aldrich基本情况

9.14.2 Introduction to Sigma-Aldrich's main products and services

9.14.3 Sigma-Aldrich vials sales volume, sales revenue, price, gross profit and gross margin

9.14.4 Sigma-Aldrich's corporate development strategy

9.15 Simport

9.15.1 Basic information about Simport

9.15.2 Introduction to Simport's main products and services

9.15.3 Simport vial sales volume, sales revenue, price, gross profit and gross margin

9.15.4 Simport Corporate Development Strategy

9.16 Starlab

9.16.1 Basic information about Starlab

9.16.2 Introduction to Starlab's main products and services

9.16.3 Starlab vial sales volume, sales revenue, price, gross profit and gross profit margin

9.16.4 Starlab's corporate development strategy

9.17 Sumitomo Bakelite

9.17.1 Sumitomo Bakelite基本情况

9.17.2 Introduction to Sumitomo Bakelite's main products and services

9.17.3 Sumitomo Bakelite Vial Sales Volume, Sales Revenue, Price, Gross Profit and Gross Margin

9.17.4 Sumitomo Bakelite's corporate development strategy

9.18 Thermo Fisher

9.18.1 Thermo Fisher基本情况

9.18.2 Introduction to Thermo Fisher's main products and services

9.18.3 Thermo Fisher Vials Sales, Revenue, Price, Gross Profit and Gross Margin

9.18.4 Thermo Fisher's Corporate Development Strategy

9.19 VWR

9.19.1 VWR Basic Information

9.19.2 Introduction to VWR's main products and services

9.19.3 VWR vial sales volume, sales revenue, price, gross profit and gross margin

9.19.4 VWR Corporate Development Strategy

9.20 Ziath

9.20.1 Basic Information on Ziath

9.20.2 Introduction to Ziath's main products and services

9.20.3 Ziath vial sales volume, sales revenue, price, gross profit and gross margin

9.20.4 Ziath's corporate development strategy

Chapter 10 Analysis of the development prospects and trends of China's cryopreservation tube industry

10.1 Driving factors for the development of China's cryopreservation tube industry

10.2 Constraints on the development of China's cryopreservation tube industry

10.3 Market development trend of China's cryopreservation tube industry

10.4 Development trend of the competition pattern of China's cryopreservation tube industry

10.5 Key Technology Development Trends of China's Cryopreservation Tube Industry

Chapter 11 Market Forecast of China's Cryogenic Tube Industry

11.1 Forecast of the market size of China's cryopreservation tube industry

11.2 Forecast of product segments in China's cryopreservation tube industry

11.2.1 Sales volume forecast of sub-products in China's cryopreservation tube industry

11.2.2 Sales Forecast of Segmented Products in China's Cryogenic Tube Industry

11.3 Forecast of the application field of cryopreservation tubes in China

11.3.1 Sales volume forecast of cryopreservation tubes in China by application field

11.3.2 China Cryopreservation Tube Sales Forecast by Application Segment

11.4 Forecast of sales prices of product categories in China's cryopreservation tube industry

Chapter 12 Evaluation of the Growth Value of China's Cryopreservation Tube Industry

12.1 Analysis of entry barriers to China's cryopreservation tube industry

12.2 Periodic assessment of the returns of China's cryopreservation tube industry

12.3 Hot spots in the development of China's cryopreservation tube industry

12.4 Suggestions on the development strategy of China's cryopreservation tube industry

Chapter 9 of the cryopreservation tube market research report is an analysis of the competitive landscape of cryopreservation tubes in China, which covers the basic situation of major enterprises in the industry, the introduction of main products and services, sales volume, sales revenue, price, gross profit and gross profit margin and other key data, as well as the analysis of enterprise development strategy. In addition, the report also analyzes the geographical distribution of China's major companies and the advantages and disadvantages of international competition, so as to help target companies identify the drivers and hindrances in the development of the industry, and pursue the advantages and avoid the disadvantages.

Through multi-angle and all-round investigation and analysis of China's cryopreservation tube industry, the cryopreservation tube industry report helps enterprises clearly understand the latest development status and future trends of China's cryopreservation tube industry, and deeply understands the value of the industry chain and market competition, helps enterprises better position their products and services, grasps market opportunities and development trends, and improves the core competitiveness of enterprises.

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