
I was 54 years old, and I suddenly found that before the body collapsed, there would be an alarm, and there were four signs to pay attention to

author:Sister Nuan Rice Grains
I was 54 years old, and I suddenly found that before the body collapsed, there would be an alarm, and there were four signs to pay attention to

Hello everyone! I'm Sister Mi Li! Welcome to my channel. Put a cup of hot tea and taste your fate with me.

Some time ago, I watched a news that a beautiful woman was unhappy with her husband. Then the two began a cold war. For two weeks, my husband didn't coax or apologize. She sulked, always felt unbalanced in her walking, and half of her face was numb. She was not in the mood to go to the doctor because she was angry, and after a few days, she suddenly had convulsions while sleeping. Calling her husband, her husband was still angry with her and pretended to sleep. Early the next morning, her husband found out that she had died.

This video is very infuriating, but after the age of fifty, the body will really call the police, we must know how to manage these early warnings, timely maintenance, and the rest of our lives will be smooth and healthy. Everyone's tasting.


If each of us has deviations in our thinking and behavior, we should pay attention. This could be an early warning from the brain.

My colleague's mother is 59 years old, and there was a time when she went to the supermarket to buy groceries and often got lost and couldn't find her way home, but she recovered in a few seconds. Cooking is also out of order, and when stir-frying, you will be wrong about stir-frying meat first and then putting vegetables. The family felt that it was inappropriate, so they went to Beijing, and after examination, it was found to be a brain tumor. After the surgery, everything is fine now.

If there is an obvious deviation in thinking, such as language organization ability, behavior ability, and recognition ability, timely maintenance will not cause major problems.

Weakness in walking.

The legs are the roots of people, and the body will be healthy when the roots are solid. If you have a feeling of weakness in your legs and walk unbalancedly, don't be careless at this time and seek medical attention in time.

People grow old before their legs, and I have seen old people wear cotton pants in summer. Because of the loss of muscle, the strength decreases, and the leg will feel weak.

After the age of fifty, if you have three highs, your body will have leg weakness, and you will walk like stepping on cotton, so you really need to rest in time. No carelessness.

I was 54 years old, and I suddenly found that before the body collapsed, there would be an alarm, and there were four signs to pay attention to

My body always feels tired and I can't rest.

After a long day at work, fatigue will appear, and this is the time to rest in bed for a while and eat some food. After a short rest, the tiredness will disappear. But if rest doesn't improve either, it's important to pay attention to it.

The body is a very delicate instrument, and the feeling of tiredness may be a problem with the body. Take timely rest.

Emotional instability, inexplicable grievances.

When the body is in a weak state, there will be mood fluctuations, which is the self-preservation of the body. But a prolonged depression can be an alarm for the body.

I was in menopause, and for a while, I was always reminiscing about the bad past, and I was in a very low mood. During that time, the body was very sensitive and often had allergies. Later, endocrine disorders appeared, and menstruation did not stop. I went to Beijing several times to recover.

Emotional instability indicates that the body is also in a state of internal chaos. At this stage, it is necessary to rest in time.

I was 54 years old, and I suddenly found that before the body collapsed, there would be an alarm, and there were four signs to pay attention to

After the age of fifty, each of us should pay attention to ourselves, understand ourselves, and have regular conversations with ourselves. Do five things well every day. The rest of your life is fine.

First, check the physical examination on time.

After the age of 50, you must ensure that you have a physical examination once a year. Blood lipids should be tested for half a year. Don't feel like a medical exam is useless.

I was diagnosed with a high LDL of 3.8 during menopause, and then conditioning and exercise were added to get through this hurdle. If you don't have a physical examination, you may have a problem, and then it will be too late to regret it.

Second, lie less in bed.

Lying on the bed seems to be resting, but it is not. If you stay at home for a long time during the holidays, you will be bored.

The real rest is to read a book, to get in touch with nature, to go out of the house, no matter what you do, as long as you go out, the spirit will return. Then there is the endless energy.

Third, don't swipe your phone for a long time.

Overuse of the eyes is very draining on the body, and energy is dissipated in the eyes. It is bad for health.

I used to have a problem, I would get up in the morning to brush my phone and watch videos for a while, and sometimes I couldn't help but feel that time passed. After waking up, I feel tired, I can't pay attention, and my work efficiency is not high.

When I realized this problem, I began to quit this problem, and when I woke up, I ironed my eyes, rubbed my body, and then enjoyed the flowers, and I was full of energy. There is no slacking off.

Fourth, regular work and rest, so that the quality of sleep is high.

A colleague of mine before she retired was hooked on dramas after she retired. Zhen Huan watched it over and over again. It will be seen late at night every day. I slept until noon the next day and didn't wake up.

Because of her irregular sleep all year round, her weight has risen dramatically. Bags under the eyes are noticeable and the skin is sagging. Looks a lot older than my peers.

Regular work and rest, and having a good night's sleep are actually beauty that doesn't cost money.

I was 54 years old, and I suddenly found that before the body collapsed, there would be an alarm, and there were four signs to pay attention to

Fifth, eat modestly and put an end to overeating.

After the age of fifty, we all reach the age of maturity and know what to do and what not to do.

Diet is the body's gas station, and what to add is up to you. Therefore, the diet should be balanced, and not too much and not not without. It is important to eat a balanced diet.

After the age of fifty, each of us should pay attention to health, and human life is only once. Cherish and love well, and you will live with dignity for the rest of your life. Everyone said that this is not the case.

Everyone, give it a thumbs up! Thank you!

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