
Yuanzun: Zhou Yuan blessed the lotus seal for the Tianyuan pen, and broke the defense Taixuan with one blow! The final collision took it to the next level

author:The Little Prince of King Elite Comics

Chapter 610 (II) of the "Genzun" manga has been updated. When the blood-colored aura trapped Zhou Yuan in it, despair and worry resurfaced on the side of the Heavenly Army.

No one expected that Taixuan would have a Lotus Seal Saint Source Soldier in his hands! Such holy relics, even in the hands of the saints, are all divine weapons, which shows how much effort the saint clan has spent in order to obtain the stone dragon secret realm this time!

Zhou Yuan looked around, and with the rotation of the blood ring, there was an extremely terrifying energy eroding him, which was extremely dangerous. His sleeve robe shook, and the purple gold source qi continued to bombard upward, but it only caused ripples, but failed to break it.

Tai Xuan sneered, the power of the lotus seal was not something that an ant like Zhou Yuan could compete with.

Yuanzun: Zhou Yuan blessed the lotus seal for the Tianyuan pen, and broke the defense Taixuan with one blow! The final collision took it to the next level

Zhou Yuan immediately replied, what are you pretending, it's just a lotus seal blessed by a sage, and it doesn't really have the power of a sage, at most it will be used this time. Taixuan pretended to be at this time, nothing more than to put psychological pressure on him and let him show his flaws.

Tai Xuan was a little surprised when he heard this, thinking that Zhou Yuan's eyesight was quite sharp, but so what, the pseudo-lotus seal was also a lotus seal. Zhou Yuan raised his hand and made a move, and at the same time as the Tianyuan pen flew in, a drop of essence blood was injected into it.

Taixuan didn't want to give Zhou Yuan any more time, and urged the blood ring to the extreme with all his might, and the blood ring quickly contracted inward, wanting to turn him into blood.

Yuanzun: Zhou Yuan blessed the lotus seal for the Tianyuan pen, and broke the defense Taixuan with one blow! The final collision took it to the next level

Zhou Yuan was indifferent, even if there was no sage blessing the lotus seal for him, he could actually do it! Qiankun ascends the dragon's qi, ascends the dragon and conquers the sky! The bright light burst out from the blood ring, and this power swept in all directions like thousands of volcanoes erupting in unison, and the blood ring attached to the lotus seal was directly stretched out!

Purple gold light swept across the sky, and the sky seemed to be split in two. Tai Xuan directly and quickly retreated, and his face changed drastically, he had infinite doubts and disbelief in his heart, how could Zhou Yuan have the ability to directly destroy this Lotus Seal Saint Source Soldier?

No one solved his puzzles, Zhou Yuan followed Taixuan step by step, and the black pen in his hand fluttered lightly! It seemed that it was powerless to strike at once, but it directly pierced the entire space, and an incomparably wide dark deep mark remained in the space.

Yuanzun: Zhou Yuan blessed the lotus seal for the Tianyuan pen, and broke the defense Taixuan with one blow! The final collision took it to the next level

Taixuan finally saw that there was also a lotus seal on Zhou Yuan's Tianyuan pen, which made him even more incredible, his lotus seal was also blessed, but Zhou Yuan was obviously not a saint, how could he have such a means?

Taixuan tried everything to defend, but all of them were forcibly ignored by the Tianyuan pen, the purple gold torrent ran through, and all the ghost faces and iron walls were shattered everywhere he passed, and the indescribable explosion was in full bloom, and everyone looked at this scene deadly, hoping to see the result clearly.

Taixuan! Hit into the ground with a blow and buried by a boulder! No one expected that Taixuan, who had been almost invincible before, forcing everyone in the Heavenly Army to flee, was actually cleaned up by Zhou Yuan!

Looking at the emaciated and tall figure in the air, everyone's eyes became extremely hot, even hot.

Yuanzun: Zhou Yuan blessed the lotus seal for the Tianyuan pen, and broke the defense Taixuan with one blow! The final collision took it to the next level
Yuanzun: Zhou Yuan blessed the lotus seal for the Tianyuan pen, and broke the defense Taixuan with one blow! The final collision took it to the next level

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