
Before Zhang Xueliang died, why did he donate his estate to the United States? The inheritance left by Yu Fengzhi was not given to his children

author:Winter melon talk history
Before Zhang Xueliang died, why did he donate his estate to the United States? The inheritance left by Yu Fengzhi was not given to his children

Text: Winter melon

Edit|Winter melon

In 1994, Zhang Xueliang decided to live permanently in Hawaii. It was the last few years of his life, and it was also the most rare leisure time. On January 28, 1995, Zhang Xueliang once wrote a lyrical poem: "White hair urges people to grow old, and false names mislead people." The Lord is gracious to the heavens, and rich is like floating clouds. ”

As a man of the year in China, Zhang Xueliang has always been controversial. Some people believe that when he faced the Japanese invasion, he chose to "not resist" and was a national sinner. Some people also believe that he forced Chiang to resist Japan in the "Xi'an Incident" and was a national hero who focused on the overall situation.

Zhang Xueliang cannot have the right to decide on these evaluations. But as a property in his name, he is free to dispose of it. However, Zhang Xueliang's deathbed decision caused him to fall into trouble again.

Before Zhang Xueliang died, why did he donate his estate to the United States? The inheritance left by Yu Fengzhi was not given to his children

Photo: Zhang Xueliang

1. Zhang Xueliang, who values righteousness over profit

Zhang Xueliang's original industry came from his father Zhang Zuolin.

At the beginning of Zhang Zuolin's business in Northeast China, he had shares in the Badaohao Coal Mine in Montenegro. Later, because the mine owner Liu Jiashan was unable to repay his debts, he gave the coal mine to Zhang Zuolin.

From 1922 onwards, Zhang Zuolin entrusted Yan Tingrui and Wang Zhengfu to manage the mine. Due to the continuous investment of the Zhang family, the output of coal mines has increased day by day. Later, it could reach dozens of tons of raw coal per day, and the profits were quite huge.

This industry continued until the "918 Incident".

On the eve of the First Zhifeng War, Zhang Zuolin's industry expanded from Northeast China to North China. In 1919, he bought a small building in the British Concession. At this time, he found that there was a very good company in Tianjin, which was Tianjin Hengyuan Textile Co., Ltd. This is the largest textile company in North China, which was in trouble due to a shortage of funds and a tight supply and marketing of products.

Zhang Zuolin thought it was profitable, so he spent a huge amount of money to buy shares. Soon after, most of the company's shares were owned by Zhang, and Hengyuan Company was exclusively operated by him.

In 1924, after the victory of the Second Zhifeng War, Zhang Zuolin withdrew all the shares from Hengyuan Company, and then built the first Fengtian spinning factory in Northeast China in Shenyang.

During his reign in Northeast China, Zhang Zuolin also had shares in large and small enterprises such as the Tycoon Iron Factory, the Northeast Bank, the Datong Railway, the Fenghai Railway, and the Huilin Match Company.

Before Zhang Xueliang died, why did he donate his estate to the United States? The inheritance left by Yu Fengzhi was not given to his children

Photo: Zhang Zuolin

In the later period, Zhang Zuolin began to pay attention to real estate development. In addition to properties in Shenyang and other places, such as the famous Da Nanmen, Beiling and Xiaoheyan, he also bought summer villas in Dalian Laohutan and Yanggangzi in Liaoning.

In 1925, Zhang Zuolin went to Tianjin to buy a villa. In 1926, he also bought a villa in the palace of Shuncheng County in Beijing as his trip to Beijing.

Since 1928, Zhang Xueliang's son has inherited his father's business. Unlike his father, who amassed personal wealth, he paid more attention to managing the financial profits and losses of the region, and did not care whether he had private property.

Zhang Xueliang relied on the salary due to the commander-in-chief of the security of the three eastern provinces every year, as well as the inheritance left by his father during his lifetime. Because of negligent management, some commercial properties of Zhang Zuolin were left behind by Zhang Xueliang.

In 1920, Zhang Zuolin acquired 4 million hectares of land in Tailai County, Heilongjiang Province, and partnered with the head of the Japanese consortium, Okura Hachiro, to open a company, mainly engaged in grain and native products in Northeast China, as well as unique animal husbandry, which is also one of the economic sources of the Zhang family.

In addition, when Zhang Zuolin was in power, he also did business in the Kanto coastal area. In 1919, Zhang Zuolin invested 300,000 Northeast coins to help Zhang Benzheng's company tide over the difficulties. Later, Zhang Zuolin bought shares with 200,000 Northeast coins, which also became another major income of the Zhang family.

In 1928, Zhang Zuolin died, and Zhang Benzheng's steamship company never cut off the dividends to the Zhang family. In 1929, after Zhang Xueliang came to power, he terminated his relationship with the steamship company and also recovered his father's former investment.

Before Zhang Xueliang died, why did he donate his estate to the United States? The inheritance left by Yu Fengzhi was not given to his children

Photo: Zhang Benzheng

After 1930, Zhang Xueliang, who held two military and political powers, rarely bought property for himself.

After the "918 Incident" in 1931, the Japanese Kwantung Army broke into the Marshal Zhang's Mansion at the Great South Gate of Shenyang, and looted all the valuables in Zhang Xueliang's old mansion and the antiques and celebrity calligraphy and paintings that he had carefully treasured for many years.

After that, the commander-in-chief of the Japanese Kwantung Army, General Honjo Shigeru, sent troops to transport Zhang Xueliang's private property to Beiping by two trains.

Subsequently, Honzhuang Fan's envoy came to see Zhang Xueliang and was scolded by him. Then, Zhang Xueliang demanded that the other party transport his private property back to Shenyang, otherwise he would burn the train in protest.

Even after decades, Zhang Xueliang is still haunted by this matter.

In the summer of 1990, when Zhang Xueliang was interviewed by Japanese TV in Taipei, he once said this:

Shigeru Honjo brought my private property to a train and wrote me a letter. When I received the letter, I told him: I will not accept my things, and I will never accept them. I am a soldier, and I am not fighting to protect my private property, and if you treat me like this, it is tantamount to humiliating me. I said to the visitor, you must transport the things back, I can put them in my house, and if you don't take them back, I will set fire to them at the Beijing railway station.

In the end, Honjo had no choice but to order someone to transport Zhang Xueliang's private property back to Shenyang. However, this private property, which should have belonged to Zhang Xueliang, was finally stolen and divided by the Japanese.

Before Zhang Xueliang died, why did he donate his estate to the United States? The inheritance left by Yu Fengzhi was not given to his children

Photo: Honjo Shige

2. Why don't you donate your inheritance to Taiwan?

Some people may wonder why Zhang Xueliang did not donate his property to Taiwan later.

You must know that after the founding of New China, the ruler of Taiwan was the Chiang family. The relationship between Chiang Kai-shek and Zhang Xueliang is microsecondary. During the Central Plains War, he once sought Zhang Xueliang with a heavy promise, only to gain his support and successfully stabilize the situation.

After the Xi'an Incident, because of Zhang Xueliang and other soldiers, Jiang had no choice but to choose to resist Japan. Although Chiang's approach was in line with the general interests of the nation, he did not want to do so in his heart. Therefore, he hated Zhang Xueliang to the core.

After the "Xi'an Incident", Zhang Xueliang not only lost his status as the "King of the Northeast", but also offended Chiang Kai-shek. He remained under house arrest for nearly 50 years.

In the past, the young marshal not only lived a luxurious life, but was also respected everywhere. Since the house arrest, although he still has no worries about food and clothing, he has been restricted everywhere. It is not easy to spend nearly 50 years under house arrest like this.

Zhang Xueliang also laughed at himself that if Chiang Kai-shek lived for one day, he would not be free. No matter how magnanimous and broad-minded he is, in the face of Jiang's treatment like this, it is understandable that he does not repay his grievances with virtue.

Therefore, the legacy of Zhang Xueliang's posthumous cloth silk in Taiwan can still be understood by outsiders.

Some people may be puzzled, why did Zhang Xueliang's inheritance not be donated to the mainland after his death?

In fact, since Zhang Xueliang was detained by Chiang Kai-shek, he has been rescued many times. In order to prevent Zhang Xueliang from being rescued, Chiang Kai-shek secretly transferred him many times.

Zhang Xueliang has been detained on several occasions. For example, Nanjing, Huangshan, Chenzhou, Fenghua, Pingxiang, Yuanling and Xifeng. In the end, he was taken to Taiwan by Chiang Kai-shek.

Before Zhang Xueliang died, why did he donate his estate to the United States? The inheritance left by Yu Fengzhi was not given to his children

Photo: Zhang Xueliang

The long period of isolation from the world has made Zhang Xueliang's contact with the outside world less and less, and his relationship with the mainland has become weaker and weaker.

It was not until 1990, when the Jiang family was no longer in power, that Zhang Xueliang regained his freedom. said that it was "freedom", Zhang Xueliang had to be restricted everywhere. Although the Taiwan side promised that he could choose whether to return to the mainland or not, he could not move around at will at that time.

So, Zhang Xueliang chose the United States as his first stop after leaving Taiwan. After that, he went to the United States to visit relatives. In the following five years, he continued to travel back and forth between Taiwan and the United States, but he never set foot in the embrace of his homeland.

After 1994, Zhang Xueliang finally chose to settle in Hawaii in the United States, and spent the last part of his life here. At that time, he was already an old man, and he no longer cared about things outside his body.

In fact, not only after old age, Zhang Xueliang when he was young was far from paying as much attention and attention to his father Zhang Zuolin as he did about personal private property.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War in 1945, a group of old friends of Zhang Xueliang in Beiping saw that the Zhang family's property was unacceptable, and decided that Peng Xiangting should write a letter to Song Ziwen in Nanjing, asking Song Ziwen to come out and implore Chiang Kai-shek to return Zhang Xueliang.

Because of Song Ziwen's mediation, Jiang quickly agreed.

In February 1946, Zhang Xueliang had been imprisoned by Chiang Kai-shek for ten years. At this time, Peng Xiangting asked Mo Dehui, a veteran of the Northeast, to personally go to Guizhou, where Zhang Xueliang was imprisoned, to convey the intention of returning the property.

Before Zhang Xueliang died, why did he donate his estate to the United States? The inheritance left by Yu Fengzhi was not given to his children

Photo: Zhang Guanying (also known as Zhang Shoufang stills)

Zhang Xueliang originally regarded things outside his body as if he were idle, but in view of his friend's hospitality, he wrote a letter to his sister Zhang Guanying in Xi'an:

As for the matter of the Property Liquidation Committee, I would like to explain one thing now: This was initiated by the friends of Pingjin's predecessors, with their good intentions, and they also stated to the highest authorities that Peng Xiangting and others had written to me and told me what to do. I have replied to them and told them to understand. A committee has been organized, and Song Ziwen and Zhang Fushuai have been designated as the final decision-making powers.

Song is my best friend, and Zhang is our father. With Song as the chairman, he was given full powers. In addition, you will designate family members and several relatives, and you will also be one of the committee members.

Shaanxi's real estate industry is hard for you, I have to thank you, I want to explain: Xianyang and Pingliang City outside the city of a piece of land is my private, now please do not have to inquire. The Pingliang land is not my private property, but it is a house and production that I am going to give to my dependents in exile in the northeast.

I don't know exactly how much or where it is. In addition to what my dad left behind, I bought my own houses, land, or stocks, etc., either for fun or to help my friends.

I've never paid much attention to them.

If anyone is deliberately deceiving, then I am not reconciled. I have always held the principle of Chu Gong Chu De, and I hope you will do the same. We won't starve to death, even if we starve to death, we should be 'mobs and riots', and we don't know how many sins we have done. If I compete with others for money and money, then I will not do it.

I am now reminded of a poem by Zhang Jiangling, recorded by you, how atmospheric you see! Thousands of miles of books for a wall, let him a few feet what, the Great Wall is still there, I don't see Qin Shi Huang back then. People should be like this...

Shigara Tekanade

May 30

From Zhang Xueliang's letter to his sister, it can be seen that he is very open-minded about property.

Back then, when Zhang Xueliang was in Shenyang and Beiping, he not only paid attention to the appreciation of private property, but also often used his family's money to help the people. In addition, he has donated money to Tongze Middle School, Xinmin Primary School and Northeastern University.

Before Zhang Xueliang died, why did he donate his estate to the United States? The inheritance left by Yu Fengzhi was not given to his children

Photo: Northeastern University

3. Why donate to the United States?

Zhang Xueliang loves to collect ancient and modern calligraphy and paintings, which is his biggest personal expense.

Although Zhang Xueliang was detained by the Kuomintang military commander's spies for many years, when he retired with the rank of general or above, he should have received a huge pension, but he was unreasonably withheld by the military commander's spies.

Zhang Xueliang has had no financial resources for many years, but for many years of detention he has always carried precious books and ancient calligraphy and paintings with him. Most of these precious cultural relics were brought to Xi'an, Beiping, Fenghua, Chongqing, Hunan, Guizhou and other places from his hometown in Northeast China, and later brought to Taiwan.

In 1994, Zhang Xueliang decided to live permanently in Hawaii, USA. In April of that year, he commissioned his niece Chang Luzhi in Taiwan to bring a collection of his former home in Taipei to Southby for auction.

Zhang Xueliang's collection of calligraphy, paintings, calligraphy, poems and other cultural relics for many years are mostly the hands of famous mainland painters and literati during the Ming and Qing dynasties and the Republic of China. For example, painters Xie Yuan, Wu Daozi, Xu Wei, Zheng Banqiao, etc. The collection of books has the most abundant works by the thinkers Wang Yangming and Huang Zongxi of the Ming and Qing dynasties, all of which are rare and unique books.

Among these books in Zhang Xueliang's collection, there are basically eyebrow criticisms written by Zhang Xueliang himself. In 1993, on the eve of Zhang Xueliang's departure to the United States, he donated about 2,000 books to the library of Tunghai University in Taiwan free of charge.

After arriving in Hawaii, Zhang Xueliang still kept the last precious collections by his side. Even in the United States, he was in dire need of money, and he was reluctant to sell it.

In 1995, when Zhang Xueliang was interviewed by Columbia University in Hawaii about his oral history, he learned that the university had plans to open a "study" pavilion for him and Zhao Yidi. After careful consideration, he donated the last collection he brought with him to Columbia University for free to open an exhibition hall.

The collection includes the "History of the Ming Dynasty" solitary and rare books, as well as the "History of the Ming Dynasty", the handwritten letters given to him by the Kuomintang military commanders, as well as the poems, calligraphy and paintings, family letters, seals between close friends such as Zhang Qun, Zhang Daqian, He Shili, etc., as well as various treasures of Ms. Zhao Yidi.

Before Zhang Xueliang died, why did he donate his estate to the United States? The inheritance left by Yu Fengzhi was not given to his children

Zhao Yidi and Zhang Xueliang in their later years

Some people may wonder why Zhang Xueliang chose to donate the last batch of collectibles to the United States? Why don't you donate it to your hometown, at least you can keep some for your children?

In fact, Zhang Xueliang has gone through many years of ups and downs, and he does not have too high requirements for his children, he only hopes that they are safe. Perhaps because he didn't want his children to have anything to do with him, he chose to donate all his inheritance. In the end, he chose to stay in the United States, where he had always lived.

In fact, a considerable part of Zhang Xueliang's property belongs to his wife Yu Fengzhi.

Back then, before Yu Fengzhi passed away, he left all his life savings to Zhang Xueliang. Perhaps, she is still in love with Zhang Xueliang. Although the two have divorced, she still hopes to be buried with him after her death.

After Zhang Xueliang died, he neither buried with Yu Fengzhi, nor did he give half of the property left to him by his ex-wife to his children. Whether it is for Feng Zhi or for their children, it is a little unfair.


The Si people are gone, and the past and the world are all locked in the carriage of history. Although Zhang Xueliang treated his ex-wife Yu Fengzhi a little resolutely. But men and women who are trapped in love, how can there be "fairness" at all.

Whether it is Yu Fengzhi, Zhao Yidi, or Zhang Xueliang, they are all in their own positions and have made the most suitable choice for themselves.

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