
I can't laugh anymore! The Tianlong-3 rocket fell, netizens: China has private rockets? Knowledge increased


Recently, Henan Gongyi became famous, the reason is that the Tianlong-3 rocket accidentally lifted off and fell without any accidents, but fortunately, there were no casualties and the fire was extinguished.

According to the official response: during the test run, a sub-stage rocket ignited normally, and the engine thrust reached 820 tons, due to the failure of the structure of the connection between the rocket body and the test bench, a sub-stage rocket broke away from the launch pad, and the computer on the rocket was actively shut down after liftoff, which led to the accident.

I can't laugh anymore! The Tianlong-3 rocket fell, netizens: China has private rockets? Knowledge increased

That is, when the thrust was tested, the test bench was not pulled, which led to the unexpected launch of the rocket, and the project cost hundreds of millions of dollars, and a firework was released, and your company was considered to have suffered heavy losses.

After reading the report, netizens were amazed not by the rocket explosion, but by the fact that this project was actually done by a private enterprise.

Some netizens said: "Actually, if it hadn't been blown up, I wouldn't have known that there were civilian rockets in our country"

Some netizens said: "Huh... Nenhenan has already begun to launch rockets on its own? What about the province of Nenrang Beli"

I can't laugh anymore! The Tianlong-3 rocket fell, netizens: China has private rockets? Knowledge increased

Some netizens said: "What else is there in this Henan that is hidden from Henan people? There are even private rocket launches. ”

Although the rocket exploded, many Henan people said that it was their pride.

Although the results are not very good, many people still give encouragement, hoping that this commercial rocket can also be better and better for the benefit of the people, after all, failure is the mother of success.

In addition, some netizens said: "Although I don't want to hit private rockets, isn't it a bit dangerous for you to launch them on the edge of the city?" ”

I can't laugh anymore! The Tianlong-3 rocket fell, netizens: China has private rockets? Knowledge increased

This means that it falls in the mountains, and if it falls in a residential area, it will be worth it. And according to local villagers, in some places the glass was shattered.

At the same time, some netizens said that netizens questioned whether they had a rocket launch license. But more netizens still have an encouraging attitude towards it.

I hope that they can make persistent efforts to vigorously develop the rocket industry under the premise of ensuring the safety of the people around them!

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