
Dean Chuanmei sent a message to the graduates: "Focus" can help you overcome obstacles that you dare not face

author:Fengxiang Procuratorate

"If you have lofty ambitions, you must step thousands of miles, have no distractions, and you need to be a pawn." On June 29th, at the graduation ceremony of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Jiao Xingtao, the dean of Sichuan Fine Arts, sent a message to the graduates, taking daily progress and daily classes as the goal.

Dean Chuanmei sent a message to the graduates: "Focus" can help you overcome obstacles that you dare not face

What is the value of art? Jiao Xingtao said that for such an "old" question, every era and every society will give a common and new answer. From "the beauty of each beauty, the beauty of the beauty", and then to "the beauty of the world, the world is the same", this is the value of beauty, but also the goal of art.

Dean Chuanmei sent a message to the graduates: "Focus" can help you overcome obstacles that you dare not face

Jiao Xingtao said that not every graduate student will necessarily become an artist or designer, but you are fully capable of becoming a creative and innovative worker in this era. In recent years, the vigorous development of art to empower rural revitalization, urban community art related to urban renewal and social governance, art therapy linked to mental health, and social aesthetic education to synergize with the shaping of common values have all become new fields of art today.

Dean Chuanmei sent a message to the graduates: "Focus" can help you overcome obstacles that you dare not face

"If there is no occupation of the 'past' waiting for us, then we will create a new career for the future!"

He said that great art always begins with dreams, and achievements are achieved in the determination and persistence of diligently.

Imagine you're a rookie who has just gotten your driver's license, and you're about to be driven over a steep mountain with rugged roads and abysses, and it's hard to muster up the courage. If it's at night, the headlights only make your eyes visible to the road 50 meters in front of the car, you just need to focus on the road in front of you, and when the dawn comes, you will look back and you will have quietly overcome the obstacles that you didn't even dare to face before. It suddenly turned out that rat eyes are not exactly a derogatory term in such a situation. Aiming high, you must take thousands of miles, have no distractions, and you need to take the daily progress and daily lessons as the goal, many problems that are difficult to solve at this moment and obstacles that are difficult to overcome will become a passing cloud in the face of firm willingness.

Dean Chuanmei sent a message to the graduates: "Focus" can help you overcome obstacles that you dare not face

"I saw a tutor on the Internet say that if you want to give students a graduation gift that doesn't cost money, the ideal is the best choice!" Jiao Xingtao said that for the students who are about to leave the school, in addition to knowledge, youth and dreams, it is also a gift of life that you can have fairly.

Dean Chuanmei sent a message to the graduates: "Focus" can help you overcome obstacles that you dare not face

"I hope that my dear students will uphold their beliefs, believe in art, have a lofty mind, and walk hard, and create their own beautiful future across mountains and seas in empathy with the people, the country, and the times!" Jiao Xingtao said.

Source: Upstream News

Producer|Yu Yingbo

Editor|Li Mengzhu