
In front of the Chinese side, the Philippine friendly Chinese faction wept, and China-Philippines relations stood on the precipice, and the broken ship had run out of food

author:Xu Liang

As the confrontation in the South China Sea intensifies, the Philippines is already in danger of fighting, Philippine friends and Chinese people are crying on the spot, Ren'ai Jiao has been broken and without food for 30 days, and China's patience has run out, how should Marcos end?

On June 28, Beijing held a commemorative event to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the publication of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, and Lambino, chairman of the Philippine Association for Chinese Understanding, attended the event, Lambino said at the scene that the Philippines dismantled the US military base in the country in the 90s of the last century, and now the US military base in the Philippines has increased to 9, and the Filipinos have begun to worry about the war. Rambino said he didn't want to see his country become a battlefield, and when it came to emotion, Rambino burst into tears. As a friendly person to China, Lamino not only pays close attention to Sino-Philippine relations, but is also an out-and-out "China expert"; he visited China 16 times last year and 6 times this year, and he also said that there are many Filipinos who love China. Rambino wept in front of the Chinese representatives, on the one hand, because of his love and concern for his country, and on the other hand, it also showed that China-Philippines relations have stood on the edge of a cliff.

In front of the Chinese side, the Philippine friendly Chinese faction wept, and China-Philippines relations stood on the precipice, and the broken ship had run out of food

Since the outbreak of a new round of dispute between China and the Philippines, the Marcos administration has repeatedly changed its attitude on the South China Sea issue. After being ignored by China, he claimed that the Ren'ai Jiao friction was a "misunderstanding and accident" and said that the "US-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty" would not be considered. Subsequently, the Philippine foreign minister said that he was willing to resolve the maritime issue through dialogue, but just recently, the Philippines and the US military held a joint military exercise near Luzon Island, and the vacillating behavior of the Marcos administration is in the same vein as the denial of the "gentlemen's agreement", which not only seriously damaged the national credibility of the Philippines, but also cast a shadow on the communication and negotiations between China and the Philippines.

In front of the Chinese side, the Philippine friendly Chinese faction wept, and China-Philippines relations stood on the precipice, and the broken ship had run out of food

In the face of the provocative actions of the United States and the Philippines, China has stepped up its military deployment in the South China Sea, and on the basis of dispatching 071 and 075 amphibious warships to garrison Xianbin Reef, three 055 destroyers have left the South China Sea to hold military exercises, and the Shandong aircraft carrier formation has gone all the way south to the waters near the Philippines. Generally speaking, the number of PLA warships and coast guard ships gathered in the South China Sea is very staggering, and if the Philippines makes any abnormal moves, China's military power in the South China Sea has the strength to sweep away. At the same time as the PLA's actions, the US military's "Rim of the Pacific" military exercise has also kicked off, with more than 20 countries devoting more than 20,000 troops to participate in the exercise, and the United States has also taken out a quasi-aircraft carrier with a displacement of more than 40,000 tons as a target ship.

In front of the Chinese side, the Philippine friendly Chinese faction wept, and China-Philippines relations stood on the precipice, and the broken ship had run out of food

In this context, once China and the United States go off the rails, it will be difficult for the Philippines to stand alone, and the nine military bases open to the US military will become the fuse of the battlefield and the first target of the PLA, and the Marcos authorities will lead the Philippines to the abyss. Taking a step back, even if there is no showdown between the Chinese and US militaries, the broken ship that is currently "beached" at Ren'ai Jiao has been without food for more than 30 days, and the personnel stationed on the ship can only fish to survive. No matter from which point of view, the advantage is in the hands of China, and the Philippines is already doomed to stir up trouble on China's home turf.

In front of the Chinese side, the Philippine friendly Chinese faction wept, and China-Philippines relations stood on the precipice, and the broken ship had run out of food

For the Marcos administration, what needs to be done now is to cut ties with the US side as soon as possible and return to the framework of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea as soon as possible, and it is not too late.