
CCG was invited to participate in the 28th European Forum to discuss China-EU relations after the EU elections

author:Center for Globalization (CCG)
CCG was invited to participate in the 28th European Forum to discuss China-EU relations after the EU elections

From June 20 to June 22, local time, at the moment of global attention shortly after the conclusion of the 2024 EU Parliament elections, Wang Huiyao, Chairman of the Center for Globalization (CCG), and Miao Lu, Secretary-General, participated in the 28th European Forum held in the Wachau region of Austria. The three-day forum, with the theme of "Restarting Europe", was attended by many distinguished figures from the fields of politics, business, culture, media and diplomacy, including Austrian Chancellor Nehammer, EU Foreign Ministers and Chinese Ambassador to Austria Qi Mei, to have in-depth dialogues and exchanges on the EU's development path after the 2024 European Parliament elections and how to give Europe new impetus.

CCG was invited to participate in the 28th European Forum to discuss China-EU relations after the EU elections

This year's forum focused on topics such as "The Importance of Knowledge Transfer as a Foundation for Prosperity", "Talents in Action – International Careers in Science and Research", "Western Balkan Countries Joining the European Union", "Changing Perspectives: Women's Perspectives on Europe's Future", "Europe in China-US Relations", and investment issues in healthcare, digitalization, aerospace and other fields. Opening remarks were delivered by Martin Eichtinger, President of the Wachau European Forum, Margit Göll, President of the Austrian Bundestag, Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for Budget and Administration of the European Commission, Martin Polaschek, Federal Minister of Education, Science and Research of Austria, Christina Egelund, Minister of Higher Education and Science and Technology of Denmark, and Amelie Groß, Vice President of the Austrian Federal Chamber of Economic Commerce. Austrian Chancellor Nehammer and Liechtenstein Prime Minister and Finance Minister Risch delivered speeches during the plenary session. The forum also presented an award to EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and EU Vice-President Josep Borrell, and Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg delivered a commendation speech.

CCG was invited to participate in the 28th European Forum to discuss China-EU relations after the EU elections
CCG was invited to participate in the 28th European Forum to discuss China-EU relations after the EU elections

On the 22nd, following the keynote speech delivered by former British Prime Minister Theresa May and the in-depth exchange with former German Foreign Minister Gabriel on the future of Europe, CCG Chairman Wang Huiyao attended the Global Expert Meeting on the theme of "Europe in China-US Relations" as the only guest speaker from China, sharing insights on China-EU trade and other regional hot issues. Panelists included Daniel Gros, Director of the European Institute for Decision Studies at Bocconi University in Germany, and David O. Shullman, Senior Director of the Global China Center at the Atlantic Society.

CCG was invited to participate in the 28th European Forum to discuss China-EU relations after the EU elections
CCG was invited to participate in the 28th European Forum to discuss China-EU relations after the EU elections

In response to the EU's question on imposing tariffs on China, Chairman Wang Huiyao said that countries should be cautious in handling trade disputes and reducing trade barriers. On the one hand, the world's overall capacity to combat climate change is far from enough, and the current investment is less than 30% of the required to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. On the other hand, in view of the tariffs and trade war initiated by then-US President Donald Trump in 2018, which seriously disrupted the global trade and economic order, China and the EU, as one of each other's largest trading partners, should strengthen dialogue and cooperation, properly handle trade disputes by reactivating the China-EU Comprehensive Agreement on Investment and other means, and jointly safeguard the freedom and openness of global trade.

CCG was invited to participate in the 28th European Forum to discuss China-EU relations after the EU elections

He also stressed that the imposition of tariffs on China will have a negative impact on many European companies, and that Europe should not simply see China as a strategic rival, but should seek dialogue and cooperation to play a mediating role between China and the United States, rather than blindly following US policies. He called on China, the United States and the EU to cooperate on global issues such as climate security, food security and energy security, and jointly address the challenges of the times and improve the well-being of mankind. He then reviewed China's efforts to respond to the Ukraine crisis. He pointed out that not long ago, the "six-point consensus" on the Ukraine crisis jointly put forward by China and Brazil has been echoed by many countries in the world, and the message released by all China's diplomatic efforts is the same, that is, to persuade peace talks and promote political settlement, and is willing to continue to maintain contact and communication with relevant parties and play a constructive role in resolving the Ukraine crisis. Finally, he advocated resolving the problems between China and the United States through dialogue and consultation rather than confrontation and sanctions, promoting the sustained, stable and healthy development of China-US relations, and jointly opening up a better future.

Not long ago, the five-year European Parliament elections came to an end, and as the "weather vane" of European politics, the results of this election will have a profound impact on the future of the European Union. In this context, this year's Wachau Europe Forum is hosting a Forum of Women Ministers, inviting Karoline Edtstadler, Austrian Minister for European Union and Constitutional Affairs, Andreja Metelko Zgombić, State Secretary of the Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jennifer Carroll MacNeill, Minister of European Affairs and Defence of Ireland, Inês Domingos, State Secretary for European Affairs of Portugal, Romania's State Secretary for European Affairs, Daniela Grigore Gîtman, discussed topics such as the priorities of the new European Commission for 2024-2029.

CCG was invited to participate in the 28th European Forum to discuss China-EU relations after the EU elections
CCG was invited to participate in the 28th European Forum to discuss China-EU relations after the EU elections
CCG was invited to participate in the 28th European Forum to discuss China-EU relations after the EU elections
CCG was invited to participate in the 28th European Forum to discuss China-EU relations after the EU elections
CCG was invited to participate in the 28th European Forum to discuss China-EU relations after the EU elections
CCG was invited to participate in the 28th European Forum to discuss China-EU relations after the EU elections
CCG was invited to participate in the 28th European Forum to discuss China-EU relations after the EU elections

During the forum, CCG Chairman Wang Huiyao and CCG Secretary-General Miao Lu together with former British Prime Minister Theresa May, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and EU Vice President Josep Borrell, Chinese Ambassador to Austria Qi Mei, Minister Counsellor of the Chinese Embassy in Austria Yang Wenxu, as well as women ministers from Austria, Ireland, Portugal, Romania and Croatia, Lower Austria Governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner, and Forum Chair Martin Eichtinger and other guests took a group photo and exchanged.

CCG was invited to participate in the 28th European Forum to discuss China-EU relations after the EU elections
CCG was invited to participate in the 28th European Forum to discuss China-EU relations after the EU elections

The forum also featured the "Danube Salon", chaired by Sebastian Schäffer, Director of the Danube Institute for River Basin and Central Europe, with speeches by Johanna Mikl-Leitner, Governor of Lower Austria, and Karoline Edtstadler, Austrian Minister for European Union and Constitutional Affairs.

CCG was invited to participate in the 28th European Forum to discuss China-EU relations after the EU elections

In addition, CCG Chairman Wang Huiyao and CCG Secretary-General Miao Lu were invited by the Chairman of the Forum to participate in a well-known local open-air concert. This concert is not only full of ideas and artistry, but also shows rich cultural connotations. At the concert, Chairman Wang Huiyao and Secretary-General Miao Lu also met with Eoin O'Leary, former Ambassador of Ireland to China and current Ambassador to Austria.

CCG was invited to participate in the 28th European Forum to discuss China-EU relations after the EU elections

The Wachau Europe Forum is a platform for political, economic and cultural personalities from the countries of the Central and Eastern European region to exchange views on the European integration process and the development strategy of the Central and Eastern European region.

出席本届论坛的嘉宾还包括:塞尔维亚外交部部长Marko Đurić,阿尔巴尼亚外交部长Igli Hasani,黑山外交部长Filip Ivanović,波黑外交部长Elmedin Konaković,北马其顿外交部长Bujar Osmani,意大𳑱国际事务研究所主任Nathalie Tocci,格特维克修道院院长Rt. Rev. Columban Luser,克罗地亚商会秘书长及欧洲商会女性关系网主席Marina Rožić,保加利亚DA基金会反暴力联合会执行董事Milena Kadieva,罗马尼亚全国女性企业家联合会(CONAF)主席Christina Chiriac,摩尔多瓦战略沟通与打击虚假信息中心主任Ana Revenco,多瑙河流域与中欧研究所研究助理Sophia Beiter等。