
How does the tea industry use video account coupon codes for distribution?

author:Sesame QR code
How does the tea industry use video account coupon codes for distribution?

According to iiMedia Consulting research data, the scale of China's new tea market will reach 333.38 billion yuan in 2023 and is expected to reach 374.93 billion yuan in 2025.

In addition to Meituan, Douyin, and Kuaishou, the 500 million daily active video accounts provide new traffic and GMV growth opportunities for local merchants.

The process of merchants entering the local life group purchase of Channels is as follows:

1. Open a local life shop

If a merchant in the tea industry wants to lay out the local life of the video account, it needs to open a local life store.

"Open computer browser> "Open WeChat> "Scan QR code", > "Apply to open a store", and select the business type as "Local Life".

How does the tea industry use video account coupon codes for distribution?

The specific store opening process:

2. Put on the shelves for group buying goods

Merchants can list products in the backend of the official store or in the backend of the Sesame Channels assistant.

How does the tea industry use video account coupon codes for distribution?

Specific listing process:

3. Distribution of group purchase goods

3.1 Sharer binding

The official store background only has the sharer binding function, and there is no statistical sharer's promotion order and commission settlement functions, so you need to bind the sharer through Sesame Channels and set the distribution commission.

By setting up material rewards such as distribution commissions and dividends, it can motivate sharers to promote more actively and continue to bring traffic and sales to merchants.

How does the tea industry use video account coupon codes for distribution?

3.2 Set up affiliate commissions

In addition to setting commissions for sharers, you can also set a separate commission ratio for products. Enable the product commission, when the sharer promotes the product, the commission will be calculated according to the proportion of the product commission.

By setting the distribution ratio of goods and setting high commissions for the main products, the sharer will take the initiative to choose this product for promotion, thereby increasing the exposure and sales of the product, which is conducive to the creation of explosive products by merchants in the tea industry.

With clear commission income as a driving force, the sharer will work harder to urge consumers to complete the purchase and go to the store for verification, and ultimately increase the write-off rate of group purchase products.

How does the tea industry use video account coupon codes for distribution?

3.3 Share group purchase products

After the sharer is successfully bound, when the merchant creates a live broadcast preview but has not started the live broadcast yet, it will cooperate with the live broadcast appointment fission function of the Sesame Channels assistant to guide the sharer to forward the fission activity to attract more potential users to book the live broadcast, and at the same time, the users who have booked the live broadcast will be bound by the sharer, and then these users will place orders for verification, and the sharer will be able to get the commission.

At the beginning of the live broadcast, guide the sharer to forward the live broadcast room to WeChat and WeChat groups, and the user will watch the live broadcast and place an order, and then use the coupon code for verification, and the sharer can get the commission.

In addition to sharing live broadcast rooms, sharing short videos, windows, product detail pages, video account homepages, and official account articles with small store products can be rewarded with commissions.

3.4 Settlement of Distribution Commissions

For the tea industry, distribution commissions can only be earned after users purchase orders and are verified by the store/takeaway mini program.

In the "Sesame Store Distributor" mini program, the sharer can view all the details of his promotion orders and apply for commission withdrawal, and the commission will be credited to the account immediately after the merchant has passed the review.

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