
The 14-year-old prodigy went to Tsinghua University with a score of 750 and went to the United States to study for a doctorate "starving to death and not returning to China", the current situation is emotional

author:Bean sprouts mother parenting said

Hello, everyone, I'm a sprouts mother.

Some time ago, Dabao took the record of the mobile phone query and asked me to verify, is this girl really scoring 750 points in the college entrance examination? 750 points, isn't it a full score?

At that time, I glanced at the information and remembered several key pieces of information about her: He Biyu, 14 years old, 750 points, from Henan.

Dabao knows that I have been writing, and often writes some parenting stories and character biographies, and he has always strongly asked me to write about this perfect score, which is amazing.

Until recently, I checked and combed through her information, and found that this girl is really a god-like existence, with excellent IQ, entered the advanced experimental class at the age of 10, completed all the courses of high school in advance, took the college entrance examination at the age of 14, and was admitted to Tsinghua University with a full score.

She did not have the end of "hurt Zhongyong", her parents knew how to teach and nurture her according to the situation, and after graduation, she also went to the United States to study abroad and has been committed to academic research.

It's a pity that such a scholar and high-end talent will never return after stepping out of the country.

When her parents and teachers strongly urged her to return to China, she also said that "I don't owe the motherland, and the motherland doesn't owe me anything" and "I will not return to China if I starve to death."

The 14-year-old prodigy went to Tsinghua University with a score of 750 and went to the United States to study for a doctorate "starving to death and not returning to China", the current situation is emotional

Why did she say such words, and what kind of upbringing did she have? Let's read her story together, hoping to bring a little inspiration and food for thought to parenting and us.

The history of the growth of a child prodigy

At the end of 1985, He Biyu was born in a high-level intellectual father-son family in Xinxiang, Henan Province, with good family conditions. Both of her parents have a good education and work as senior engineers in a well-known geological bureau in China.

It can be said that she was born with the ardent hope of her parents, and her parents also hoped that she could be warm and shiny like a piece of jasper, a rare treasure in the world, which could benefit the Quartet.

Under the guidance of her parents, she showed her extraordinary intelligence and learning ability at a young age:

At the age of three, he can read thousands of words, at the age of four or five, he can memorize several ancient poems backwards, and at the age of six, he can calculate very complex mathematical problems.

When she was in kindergarten, when other children were running around like crazy, she liked to sit and read picture books and storybooks most of the time, and her personality was quiet and introverted.

The 14-year-old prodigy went to Tsinghua University with a score of 750 and went to the United States to study for a doctorate "starving to death and not returning to China", the current situation is emotional

Rich in raising daughters, they do not interfere too much in this, and let the children's nature develop freely.

By the time she was in primary school, her learning talent was greatly stimulated and expanded, and by the time she was in the third grade, she had finished all the textbook knowledge in primary school.

The teacher discovered her super learning ability and suggested that her parents let her study in the "Advanced Education Experimental Class" when she was 10 years old.

This class is a special class for children with outstanding IQ in the province, and only 30 students are recruited every year, and the top ones are "prodigies" from all over the country.

The 14-year-old prodigy went to Tsinghua University with a score of 750 and went to the United States to study for a doctorate "starving to death and not returning to China", the current situation is emotional

He Biyu is like a fish in water here, she only took 4 years, she completed all the courses in junior high school and high school, and her academic performance was also very good, and in the millennium, she walked into the examination room of the college entrance examination.

Admitted to Tsinghua University with a score of 750

In July 2000, 14-year-old He Biyu walked into the college entrance examination room that year confidently, accompanied by her parents, after learning all the courses in high school.

After the exam, she felt that she did well in the exam, and the questions were not difficult and she could easily cope with them.

When the college entrance examination results came out, everyone was stunned, this 14-year-old girl, actually got a full score, 750 points, she not only won the first place in science that year, and was naturally admitted to Tsinghua University, but also refreshed the record of "the youngest" and "full score" in history, which caused a lot of sensation in society.

She suddenly became the headline and focus of the news, and many media outlets reported on this talented girl's growth experience, learning process, honors, and so on.

The 14-year-old prodigy went to Tsinghua University with a score of 750 and went to the United States to study for a doctorate "starving to death and not returning to China", the current situation is emotional

In this way, He Biyu, who was famous as a teenager, brought great glory to her parents, and she also came to Tsinghua Park to study with a halo.

In the four years of college, she was obsessed with her major, often lingering between the laboratory and the library, and did not care at all about the teacher-student relationship, the love of classmates, the colorful spare time life and even the beautiful scenery around her.

She has her own plans for the future. As early as when she was in college, she submitted an application to Washington University in St. Louis in the United States, and she also got permission from the other party.

When she graduated, she told her parents that she was going to study in the United States, although her parents were very opposed, but she had made up her mind and said bluntly: I just went there to feel the academic atmosphere, and I will definitely come back in the future.

The 14-year-old prodigy went to Tsinghua University with a score of 750 and went to the United States to study for a doctorate "starving to death and not returning to China", the current situation is emotional

Her parents reluctantly sent her farewell, but they didn't expect that the farewell at the airport would be the last hug in their lives.

Studying abroad and refusing to return to your home country

In fact, as early as when I was studying in Tsinghua Garden, the teachers liked this self-disciplined and motivated girl very much, and they all spoke of her well.

During her studies, she was given a lot of preferential treatment: free tuition, applied for a number of scholarships, gave her extra counseling and help, and gave her a lot of warmth and care.

When she later learned that she was going to study abroad, there were many precedents in China at that time, and many outstanding Tsinghua students never came back after stepping out of the country.

The 14-year-old prodigy went to Tsinghua University with a score of 750 and went to the United States to study for a doctorate "starving to death and not returning to China", the current situation is emotional

Therefore, Tsinghua University has always been crowned as the "cradle of cultivating talents for Yankees".

Based on her young age, many teachers persuaded her bitterly: don't go, it's not the time yet. I hope that she can teach at Tsinghua University and continue her studies for a master's and doctor's degree.

But she has always been indifferent, how can she listen to the teacher's advice, she also made plans early, and when she graduated, all the formalities had been completed, and the teacher saw that the wood had been completed, so she admonished her again: You must return after completing your studies.

He Biyu waved her hand in a chic manner, without taking away a cloud and a trace of souvenirs in the country, and flew to the other side of the ocean, never returning to the land where she was born and raised, and she did not have any attachment to her relatives and friends in China.

It is said that in this land of the United States, she has access to the world's most cutting-edge scientific research projects and equipment, and can work with first-class professors and research teams.

The 14-year-old prodigy went to Tsinghua University with a score of 750 and went to the United States to study for a doctorate "starving to death and not returning to China", the current situation is emotional

After five years of research, she also received her Ph.D. in neuroscience from the University of Washington.

At the same time, her thinking quietly changed, and the promise she gave her parents to "return to China when she got her doctorate" was not fulfilled, so she quarreled with her parents and threatened that "even if she starves to death, she will not return to China".

In fact, during her stay in the United States, you can see the clues, she has never returned to China once, and in the face of her parents' expectations, teachers and classmates' invitations, she decisively refused on the grounds that she was busy with her studies.

The current situation is impressive

Because of He Biyu's refusal to return to China, his parents, who were originally proud and beautiful, were burdened with the infamy of "traitor" parents for the rest of their lives, and they couldn't raise their heads.

And He Biyu insisted on staying in the United States, believing that the academic environment in the United States was more suitable for her, and after many years, her current situation did not seem to be very optimistic.

After graduating with a Ph.D., she worked as a researcher at a research institute in the United States, and in 2016, she joined the Department of Neurology at New York University as an assistant professor.

The controversy about He Biyu has not been broken, some people think that she is a person who is "beautiful and unjust" from a foreign country, who has failed her parents and the country's cultivation of her, and is willing to go to foreign countries to make contributions;

Some people also believe that academics have no borders, and it is the same wherever they do their studies, and there is no need to be too harsh on her and her parents.

The 14-year-old prodigy went to Tsinghua University with a score of 750 and went to the United States to study for a doctorate "starving to death and not returning to China", the current situation is emotional

Seeing He Biyu's life trajectory and encounters in the first half of her life, Bean Sprouts' mother was also very emotional, and couldn't help but think: What is an excellent child?

Is it simply good at studying, self-motivated, and with excellent grades?

Bean sprouts mother believes that a person's three views are very important, and in terms of cultivating children, we must be kind and persuasive, and pay attention to cultivating children's awareness of the overall situation and gratitude mentality.

Where can there be a home without a country, and how can there be a personal honor without a home? Individual achievements are built on the basis of the team and the motherland.

He Biyu is a child with a super IQ and very strong self-care ability, but she left the nourishment of her family prematurely, entered the advanced class, entered the top universities, and entered a foreign country, which will have a huge shock to her worldview.

Sometimes, it is not a good thing for individuals to be too assertive, and it will be helpful to be able to consult with others and listen to and adopt their opinions when encountering problems.

What do you think of He Biyu's refusal to return to China?