
A female college student was suspected of being raped by her boyfriend for not giving a gift, and was finally transferred to justice for false accusation!

author:Miss Lin looks at technology

For couples, it is inevitable that there will be conflicts or quarrels because of various things in real life, in this case, you must learn to control your emotions first, and avoid doing things that you regret because of impulse!

A female college student was suspected of being raped by her boyfriend for not giving a gift, and was finally transferred to justice for false accusation!

Zhang, a female college student, met a man through online dating, and in less than a month, the two confirmed their relationship! Then, the two agreed to travel to Macau to increase their chances of getting along and get to know each other better! During the tour, the man promised to give gifts to the woman and was willing to pay 6,000 yuan for the purchase, and the woman was naturally happy! But seeing that the days were passing day by day, Zhang found that the man's previous promise had not been fulfilled, so he felt very angry, so he chose to call the police in a fit of anger, saying that the boy had raped him! After receiving the report, the police immediately launched an investigation into the matter and found that the two had had sexual relations voluntarily during this period, and the reason why the girl called the police was simply because the other party did not fulfill the promise of giving gifts, and she was angry and called the police to falsely accuse the other party of being raped. In the end, the woman was sent to the prosecutor's office for false accusations.

A female college student was suspected of being raped by her boyfriend for not giving a gift, and was finally transferred to justice for false accusation!

For women, there is nothing wrong with having a certain sense of self-protection, but you must seek truth from facts, and never do something contrary to the facts in order to achieve the purpose of revenge, otherwise you also need to bear the corresponding legal consequences! Just like the incident, the two should have gotten along well, but because the man did not fulfill his promise as agreed, the woman was impulsive and falsely accused the boy of rape, thinking that this could achieve the purpose of revenge against the other party, but what people didn't expect was that stealing chickens and rice did not make it a loss, and the other party not only did not receive any punishment, but was provoked to the fire, and needed to bear the corresponding legal consequences, which can be said to be more than worth the loss!

A female college student was suspected of being raped by her boyfriend for not giving a gift, and was finally transferred to justice for false accusation!

If the girl sees that the other party has not fulfilled her promise, she can communicate with the man in a timely manner, and I believe that this matter can also be well resolved. Not only can the two get back together emotionally, but they can also get to know each other better! But if the man is not unintentional to forget, but as the girl thinks, he is reluctant to spend money for the girl, then as a girl, you should also keep your sanity and make the most fair and objective evaluation of the boy in your heart, whether the other party made a promise when she was forced to be helpless, or to please your girlfriend!

A female college student was suspected of being raped by her boyfriend for not giving a gift, and was finally transferred to justice for false accusation!

If it is the former, then you should properly express your understanding, and reflect on whether there is a problem with the way the two people get along, and actively adjust it to get along according to the actual income of the other party! If it is the latter, then the girl can pay more attention, if the other party chooses to deceive again and again, the girl needs to be vigilant, and if necessary, she can choose to leave decisively, so as to protect herself!