
The boy's construction site received Tsinghua University's admission notice, and the current situation was exposed: he joined the army in college and will take the doctoral exam in the future!

author:Miss Lin looks at technology

Do you remember the boy who became an instant hit a few years ago because he received an admission letter from Tsinghua University on a construction site? Six years have passed, how is he doing now?

The boy's construction site received Tsinghua University's admission notice, and the current situation was exposed: he joined the army in college and will take the doctoral exam in the future!

Shan Xiaolong was born in an ordinary rural family in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, because the family is not wealthy, so he often comes to the construction site to work in order to supplement the family, helping to build steel bars for the main body of the building, with a daily salary of about 200 yuan. In his opinion, this is a very common thing, and it is not a great thing for the children of the poor to be in charge of the family at an early age, and to go out to work! After the college entrance examination, he still worked on the construction site as usual, but unexpectedly got an admission letter from Tsinghua University!

The boy's construction site received Tsinghua University's admission notice, and the current situation was exposed: he joined the army in college and will take the doctoral exam in the future!

One is a high school student working on the construction site, and the other is getting an admission letter from Tsinghua University, these two distinct labels naturally attracted a lot of attention, and because of this, Shan Xiaolong also became popular overnight, and the video of wearing a helmet working on the construction site circulated on the Internet! It has become an inspirational object for many people to learn! As the saying goes, there are many artificial rights and wrongs, as my popularity continues to increase, negative comments about him also follow, and it was revealed that after the college entrance examination ended, he arrogantly said, "The college entrance examination questions are too simple, delaying my part-time job"!

The boy's construction site received Tsinghua University's admission notice, and the current situation was exposed: he joined the army in college and will take the doctoral exam in the future!

It is precisely because of this remark that many people are dissatisfied with it, thinking that it is too conceited, and at the same time he has become synonymous with arrogance and arrogance! 6 years later, standing in front of the public again, Shan Xiaolong responded to the incident of that year, he said that he did not get the admission letter on the construction site at that time, but at home, but he was working on the construction site at that time, so everyone understood that he received the admission letter at the construction site! As for the arrogant remarks spread on the Internet back then, he said that he had never said such a thing, and he never knew how this sentence came out!

The boy's construction site received Tsinghua University's admission notice, and the current situation was exposed: he joined the army in college and will take the doctoral exam in the future!

After experiencing this incident, Shan Xiaolong was under a lot of pressure from public opinion, and then chose to join the army in his sophomore year. At the same time, after studying at the university for a period of time, relying on the school's various support policies and the scholarships earned, I no longer have to worry about living expenses and tuition fees. Talking about his plans for the future, he said that he will continue to study for a PhD and contribute to the future field of artificial engineering!

The boy's construction site received Tsinghua University's admission notice, and the current situation was exposed: he joined the army in college and will take the doctoral exam in the future!

From his experience, we can see that the college entrance examination is an important test in life, especially for those from poor families, it is a watershed in life. Just like the boy, although he was controversial because of the college entrance examination, but fortunately, because of the college entrance examination, he completely changed his fate and got rid of his current situation!