
Strengthen "cultural support" to promote the high-quality development of the procuratorial cause

author:Fangzi Inspection
Strengthen "cultural support" to promote the high-quality development of the procuratorial cause

  □ Dapu County Procuratorate will continue to enrich the connotation of the construction of procuratorial culture, based on cultural inheritance, pay attention to highlighting characteristics and advantages, dig deep into the integration and integration of traditional culture and procuratorial culture, and constantly broaden the ways and means of procuratorial culture construction, with the judicial concept of advancing with the times, unique cultural self-confidence, rule of law self-confidence, and procuratorial self-confidence, serve the overall situation, serve the people's justice, and take responsibility for the rule of law, and provide a strong ideological guarantee and strong spiritual strength for the high-quality development of the procuratorial cause in the new era.

  General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Socialism with Chinese characteristics is socialism with all-round development of material and spiritual civilization. It is difficult for a nation without spiritual strength to be self-reliant and self-reliant, and it is difficult for a cause without cultural support to last for a long time. "Culture is an important foundation for maintaining the unity and stability of a country and a nation, an important part of a country's comprehensive national strength and international competitiveness, and a cornerstone for promoting the prosperity of a country and a nation. Procuratorial culture is an important part of the socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, especially the socialist culture of rule of law, and is the internal source and inexhaustible driving force for promoting the high-quality development of procuratorial work and the construction of the procuratorial team. Strengthening the construction of procuratorial culture is a specific requirement for implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and promoting the development of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics.

  Casting ideals and beliefs, understanding the "root" of procuratorial culture

  Procuratorial culture is gradually produced in the course of the development of the procuratorial cause, and is a product that can reflect the common pursuit and cognition of procuratorial cadres and police, and imperceptibly affects the value judgment, behavioral habits, and case-handling mode of procuratorial personnel. As grassroots procuratorial organs, they must fully understand the importance of the construction of procuratorial culture, and lay an ideological foundation for promoting the high-quality development of procuratorial causes.

  Value-led. The construction of procuratorial culture is an effective way to carry forward the spirit of the rule of law, and in-depth promotion of the construction of procuratorial culture is conducive to providing spiritual support for procuratorial personnel to realize the unity of self-worth and collective value. In the new era and new journey, the core values of socialism, "let the people feel fairness and justice in every judicial case" and "handle every case with high quality and efficiency" have become the value pursuit of procuratorial performance and case handling, leading procurators to find the best solution that is closer to the people's will and has a greater sense of justice.

  Heart-to-heart bond. The procuratorial culture contains rich spiritual power, which can produce strong cohesion and centripetal force, and make individuals have a sense of trust and security in the group. A positive procuratorial culture plays a tremendous role in promoting the standardized, orderly, and coordinated operation of procuratorial work, and can more effectively unify the thinking of procuratorial personnel with the overall goal of procuratorial work, thereby enhancing internal unity, forming a working atmosphere of unity, close cooperation, unity and harmony, and fully stimulating the combat effectiveness and creativity of the team.

  Behavioral Rulers. Through the establishment of a standardized and efficient office order, the procuratorial organs have formulated a series of rules and regulations such as strict judicial norms and behavioral standards, and formed a good institutional culture, so that all procuratorial personnel can standardize the judiciary and develop a sense of professional pride under the guidance of a common concept. Among them, typical demonstrations, humanistic care and other methods can positively guide and motivate procuratorial personnel, and have a positive cohesive effect on the thoughts, psychology and behavior of individual procuratorial personnel, so as to create a professional atmosphere, cultivate professional spirit, and strengthen internal management.

  Cultivating cultural heritage and implementing the "essentials" of procuratorial culture

  Procuratorial culture originates from procuratorial practice and will certainly be applied to procuratorial practice, and the two promote and achieve each other. In recent years, the Dapu County Procuratorate of Guangdong Province has implemented Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law and Xi Jinping Cultural Thought in an integrated manner, adhered to the strategy of cultural education and inspection, continued to play the unique role of culture in guiding, motivating and standardizing, and injected strong spiritual impetus into the construction of a high-quality and excellent procuratorial team.

  Run party building with culture. The tangible embodiment of culture is the construction of facilities and equipment, which is an important carrier for intuitively feeling the procuratorial culture. The Dapu County Procuratorate has established a cultural exchange center, which has become a comprehensive procuratorial cultural front integrating party spirit education, cultural display, academic exchanges, and popular science research, providing a good place for cadres and police officers to "recharge". Adhere to the "political guidance, party building first", carry out various themed party day activities at time nodes such as Arbor Day, Party Building Day, and Chongyang Festival, and constantly promote the resonance of party building work and procuratorial culture construction at the same frequency. Solidly advance the work responsibility system of "those who enforce the law shall popularize the law", firmly establish the concept of justice for the people, and promote the deep integration of party building and professional work. Focusing on the new needs of the people for the rule of law in the new era, establish a youth cadre and police rule of law publicity group, encourage young cadres and police to give full play to their own advantages, actively research and develop topics, integrate the development of the "small self" into the stage of the "big self", solidly carry out various themed rule of law publicity activities, accurately provide popular legal education products, and promote the cultivation of the concept of the rule of law among the whole people.

  Build a brand with culture. Culture nourishes the soul, and the brand inspires forge ahead. Based on the "hometown of longevity", the Dapu County Procuratorate takes the promotion of the high-quality development of the work on aging in the new era as the entry point, gives full play to the legal supervision function, focuses on the task of "the elderly have security, the elderly have action, the elderly have dependence, and the elderly have support", and creates a brand of "procuratorial work for the elderly with sunset and warmth", so as to improve the level of protection of the rights and interests of the elderly. The court explores the establishment of five case-handling mechanisms, namely, the green channel mechanism, the special handling mechanism for crimes involving the elderly, the supervision mechanism for social services for the elderly, the mechanism for ensuring the livelihood of the elderly group, and the mechanism for the management of litigation sources, and takes the realization and protection of the fundamental interests of the elderly group as the starting point and end point of the work. With the brand as the radiation point, we will innovate the form of cooperation with the administrative functional departments related to the elderly, strengthen theoretical research and legal popularization, and make every effort to promote the responsibility of procuratorial personnel, so as to protect the most beautiful "sunset red" with accurate and efficient procuratorial performance. In recent years, the hospital has established a procuratorial business party member team for the elderly to accurately crack down on false propaganda, fraudulent sales and other cheating and chaos in the elderly care market, and do its best to recover the property losses of the elderly victims, and effectively protect the "money bags" of the elderly. At the same time, focusing on the safety of clothing, food, housing and transportation for the elderly, special supervision activities for public interest litigation are carried out on issues such as the construction of barrier-free environments and the occupation and blocking of fire escapes, so as to protect the social and public interests of the elderly in an all-round way.

  Shape the style with culture. A good procuratorial image is not only an important criterion for testing procuratorial culture, but also an important means to enhance judicial credibility. The Dapu County Procuratorate adheres to the principle of supervising and handling cases with one hand and news and publicity with the other, establishing a media center and an organically coordinated integrated communication mechanism, closely following the topics of concern of superiors, the masses, and social relevance, digging deep into typical cases and excellent stories in the process of handling cases, identifying the combination of higher-level decision-making and deployment and grassroots work, and producing a number of special legal popularization videos such as cultural relics protection, protection of minors, safe production, and delivery safety, so as to promote comprehensive social governance with the active performance of procuratorial duties. Give full play to the advantages of new media in terms of fast publicity speed and wide range of dissemination, and publish news on the "two micro and one end and one shake" matrix through text, pictures, animation, videos, etc., actively allowing the public to obtain timely, authoritative, and rich procuratorial information, and promoting the construction of positive and interactive procuratorial public relations.

  Imply righteousness with culture. Cultural construction focuses on strengthening collective edification and self-cultivation, passing on the correct orientation to each procurator, and interpreting the cultural heritage of the rule of law behind the work and the deep functions in a silent way. The Dapu County Procuratorate has established a working mechanism for the pairing and co-construction of the town (field) in accordance with local conditions, and built a grid work model of "prosecutor + observer (main person in charge of the town) + liaison" to inspect the town (field), and through the sinking of the procuratorial force, with the annual "ten ones" work initiative, the "last mile" of the grassroots procuratorate will be unblocked, and the "procuratorate at the doorstep" of the people will be built to achieve "zero distance" service to the masses, use the power of the rule of law to help rural revitalization, and enhance the sense of social responsibility and mission to protect people's livelihood and serve economic development. Through the establishment of a "procuratorial forum", the establishment of a "monthly star" column, the implementation of the leading cadres on the podium system, the launch of job excellence competitions, observation of court trials, etc., strengthen the professional exchanges between procuratorial personnel, with a vivid carrier to deepen the implementation of abstract cultural connotations, and promote procuratorial personnel to relieve their worries spiritually, culturally quench their thirst, and psychologically relieve pressure. Combined with the discipline education study month and the special party class of warning education, promote the culture of integrity, self-discipline, filial piety, friendliness and socialist core values, and create an atmosphere of integrity and strict management.

  Demonstrate the responsibility of the procuratorate and obtain the "effect" of the procuratorial culture

  Procuratorial culture is the soul of procuratorial work, the spiritual pillar for condensing procuratorial strength, and the spiritual home for cultivating the character of procurators. In recent years, the Dapu County Procuratorate has unremittingly used the party's innovative theories to guide procuratorial practice, persistently used advanced socialist culture to gather progressive forces, worked for a long time to improve the quality and efficiency of procuratorial performance and case handling, and constantly promoted the transformation of "soft power" into "hard results".

  Professional beliefs are becoming more and more firm. The procuratorate insisted on paying attention to the leading and encouraging role of typical demonstrations, carried forward the advanced models around them, sounded the rallying cry to forge ahead and strive for first-class, and urged procuratorial personnel to deepen their understanding and perception of the procuratorial profession. Since 2021, a large number of advanced models have emerged, and 40 people and 9 collectives have won academic competition awards, advanced individuals, outstanding collectives and other honors at all levels. These honors have inherited the culture and further stimulated the enthusiasm of the procuratorial personnel to forge ahead in unity and seek common development.

  The spirit is getting more and more high. Under the financial media mechanism, the procuratorial staff of the procuratorate firmly established a sense of innovation and quality, had a more solid publicity foundation, and more active creative thinking, opened up a "Pu" method micro video column, and launched more than 30 original micro video and micro animations. Since the establishment of the rule of law propaganda group, procuratorial personnel have been active in communities, enterprises, organs, schools and other places, and have carried out more than 120 rule of law propaganda activities.

  The working mechanism is becoming more and more sound. Formulate 16 internal control systems, including the "Dapu County People's Procuratorate Budget Management System", to further strengthen the prevention and control of integrity risks and improve the internal management level of organs. Launched the "Dapu County People's Procuratorate Young Police Training "2+1" Torch Plan Implementation Plan", with young cadres and police officers as the main body for training and training, with a 2-year training cycle, through "mentor-apprentice pairing, mentor help", to help the training objects grow and become talents. Improve the team management system, and take the implementation results as an important basis for personal evaluation, rank promotion, promotion and appointment, etc., to ensure that we speak with actual performance and rely on hard work.

  No pain, no gain. The Dapu County Procuratorate will continue to enrich the connotation of the construction of procuratorial culture, based on cultural inheritance, pay attention to highlighting characteristics and advantages, dig deep into the integration and promotion of traditional culture and procuratorial culture, and constantly broaden the ways and means of procuratorial culture construction, with the judicial concept of advancing with the times, unique cultural self-confidence, rule of law self-confidence, and procuratorial self-confidence, serve the overall situation, serve the people's justice, and take responsibility for the rule of law, and provide a strong ideological guarantee and strong spiritual strength for the high-quality development of the procuratorial cause in the new era.

  (The author is Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the People's Procuratorate of Dapu County, Guangdong Province)

Source: Procuratorate Daily

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