
Play out the dream and release a new MR product to benchmark the Vision Pro, behind the gorgeousness is the "small horse-drawn cart"?

author:VRAR Planet

[VRAR Planet original manuscript, reprinting without permission is prohibited]

Abstract: In any case, domestic XR manufacturers have taken an important step

While other VR manufacturers are still working steadily and step by step, they play their dreams but integrate all cutting-edge technologies into new products without hesitation.

On June 25th, Play Out of Dreams held a global new product launch conference in Singapore, officially releasing a new MR spatial computing product - Play Out Dream MR. The product is fully benchmarked against Apple Vision Pro from hardware parameters to functional scenarios, and is officially called the world's first "Android system space computer".

As a dawn work that has been precipitated for two years, it seems to be announcing to the market: "Come, let's compete in this technical contest and have a good time!" ”

However, with the release of new products, various voices have also emerged in the market. There are not only praises for the technical strength of the new product, but also some voices expressing doubts and doubts about this new product.

Play out the dream and release a new MR product to benchmark the Vision Pro, behind the gorgeousness is the "small horse-drawn cart"?

对阵 Vision Pro ,玩出梦想 MR 新品实力究竟如何?

When playing the new MR product of the dream and the Apple Vision Pro to face off, what is its strength?

First of all, from the perspective of exterior design, the Dream MR is highly similar to Apple's Vision Pro, but its rear battery compartment design borrows from the Meta Quest Pro's scheme.

The core highlight of this new product is its micro-OLED micro-display with 8K resolution for both eyes. Plus binocular 27 million pixels, 3882 PPI, 90Hz refresh rate, 92% DCI-P3, and 45 PPD in the center area.

Its core hardware is equipped with Qualcomm's second-generation Snapdragon XR2+ Gen chip, not only that, but the headset is also equipped with 11 cameras and 7 types of sensors, including 6 outward tracking cameras and depth sensors, and a total of two full-color VST cameras, each with a single pixel of 32 million pixels, which is higher than the Apple Vision Pro, and is mainly used for full-color perspective and 3D spatial video shooting.

Play out the dream and release a new MR product to benchmark the Vision Pro, behind the gorgeousness is the "small horse-drawn cart"?

In terms of weight, the Play Dream MR and Apple Vision Pro both weigh in at 650 grams, but the weight distribution is very different. The Dream MR features a design similar to the Meta Quest Pro, with a curved battery integrated into a strap on the back of the headset. Officially, after removing the straps and mask, the Play Out Dream MR console itself weighs only 288 grams, compared to 478 grams for the Vision Pro's console.

In terms of battery life, the rear battery has a battery life of just one hour, although users can extend the total battery life to 3.5 hours by pairing it with an additional cable-based external battery. But we also have to admit that the built-in 1-hour battery life is still a limitation that cannot be ignored for many users. For users who need to use it for a long time, an external battery may be a necessary option, but frequent replacement or external battery undoubtedly increases the complexity and cost of use. This is especially critical for users who want long, uninterrupted use.

In terms of application scenarios, compared with the previous product line of playing the dream, the new product has added functions such as space viewing, MR games, and 3D space viewing. At the same time, it also continues the ecosystem of first- and second-generation products, with more than 200 content for users to choose from.

In terms of AI, Play Out of Dreams MR supports AI search, music creation, text translation, voice wake-up, voice control and other functions. It is worth mentioning that it also plans to support a number of functions such as 2D photo to 3D and object recognition.

Play out the dream and release a new MR product to benchmark the Vision Pro, behind the gorgeousness is the "small horse-drawn cart"?

Finally, in terms of pricing strategy, Playing Dream MR maintains a sense of mystery. This new product will be sold at a price of $1X99 and is available in two versions, 512GB and 1TB, for users to choose from. Although the exact selling price has not yet been announced, there is widespread speculation online that the price will fall between $1,799 and $1,999.

The pricing strategy with X is more of a publicity gimmick with the aim of attracting the public's attention and attention. But from a practical point of view, it doesn't feel like it's necessary. However, in China, playing with dreams is not the first to play like this, and it will not be the last.

In any case, I still look forward to playing the dream of announcing the specific price as soon as possible, and there is no need to be pretentious. After all, only a transparent and open pricing strategy can truly earn the trust of the market.

The new product challenges the peak, is it a counterattack or a fall?

On the whole, this new product, with its powerful imaging strength and top-notch configuration, does not seem to be inferior to Apple's Vision Pro, and even better in some aspects. In the highly competitive XR market, playing your dreams seems to be a bloody way out.

However, as with every change comes skepticism, this new product is no exception. There are many voices on the Internet, some people are optimistic, and some people are declining. Some people question that it is just a "PPT product", although the parameters are beautiful, but the ecology and experience are still unknown. Some netizens joked that the balance between its powerful performance and high resolution is like a "small horse-drawn cart", which is worrying.

Among them, the most concerned is the Qualcomm second-generation Snapdragon XR2+ Gen chip it is equipped with, although this chip is undoubtedly first-class in terms of performance, but how to give full play to its advantages, support to play the dream MR binocular 8K high-resolution display, has become the focus of everyone's attention. After all, the real value of a product lies not only in its hardware configuration, but also in whether it can bring users a smooth and stable actual experience.

Play out the dream and release a new MR product to benchmark the Vision Pro, behind the gorgeousness is the "small horse-drawn cart"?

And when it comes to content games, it's certainly not enough to play with dream MR resources. There are only a few mixed reality games now, and most of them are on the Meta Quest platform, so it is difficult to get them, and it is even more difficult to develop native games locally. Judging from the information revealed at the press conference alone, there is a lack of exclusive escort support. So for ordinary C-end players, whether it is worth starting now, or waiting for the ecology for the time being, can only be a question mark.

Of course, although there may be a certain gap between the new MR product trailer and the physical experience compared to Apple's products, there is still a 50% expectation, which is not low. After all, the product has not really reached the hands of consumers, and everything is still full of uncertainties.

Can domestic XR manufacturers achieve corner overtaking?

Once upon a time, the hardware prowess of the Mate series shone in the global market. Nowadays, with the rapid development of technology and the intensification of market competition, domestic XR manufacturers have also accelerated the pace of hardware iteration, making today's XR devices indistinguishable in hardware performance.

However, the real competition is much more than that. While the competition for hardware is becoming increasingly fierce, user experience and system optimization have become the key to winning or losing. As a blockbuster work of Play Out Dream Company, Play Out Dream MR not only demonstrates its strong hardware strength, but also makes breakthroughs in user experience and system optimization. If it can bring users an experience beyond imagination in the future, it will undoubtedly directly stimulate other XR vendors to catch up at the system level, and promote the entire industry from the hardware race to a new era of system optimization.

Chinese tech giants are hitting the Western market with an unprecedented attitude, and this new MR equipment provides strong support for domestic manufacturers to show their strength on the global stage. With its top-of-the-line configuration, it has injected new vitality into the spatial computing industry, demonstrating the unremitting efforts of domestic XR manufacturers in technological innovation and user experience.

So, can this new MR equipment subvert the industry pattern and become a new leader?

Only time will tell.

But in any case, domestic XR manufacturers have taken an important step, let's wait and see who can stand out in this race and become the real frontrunner.

Text/Vivi (The pictures not marked in the article are from the Internet)

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