
【Lu Quanquan Cultural Tourism Recommendation】The "Phoenix" of Jiaozi Mountain has danced


With the early summer breeze blowing through the rolling mountains, the "phoenix" of Jiaozi Mountain arrived as promised - the fire-tailed sunbird. The long tail is agile, like the legendary phoenix, dancing lightly on the branches, attracting the attention of countless bird-watching enthusiasts and tourists with its brilliant wings and elegant posture.

【Lu Quanquan Cultural Tourism Recommendation】The "Phoenix" of Jiaozi Mountain has danced

Agile gestures flickering on the branches:

The fire-tailed sunbird mainly inhabits the fir forests and rhododendron shrubs in the lawn at the foot of the sedan chair mountain, and likes to forage among the flowering rhododendron bushes, thorn bushes and shrubs, and mainly feeds on the flowers, fruits, and seeds of insects and plants.

The male fire-tailed sunbird is small and delicate, with bright and beautiful plumage, and has recently shown its style among the jungles of Jiaozi Mountain, attracting many bird-watching enthusiasts. They weave swiftly through the treetops, their flaming tail feathers that stand out in the sun.

【Lu Quanquan Cultural Tourism Recommendation】The "Phoenix" of Jiaozi Mountain has danced

A unique gift from nature:

As a tourist, the chance to see a fire-tailed sunbird is extremely rare. In order to witness these beautiful creatures, many photographers embarked on a journey of discovery. On the winding mountain road, every turn may be accompanied by surprises, every stop may be accompanied by the miracle of nature, and every shutter press is an intimate dialogue between you and the world.

【Lu Quanquan Cultural Tourism Recommendation】The "Phoenix" of Jiaozi Mountain has danced

Dancing with Elves:

Want to get a closer look at the fire-tailed sunbird? Walking slowly up the hiking trail, perhaps at a certain corner, you will hear the call of the fire-tailed sunbird, like a soft trill, like a monotonous but rhythmic note, echoing in the mountains, as if it were the music of nature. At that moment, time seems to stand still, and only the tacit communication between you and this agile creature remains.

【Lu Quanquan Cultural Tourism Recommendation】The "Phoenix" of Jiaozi Mountain has danced

In this scorching summer, why not slow down, get away from the hustle and bustle, and go to the secret place of Jiaozi Mountain to explore the mysteries of nature.

Source: Kunming Jiaozi Mountain Tourism

Editor: Li Yang

Preliminary review: Qian Jin

Re-examiner: Wang Yanfei

Final review: Zhou Ming