
Dongfeng Yipai eπ007 can be called "Dongfeng beautiful coupe"

author:Ningbo Yuyu

Now there is a popular word in the automobile circle - "volume", it is hard to imagine that a medium-sized car, medium and large car only buy about 150,000 yuan, it can be said that there is no volume, only more volume.

The recently launched Dongfeng Yipai eπ007 has rolled up to a new height, with medium and large body size, 0-100km/h acceleration in only 3.9 seconds, and high-speed NOA assisted driving ...... It's all the labels that come with it.

The price of Dongfeng Yipai eπ007 only starts at 159,600, which is even more volatile than the king of volumes. After opening pre-orders on January 18, it received more than 10,000 orders in only 15 hours, why can it become a dark horse in the industry? Through some understanding, the author got three answers.

Dongfeng Yipai eπ007 can be called "Dongfeng beautiful coupe"

The sword is aimed at young users and positions itself as a new benchmark for new coupes

First of all, it needs to be introduced that Dongfeng Yipai is a brand sequence of Dongfeng Group facing the mainstream new energy market, and the target consumer group is the younger generation.

Dongfeng Yipai eπ007 can be called "Dongfeng beautiful coupe"

This is one of the reasons why Dongfeng Yipai eπ007 has become a dark horse - the positioning is extremely accurate.

Now Generation Z has gradually become the main group of car buyers, they are young and energetic, pursue individuality, dare to innovate, and like a sense of technology. Just like buying a car, personality and technology are important reference criteria when buying a car.

Dongfeng Yipai eπ07 is born for young people, and it understands the aesthetic trend of young people very well. Whether it is the slender coupe body shape, or the frameless doors, electric rear wing, scissor doors (optional), etc., are all trendy elements loved by young people nowadays.

Dongfeng Yipai eπ007 can be called "Dongfeng beautiful coupe"
Dongfeng Yipai eπ007 can be called "Dongfeng beautiful coupe"

The interior is mainly simple, but without losing the sense of design, wrapped by silicone soft baby grade material, delicate to the touch, while not forgetting to provide some sense of ceremony, such as 64 colors of music rhythm atmosphere lights, side light blankets, smart fragrances, reversible instruments, etc., these are the exclusive high-end configurations of hundreds of thousands of luxury cars in the past.

According to different scenarios, users can also easily turn on different modes, such as nap mode, movie mode, and battle mode, and turn on the fragrance, central control screen, speaker, and meter respectively.

Dongfeng Yipai eπ007 can be called "Dongfeng beautiful coupe"

It is no exaggeration to say that eπ007 can be called "Dongfeng beautiful coupe", with good appearance and taste, and it is a sincere work handed over by Dongfeng to the intelligent electric era.

Of course, the young attitude of eπ07 is more important to be reflected in the technical level, for example, at the power level, the Mach E power carried by eπ007 is one of the leading technical weapons of the Dongfeng Yipai brand.

Mach E Power is Dongfeng's self-developed power technology brand, covering energy-saving power, hybrid power, pure electric power, and eπ007 provides two options: extended range version and pure electric version.

The main all-electric version is equipped with the Mach E power iD3-160 electric drive train, which has a high energy efficiency percentage of 92.7%. Among them, the eπ007 four-wheel drive model has a motor power of up to 400kW and can accelerate from zero to 100 in 3 seconds. For comparison, the BYD Han EV top-spec model has a motor power of 380kW.

Dongfeng Yipai eπ007 can be called "Dongfeng beautiful coupe"

Under the optimization of aerodynamic components, the drag coefficient of eπ007 is as low as 0.209, and the energy consumption can reach 11.9kWh per 100 kilometers, which is ahead of its competitors.

Dongfeng quantum architecture is another golden signboard of Dongfeng Group, which can be simply understood as Dongfeng's full-stack independent research and development of intelligent + electric architecture, which not only includes 800V super fast charging, 4D intelligent chassis, solid-state battery and other hardware technologies, but also covers SOA electronic architecture intelligent software technology, focusing on supporting L3+ level autonomous driving.

Specifically, it is fed back to the eπ07, which is equipped with eπ Pilot-intelligent assisted driving, providing a secondary collision mitigation system, a forward distance monitoring system, a plug warning, a forward collision warning, etc.

In the later stage, eπ007 will also be upgraded through OTA to achieve high-speed NOA pilot assisted driving, and further iterate intelligent driving capabilities, including automatic following, automatic lane change, automatic on-ramp and on-ramp, etc.

Dongfeng Yipai eπ007 can be called "Dongfeng beautiful coupe"

Dongfeng Yipai eπ07 not only has a high-value coupe style, but also has an indispensable intelligent, high-tech high-configuration rich core, which is the new benchmark for coupe that young people should have.

It is more volatile than the king of volumes, but it takes more care of the needs of young people

Everyone is talking about the topic of "young people's trolleys", in fact, I think that I just mentioned that technology, intelligence, and appearance are secondary factors, and the price is close to the people.

Looking at the domestic market, there are a variety of new energy vehicles, but most of the products that focus on personalized technology and are aimed at young people are more than 200,000 yuan, such as ZEEKR 007 and Tesla Model 3.

Not all young people can afford these cars, let's say a cold knowledge: in 2023, the per capita salary income of residents in the country will only be 22,053 yuan, and the median per capita disposable income will be 33,036 yuan.

Dongfeng Yipai eπ007 can be called "Dongfeng beautiful coupe"

On the other hand, Dongfeng Yipai eπ007 is a medium and large car with a length of 4.8 meters, and the price is 15.96-19.96 yuan. It is not only "rolled" at the technical level of the product, but also quite rolled at the price level, which is enough to make it accessible to young people.

Even the 159,600 entry-level version - 200Pro extended range version is equipped with fast charging, independent suspension, eπ Pilot intelligent assisted driving, etc., which truly achieves "entry is high configuration", rather than a beggar version that simply lowers the threshold.

In other words, ordinary young people earn a few thousand a month, struggle for a period of time, and save tens of thousands of down payments to afford to spend, even if it is the entry-level version, they can get a relatively decent car life.

Only when the price of a car is down-to-earth and reasonable enough can it achieve universality. From this point of view, it is enough to make it a dark horse in the industry that young people love.

Dachang quality

Although Dongfeng Yipai is a fledgling young brand, it is not a "new brand" in a narrow sense because of the "big tree" of Dongfeng Group.

In terms of word of mouth, Dongfeng Motor has gained the trust of more than 60 million users; In terms of technology, it has the car-making heritage of a large factory; In terms of technology, it has 6,069 invention patents published and 2,357 invention patents authorized.

Or back to the quantum architecture mentioned earlier, in fact, it still has many black technologies that we can't see, such as 2000MPa ultra-high-strength steel, millisecond-level active power-off battery "fire protection system", and highly integrated thermal management system......

Dongfeng Yipai eπ007 can be called "Dongfeng beautiful coupe"

As a traditional car company, Dongfeng Motor is not conservative, and in recent years, it can be seen actively in electrification and intelligent transformation and innovation.

On March 5, Zhang Yuzhuo, director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, released a positive signal at the two sessions: the three major central enterprises, including Dongfeng Group, will conduct a separate assessment of the new energy vehicle business. The subtext is to encourage the three central enterprises to innovate boldly and achieve high-quality development.

You can not believe in the new forces, but you can always believe in the endorsement of the central enterprises. Just like Dongfeng Yipai eπ007 integrates the advantages of Dongfeng Motor's supply chain management and manufacturing quality, it not only has a reliable and safe guarantee, but also integrates the strength and resources of the entire group to develop the technology, so that users can buy and use with peace of mind.

Dongfeng Yipai eπ007 can be called "Dongfeng beautiful coupe"


At present, the price war is one after another, and the fierce war is in full swing, but in the final analysis, the price war is a value war, and the joint venture is a negative case.

The positive teaching materials are like Dongfeng Yipai eπ007, which is comprehensive, and the power performance, intelligent technology, and appearance are just in line with the taste that young people like.

The most important thing is that Dongfeng Yipai eπ007 takes care of all the needs of young users at a relatively affordable price, and is undoubtedly the new volume king and strength benchmark in this price range.

In order to make it easier for young consumers to start, Dongfeng Yipai eπ007 has now specially prepared welfare surprises, full of sincerity, the price of the whole system starts at 15.96W yuan, and the pure electric version of the cash is 28000 yuan for a limited time, and interested friends can experience it in the store.