
In July, the store manager stopped being brutal!

author:Retail operations QPBLUE
In July, the store manager stopped being brutal!

01 Avoid a nanny-style store manager who "does everything by himself".

There are only four words here: pay attention to decentralization.

There are only two reasons why you do everything yourself: one is that you don't believe that he can do it well; The second is that you are reluctant or too lazy to tell him how to do things.

What is the result? The clerk is off work, and you're still working overtime. Or the clerk has nothing to do, but you are busy.

After a long time, when you assign him tasks and arrange for him to be dispatched, he is no longer willing to accept it. Because he watched you do it before, but now he wants to throw it at him, in his opinion: it is an extra task, but there is no more money. Even if you do it, you are dissatisfied and accumulate resentment in your heart.

Therefore, the store manager must pay attention to the fact that from the beginning of the management, you must know how to delegate authority, which can be directly handed over to the clerk to do, which only need you to guide, tell the methods and details, and finally you only review and control.

At the same time, we should pay attention to the degree of decentralization, tell him the process and principles of doing things in advance, and tell him which step to do. so as not to overstep his authority without his knowledge and awareness, touch the bottom line, and end up embarrassed.

In July, the store manager stopped being brutal!

02 Avoid misunderstood store managers who "have something to say in your heart".

Here are the same four words: timely communication.

Regardless of whether the clerk does it right or wrong, it must be pointed out in time. Wrong, talk immediately and tell him what the right thing to do is, instead of putting it aside and just letting it go.

Otherwise, if there is a mistake, it will only encourage the clerk to have a problem, no growth, and lose authority for the management and system.

If you have done well, don't be stingy with your praise and encouragement, everyone is willing to listen to good words, especially for the clerk who is extremely eager to be recognized, affirmed, and has a high demand for a sense of existence, maybe your inadvertent praise and praise can make him happy for a week, and the positive and full state will also be maintained for a week.

Praise and encouragement must be preferred over criticism and accusation, and need to be used skillfully.

In terms of communication methods, it is necessary to divide people. You can't apply one template to everyone.

For people with thick skin and straightforward personalities, or people who know each other well, you can communicate straightforwardly and "hit the snake and hit seven inches", otherwise he will always feel that you are joking with her and will not pay attention to it.

For people with strong self-esteem and introverted personality, or in your opinion, there is still a certain distance between you, communication needs to pay attention to ways and means, if you have no scruples to say anything hard at this time, you can only let him instantly "seek self-preservation", "self-contraction", quickly wrap his heart, and never want to open his heart again.

In July, the store manager stopped being brutal!

03 Avoid a high-cold store manager who is "out of the crowd".

To avoid "detachment from the masses" here, we must know how to pay attention to daily maintenance. The store manager and the clerk spend the longest time together on weekdays, so we should pay attention to the cultivation of feelings, and management is not to manage people, but to manage hearts.

If you really want to know someone, you must know it not from her work, but from her spare time outside of work.

For the clothing store manager and the clerk, in addition to the normal morning and evening shifts, you can take some time to relax, do sports, beauty and so on.

Where you spend your time, it will work. In the same way, if you spend more time on the clerk, her trust and dependence on you will gradually increase, your hearts will be more compatible, and your cooperation will be more tacit.

In July, the store manager stopped being brutal!

As a shoe and apparel store manager, the performance of the store, the management of employees, the cleaning of inventory, etc., are all daily tasks that must be cared for and done. A good shoe and clothing store manager never does anything brutal, but often conducts performance analysis!

1. Analysis of unsalable amounts

Unsalable sales analysis is one of the simplest, most intuitive, and most important data factors in the analysis of single-store product sales data. In the analysis of unsalable items, the time is generally weekly, monthly, and quarterly; In terms of style, it is generally divided into overall styles and various categories of styles.


After comparing the sales of styles of the same category, combined with inventory, the amount that needs to be replenished can be judged to quickly replenish, which can reduce the loss caused by out-of-stock and improve the profit contribution rate of a single model; It can also analyze and accurately promote unsalable items in a timely manner to accelerate the return of funds and reduce the loss caused by inventory.

2. Analysis of the life cycle of a single sales

The life cycle of a single sale refers to the total time span of a single sale and the sales status of that period (generally refers to the regular-price sales period). The analysis of a single sales cycle is generally to analyze some key styles (styles with a large number of orders and inventory) to determine whether there is a shortage of stock or inventory pressure, so as to make timely countermeasures.

The main reasons for the serious decline in single sales:

First, the recent weather temperature is not suitable for the sale;

Second, the sales life cycle has arrived, which is a normal decline;

The third is a new style similar to it, and it may be more prominent in the display, and the new style is preferred due to the visual fatigue of consumers.


If it is the first reason, we don't need to rush, wait until the most suitable weather and temperature to focus on the display, but we should consider whether there are some problems in our own loading time; If it is the second reason, we should promote it immediately to improve the competitiveness of the model and the inventory risk of the model; If it is the third case, you should consider removing or displaying the new competing model in a more general position, and review your own delivery time.

In July, the store manager stopped being brutal!

3. Analysis of business hours

Generally, the opening and closing times of stores in an area are about the same, but the schedule in the middle may be different. This requires us to analyze the number of people entering the store, the number of try-on people, the number of tickets and the amount of transactions in each time period, so as to find out which time periods have a higher rate of entering the store, the rate of entering the store and the rate of trying on the sale, and then adjust the staff shift according to this result.

Fourth, sales/inventory comparative analysis

We can analyze and manage the sales data between multiple stores through the sales/inventory comparison analysis table between selected stores in a certain period of time. For sales/inventory comparison, the general store selection is in the same area; In terms of style selection, the loading time is generally about the same.

5. Analysis of personal sales performance

Regardless of whether the commission is calculated according to individual performance or average performance, the sales performance of each employee should be counted. Through the analysis of individual sales performance, we can not only see the sales level and work enthusiasm of individuals, but also judge the sense of teamwork, unity and team coordination and management level of the store manager.

Analysis of these five indicators, if the store manager insists on serious and in-depth analysis, the store performance will naturally improve!