
"Eighteen Characters of Good Doctor" practice a warm hospital! Longhua District Central Hospital ranked first in the district in terms of satisfaction in 2023

author:Bao'an Daily

In April this year, the Shenzhen Municipal Health Commission announced the 2023 annual satisfaction ranking of the city's tertiary public hospitals, and Longhua District Central Hospital scored 90.72 points, 92.18 points, and 91.45 points in outpatient satisfaction, inpatient satisfaction, and overall satisfaction respectively, ranking 12th among the city's 48 tertiary public hospitals and first in the district.

When people seek medical treatment, they care most about two feelings: whether the medical service is good or not, and whether the treatment effect is good. The climb in the satisfaction ranking is the result of the continuous improvement of the medical service level of the Party Committee of Longhua District Central Hospital and the quality of medical care as life.

In October 2022, the hospital successfully established a tertiary hospital, achieving a qualitative leap. In the "post-tertiary era", under the leadership of the party building, the hospital pioneered the "good doctor" standard, forged the professional image, medical ethics, medical technology, service quality and doctor-patient communication level of employees, opened a new surgical building to improve the environment, and promoted the deep integration of the hospital and society...... The chain reaction, interlocking, this "warm" hospital is recognized by more patients.

"Eighteen Characters of Good Doctor" practice a warm hospital! Longhua District Central Hospital ranked first in the district in terms of satisfaction in 2023

Longhua District Central Hospital established a Patient Rights Committee.

Party building leads

Leading the high-quality development of hospitals with high-quality party building

"Where the people are, the health work will be carried out, and the party building work will be extended." The Party Committee of Longhua District Central Hospital gives full play to the role of "ballast stone" and "propeller" of party building work, deeply cultivates the mutual promotion and integration of party building and business work, transforms party building advantages into development advantages, transforms party building resources into development resources, transforms party building achievements into development achievements, creates a distinctive party building brand, and injects strong impetus into the sustainable and healthy development of the hospital group.

Hospitals are the "frontline" of protecting people's health. The Party Committee of Longhua District Central Hospital integrates the party building work into the development of medical business, innovates and clarifies the hospital's "good doctor" standards from six dimensions, implements a three-year improvement plan for medical staff, cultivates a group of qualified standardized "good doctors and good care", and strengthens the training of high-level talents in the hospital; Carry out a series of selections such as "Top Ten Technical Experts", "Top Ten Service Stars" and "Medical Ethics and Medical Style Model", and call on all hospital employees to keep up with "good doctors and good care". The party branch is built on the department, giving full play to the role of the party branch secretary and party members in the head goose of the good medical team, and the 21 party branches and 6 community health party branches of the hospital headquarters are paired to promote the communication and business integration of the party branch of the hospital headquarters and the community health party branch, forming a pattern of "one community health and one characteristic".

"Party flag red" leads "angel white", and "angel white" reflects "party flag red". The party committee of the hospital closely follows the central work of the hospital, creates a party building brand matrix, leads the high-quality development of the hospital with high-quality party building, creates the main brand of "good medical engineering", and builds a party building brand matrix supported by the integration of all specialties, a healthy community, the linkage of the three societies, and the studio of the secretary of the Wang Qingchuan branch, so as to form a strong work force and hold the people's health high above their heads.

Service optimization

6 Criteria to Shape "Good Doctors" Make the public feel more cordial when they see a doctor

On social media, some patients shared: Seeing a doctor in Longhua District Central Hospital, I feel that the doctors and nurses are much kinder!

"In the past, doctors were always staring at the computer or busy writing prescriptions, rarely making eye contact with us, and not giving detailed explanations about the examination fees and the next diagnosis and treatment, which made me feel a little uncomfortable." In February this year, Ms. Song saw a doctor in the outpatient clinic and felt the difference: "The doctor made eye contact with us, listened to us talk about the condition, and also introduced the next examination in detail, so the communication was smooth and I felt comfortable!" ”

The change in patients' feelings comes from the "three-step trilogy" implemented by the hospital: when the doctor receives a patient, the first step is to make eye contact and say "hello", the second step is to explain the examination fee in detail, and the third step is to have guidance for the next process. It seems like a simple step, but it warms the hearts of citizens.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg. On the day of the unveiling of the "top three", the hospital proposed to implement the "ten high-quality services" project in depth, the first of which is the "good medical project". What is a "good doctor"? On the basis of "good medical treatment for diseases", the hospital has formulated six standards for "good medicine": positive image, medical virtue, hard technology, excellent service, smooth communication, and clear policy.

Wang Guangming, secretary of the party committee of the hospital, said that taking the "technical hard" standard as an example, the rate of experts above the deputy high level is required to increase from the original 52% to more than 85%; As a grassroots hospital, it does not compete with municipal hospitals for high-precision technology, but requires medical technology to solve common and frequent diseases for the citizens of the jurisdiction, and the effect should be good, the price should be affordable, and it should be repeatable and accessible; "Smooth communication" requires doctors to communicate, and according to different types of patients, different communication methods should be adopted to explain the disease to patients and explain it clearly; "Clear policy", doctors should understand medical policies, especially medical insurance policies, for the sake of patients, so that they can enjoy their due rights. "Each standard may seem small, but insisting on 100% implementation will improve satisfaction with half the effort."

Whether the "good medical project" is effective and beneficial to patients, the "judges" are patients and the masses.

In November 2023, the hospital set up the city's first "Patient Rights Committee", whose members include government workers, enterprise management, teachers, retired employees, stay-at-home mothers, and deputies to the National People's Congress. They are regularly invited to participate in the "Hospital Open Day" to monitor and evaluate the quality of hospital medical services, provide advice and opinions to the hospital, and promote more effective cooperation between doctors and patients. "The hospital is very open, inclusive and enterprising, and the hospital has implemented meticulous and solid actions to improve the medical experience of patients." Wu Pengshui, a member of the committee who participated in the open day twice, was impressed.

Environment upgrades

Opening of the new surgical building brings a new inpatient experience

Limited area, insufficient beds, and old environment...... As one of the few district-level hospitals in Longhua District, the hardware conditions of Longhua District Central Hospital have always been one of the important factors restricting its development.

In the "post-tertiary era", this problem has also been solved. In December 2023, the new surgical building of Longhua District Central Hospital was opened.

The new building has 19 floors above ground and 3 floors underground, with a construction area of 94,000 square meters and 719 beds. New 3T nuclear magnetic resonance, integrated operating room and other advanced medical equipment, intelligent call system, central air conditioning, hospital bed unit and office equipment and facilities...... It greatly improves the functions and conditions of hospital medical services, and plays a great role in optimizing the functional layout of hospitals, improving the construction of software and hardware facilities, and improving the medical environment for patients.

A new environment that brings a new experience to patients. For example, the general medicine ward has good ventilation and lighting, and the window can see the greenery, overlooking the civil law park, and the inpatients can't help but praise: "I didn't expect that the hospitalization can also have the feeling of staying in a hotel, comfortable!" ”

"Before, the hospital did not have an underground parking lot, and the surrounding parking spaces were limited, so I thought twice before bringing the elderly and children here to see a doctor." Mr. Lu, a citizen, said. Now, with the opening of the new building, more than 360 parking spaces have been added to the hospital, which greatly alleviates the problem of difficult parking for patients.

The upgrade of hardware drives the upgrade of software. In line with the requirements of the construction of "Digital Longhua", the new surgical building has its own "digital gene" to provide patients with better and more efficient medical services through new technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence. In particular, the hospital has fully launched and deeply practiced "bedside settlement", "moving" the discharge settlement link to the bedside, and on the day of discharge, patients or their families can complete medical insurance reimbursement settlement, payment, list printing, etc. in the ward, bidding farewell to the window and the ward "running at both ends".

Clinic and Social Integration

The hospital and community health are deeply integrated, and medical resources flow effectively in both directions

The change also lies in the relationship between the headquarters and the community health.

"On the 15th, I saw a doctor at Xintian Community Health, and the hospital sent a notice on the 17th, and the operation was arranged on the 18th." After receiving the notice, the patient, Mr. Ma, went directly to the Central Hospital of Longhua District for intestinal polyp removal surgery, and the process of reception, referral and admission was very smooth.

This is due to the "hospital-community integration" reform launched by Longhua District Central Hospital in March last year. Starting from the four aspects of personnel integration, service integration, information integration, and assessment integration, the hospital broke the barriers that existed in the past between the hospital headquarters and 33 community health centers, unimpeded the linkage between the upper and lower levels, and deeply integrated in two-way referral, continuous care, and talent training, so as to promote the two-way flow of high-quality resources such as experts, beds, and large-scale equipment in the hospital and community health care, realize the integration of community health and hospital headquarters management, and homogenize services, and give full play to the advantages of "hospital-run hospital management".

The most direct change is that citizens save the trouble of running errands for medical treatment many times.

First, it establishes a convenient and efficient referral channel for two-way referral: when transferring, UCN can directly make an appointment with a hospital specialist or reserve a bed in the ward for the patient, so that the patient does not need to re-register and queue up, and go directly to the hospital for medical treatment at the appointment time; When the patient is transferred, the patient is directly transferred back to the community health company contracted by him, and the family doctor team takes the initiative to provide continuous health services.

In addition, the hospital headquarters sorted out the examination and inspection items, and lowered the CT, painless gastrointestinal endoscopy, MRI and other examination items to the community health center, and the community health general practitioner can directly issue bills, and the complete examination and inspection items greatly improve the service capacity of the community health center.

The headquarters of the hospital also "empowers" the community health. Combined with the differentiated public health needs of different communities, high-quality medical resources will be lowered to the community, and efforts will be made to create "one community, one characteristic and one brand". Last year, the hospital unveiled the first batch of 8 characteristic community health centers, and this year will also unveil 6 characteristic community health centers, bringing the top experts, advanced technology and high-quality resources needed by the community to their doorsteps.

Longhua News All-Media Reporter Huang Xiaohua Correspondent Zhang Jianming/Text Reporter Chen Jianhua Correspondent Li Wei/Photo

Edited by Wang Wencheng