
Create a benchmark for the deep integration of people, city and industry, speed up the sprint, and recreate a new blessed city

author:Bao'an Daily

On the banks of the Guanlan River, at the foot of Jiulong Mountain, is the street of Fucheng.

In recent years, Fucheng Street has formed an industrial pattern dominated by advanced manufacturing industry and supported by the electronic information industry, which is a veritable "industrial town" and industrial highland in the city, standing in the C position of digital economy development. It can be said that in recent years, riding the wave of digital Longhua and the spring breeze of high-quality development, the hot land of Fucheng has stimulated an unprecedentedly strong development potential and has become an existence that cannot be ignored.

At the beginning of February this year, Fucheng Sub-district held the 2024 Party Working Committee Work Conference to anchor the goal of high-quality development, focus on building a benchmark block for the in-depth integration of "people, city and industry", and deploy eight key tasks in eight aspects: economy, business, talent, urban area, people's livelihood, safety, party building, and team, behind which is the ambition of "rebuilding a new Fucheng".

In late April, Fucheng Street held the "New Journey Relay Forge Ahead, Start Again to Ignite Fucheng - 2024 Work Promotion Conference", 42 units in the form of exhibition boards, the high-quality development blueprint of the department and the community into a clear and visible "construction drawing", and the heads of each unit made a "commitment in the wind and rain" on the spot to accelerate the rise of "New Fucheng".

Halfway through 2024, the northern extension of Longlan Avenue will be opened to traffic soon, accelerating the take-off of Longlan Intelligent Manufacturing Corridor; The release of land preparation dividends has been accelerated, and a "new army" has been added to the trillion-level industrial belt; The four supporting roads of Jiulongshan Digital City have been opened to traffic, adding benefits to people's livelihood; Riding the east wind of the "Millions of Projects", the old village of Qiankeng saw "youth" again...... With the power of the whole street, Fucheng is speeding up the sprint on the track of the deep integration of "people, city and industry".

Create a benchmark for the deep integration of people, city and industry, speed up the sprint, and recreate a new blessed city

Longlan Intelligent Manufacturing Corridor.

The development is improving

The 100-billion-level industrial corridor has added another strong force

As of the end of June this year, the long-awaited northern extension of Longlan Avenue is about to be opened to traffic, marking the imminent completion of Longlan Avenue. After the opening of Longlan Avenue to traffic, Fucheng and the city center will enter a "half-hour life circle". For Fucheng, what is more worth looking forward to is the take-off of the 100-billion-level industrial belt of Longlan Intelligent Manufacturing Corridor.

Longlan Avenue is one of the eight horizontal and thirteen vertical projects of the ten major battles of Shenzhen, connecting Fulong Road in the south and Shenzhen Outer Ring Expressway in the north. As one of the three major urban corridors in Longhua District, the Longlan Intelligent Manufacturing Corridor relies on Longlan-Fulong Avenue to build a fast channel connecting Songshan Lake, Guangming Science City, Jiulongshan Digital City and Super Headquarters, and connecting the science and technology corridor connecting Shenzhen and Dongguan, which is of great significance to support and drive the economic development of Longhua District and build the development pattern of "one circle, one district and three corridors" in Longhua District.

The completion of a fast track will surely attract more attention to Fucheng.

From the geographical point of view, Fucheng is located in the north of the central axis of Shenzhen, with the geographical advantage of connecting Shenzhen and Dongguan and being close to Guangming Science City, especially on the territory of digital Longhua, Jiulongshan Digital City in the jurisdiction will be a digital economy agglomeration area dominated by intelligent manufacturing, as well as a dream factory for technological innovation in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the source of future industries. With the comprehensive expansion of Jiulongshan Digital City, a large number of major projects and scientific research institutions represented by artificial intelligence and 5G will settle here, and the emerging growth pole is ready to start.

From the perspective of industrial base, Fucheng is the only street in Shenzhen that brings together two of the world's top 500 manufacturing leading enterprises, and the industrial siphon effect promotes the layout of the industrial chain and the development of clusters. In order to accelerate the digital transformation, Fucheng has carried out digital transformation diagnosis and evaluation and enterprise digital transformation guidance services with "specialized" services, promoted the shift of "industry to the cloud" and "industrial cloud", and accelerated the development of the manufacturing industry to high-end, intelligent and green.

From the perspective of industrial space resources, the four rounds of land preparation dividends are being released at an accelerated pace, and the space potential is being transformed into Fucheng's industrial advantages and competitive advantages, and a large number of industry-leading and promising high-end manufacturing and digital economy enterprises are accelerating their layout in Fucheng. As of the first half of this year, through the form of industrial selection, 11 high-quality key enterprises such as Fengbin Electronics, Mindray Animal Medical, and Fibocom Technology have come one after another, which is expected to bring an output value of tens of billions of yuan, and at the same time will attract a number of upstream and downstream affiliated enterprises in the industrial chain to pour into Fucheng.

The introduction of leading enterprises and key enterprises has continuously refreshed Fucheng's industrial status in the whole district and the city. In the future, the development potential of Fucheng will continue to be released with the construction of Longlan Intelligent Manufacturing Corridor, and the new industrialized highland will gather momentum and take off just around the corner!

The data shows that driven by the strong development momentum, Fucheng's economic development in the first half of the year was outstanding: from January to May this year, the total industrial output value above the street scale was 58.335 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 8.0%.

People's livelihood is realistic

The construction of benefiting the people has been accelerated, and the lifting has been promoted to live and work in peace and contentment

An urban area that can retain people and hearts is not only deeply rooted in industrial development, but also allows the masses to live and work here in peace and contentment.

Fucheng has won the "Shenzhen Netizen's Favorite Happy Street" award for five consecutive years, which strongly proves that the former border area has become a happy land for young people who come to pursue their dreams.

In 2024, when Fucheng put forward the "Eight Insistences", it emphasized that it is necessary to focus on the most direct and realistic interests of the masses, the most urgent, the most worrisome and the most anticipated urgent issues, sink more resources, services, and management, and do a good job in the affairs of the masses.

Opening the "battle map" in 2024, Fucheng adheres to the work idea of "great people's livelihood" and continues to make efforts to "seven excellent people's livelihood". improve the construction of "two types of transportation road networks" in key industrial areas and people's livelihood road networks; We will make every effort to ensure the construction of schools in the jurisdiction, implement the preparation of leasing school venues, and strive to add 3,240 new places throughout the year; Continue to improve public health services at the grassroots level, implement a hierarchical and categorical diagnosis and treatment system, and improve the level of precision and refinement of services; Use pocket parks and corner plots to add more "doorstep" cultural and sports facilities to open up the "last mile" of cultural and sports services......

Nowadays, what livelihood benefits have been or will be implemented and integrated into the real life of Fucheng people?

In the Jiulongshan community, four supporting roads, including Fuyue Road, Fuhua Road, Furun Road and Jingyue Road, have passed the acceptance and are about to open, connecting the originally relatively isolated communities in the community together to form a closer transportation network, attracting the cheers of many Jiulongshan residents: "In the future, you can easily reach nearby schools, business districts or workplaces without detours or congested traffic conditions." ”

Create a benchmark for the deep integration of people, city and industry, speed up the sprint, and recreate a new blessed city

In Jiulongshan Community, four supporting roads, including Fuyue Road, Fuhua Road, Furun Road and Jingyue Road, will be opened to traffic soon.

During the year, Fucheng will also focus on promoting 17 supporting roads in Meiguan, Fucheng South and Jiulongshan Industrial Parks, as well as new road projects such as Langxiang Road, Wuguan Road and Cuizhu Road around the Baiheng Affordable Housing Project, Vanke Qicheng and Zhucun Urban Renewal Project, as well as the construction of the internal road network in the community, so as to make it more convenient for Fucheng people to travel.

It is worth mentioning that this sense of happiness is also really circulating among the delivery riders.

The community covers an area of 5.4 square kilometers, with 11 urban villages and 70,000 residents. Due to the relatively cost-effective rent, it attracts many groups such as delivery riders, couriers, and takeaway merchants to live here.

In February this year, the Da Shui Keng Community, the Party Committee of Meituan (Shenzhen), and the Meituan Da Shui Keng site jointly launched the first "Rider Friendly Community" in South China, aiming to achieve a win-win situation of convenient life for residents, optimized rider experience, and good community order through the co-construction and co-governance of the platform, community, and property. A 50-meter walk to a charging and swapping cabinet, a 1-minute ride to a rider gas station, each urban village has an exclusive rider-friendly route map, and shopping and car wash consumption can be discounted through the warm bee window...... Such friendliness surprised the riders.

Create a benchmark for the deep integration of people, city and industry, speed up the sprint, and recreate a new blessed city

In February this year, the construction of South China's first "rider-friendly community" was launched in the Dashuikeng community in Fucheng.

Peace and goodness

Solid measures to create a sense of security

To make cities more resilient is to make them safer and more livable, and to make people's lives more secure.

Shenzhen netizens praised Fucheng as "the favorite happy street" for five consecutive years, which is closely related to the sense of security. There is also a set of data showing that from 2018 to 2023, the total police situation in Fucheng Street has declined for six consecutive years.

Stability and stability are grasped together with economic construction and improvement of people's livelihood, so that the people of Fucheng can feel the sense of security that they can empathize with today. Where does the feeling of security come from? From the "Wednesday Christmas Eve Patrol", but also from innovative and solid safety measures.

Every Wednesday night, the members of the "Christmas Eve Patrol" party member volunteer service team in each community will shuttle through the streets and alleys, fixed-point slices, slices into the grid, form a "safety governance eye", enter hundreds of doors, listen to hundreds of families, warm the hearts of hundreds of families, extend the reach of grassroots governance services, and actively capture the "weak signal" of potential safety hazards...... One by one, they walked rain or shine, walking on the front line, keeping the residents in the jurisdiction with a stable sense of security.

"Wednesday Christmas Eve Patrol" is no stranger to every Fucheng person. This working mechanism began in 2018 and continues today. For more than 6 years, Fucheng has adhered to the three-level linkage to carry out the "Wednesday Christmas Eve Patrol" action, and the leadership team of streets, communities and joint-stock companies has led teams to go deep into key areas such as urban villages, "three small" places, rental houses, and enterprises in the park to comprehensively investigate and rectify potential safety hazards, and inspect and rectify the chaos of the city's appearance and environment, and make every effort to maintain the safety, cleanliness and orderliness of the jurisdiction.

Stability and peace are the basic requirements for people's happiness and well-being and the basic prerequisite for economic development. In the first half of this year, Fucheng continued to deepen the experience and practices of the "three meetings and one topic" model of petition work, the "1+10+45+N" model of mass appeal service, and the three-level construction site contradiction and dispute adsorption mechanism, so as to improve the efficiency of resolving outstanding contradictions and disputes such as labor disputes and affordable housing petitions in large enterprises, resolve contradictions at the grassroots level, and ensure a harmonious and stable social environment in the jurisdiction.

The city is new

"Millions of Projects" glows the "youth" of a century-old village

The people's city is built by the people, and the people's city is for the people.

Like the city of Shenzhen, Fucheng's residents come from all over the world, and they are an important force in the development of the district, and most of them live in urban villages. Over the years, Fucheng has continued to invest resources in upgrading urban villages and improving the living environment bit by bit.

Walking through the old village of Qiankeng, I found that it has faded its gray coat, painted with new and bright colors, a new gatehouse, and a grass, a tree, a flower and a leaf, a corner, and a card are all integrated into the careful design, and have been transformed into a beautiful and livable garden community...... Immerse yourself in it and feel the "poetry and distance" in the bustling city. With the continuous promotion of the "Millions of Projects", as a characteristic project of the "Millions of Projects" focused on building in Fucheng, the old village of Qiankeng, which has a history of more than 300 years, has transformed from an "urban village" to a "scene in the city" and regained its "youth".

Create a benchmark for the deep integration of people, city and industry, speed up the sprint, and recreate a new blessed city

The construction project of camping square in Qiankeng Old Village will introduce operators to add new vitality to the old village.

A few years ago, with the support of the district and the street, the Qiankeng community carried out the comprehensive renovation of the urban village of Qiankeng Old Village, and built green ecological parks such as Qiankeng Old Village Park, Ribbon Park, and Bamboo Park, gradually realizing the "old look for a new look", and transforming from the "dirty and messy" to the "green, beautiful and clean" today.

Since the beginning of this year, Fucheng has intensified efforts and accelerated the construction of characteristic blocks in Qiankeng Old Village, focusing on the existing resource endowment of the old village, to create a green and beautiful ecological new city integrating industry and city, and a harmonious Hakka charm village with neighborliness and harmony, focusing on the existing resource endowment of the old village.

At present, in terms of cultural tourism, the landscape improvement project around Happy Farm in Qiankeng Old Village and the construction project of Camping Square in Qiankeng Old Village have been completed and accepted. In the future, the operator of the camping square project will be actively introduced, and the existing 5 parks and the Qiankeng greenway landscape will be linked, so as to create a Jingcun agricultural, cultural and tourism integration project integrating pastoral recreation, camping vacation, culture and leisure, research and education, and at the same time integrate multiple forces to build a public welfare basketball court and a football field, so as to create a camping square Internet celebrity spot that Shenzhen people love to come.

The old village is alive, and the development opportunities are also coming. At a tea party in the Qiankeng community, Aunt Zhang, a resident, was full of longing for the future and proposed to build a comfortable and warm Hakka homestay, "so that tourists can come here to feel the local cultural characteristics, and they can also enjoy the quiet and comfortable natural environment, so that tourists don't want to leave, and they still want to come." In this way, residents can also increase their income, killing two birds with one stone. ”

Humanity is alive

"Neighborly Community" Promotes "Strange Neighbors" to "Neighbors"

On the evening of May 27, at the "Beautiful Neighborhood, Zhangge Good People Story Collection" activity in Zhangge Community, Liu Yongjin, Lei Bo, Zhang Jianwen, Wang Jing's team, Chen Jinlong's family, and Longhui Restaurant ...... One by one, ordinary names entered the eyes and hearts of Fucheng people. These people with different identities and different names get together and have a common name: the good people of Zhangge.

Create a benchmark for the deep integration of people, city and industry, speed up the sprint, and recreate a new blessed city

"Beautiful Neighborhood, Zhangge Good People Story Collection" gathers upward and good forces.

That night, Liu Yongjin, a retrograde rescue hero in the Chayang landslide section of Zhangge Youth Worker and Meida Expressway, stood on the big stage of Zhangge Community for the first time to tell his rescue experience, so that more "people around him" could hear his deeds at close range for the first time.

"Like a group of good neighbors and drive a good neighborhood." The selection of "Good People of Zhangge", a traditional activity that has been held for many years, reflects Fucheng's innovative model of "good neighborliness and good governance".

Most of the residents of Fucheng are people who come to Shenzhen to struggle, they gather because of industry, live together in a diverse and complex high-mobility society, and the problem of "strange neighbors" is serious. How to promote the transformation of "strange neighbors" into "close neighbors", and create a strong atmosphere of "distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, and close neighbors are not as good as close neighbors", so that the people's sense of gain is more satisfying and happier? Driven by the creation model of "pro-neighbor community" led by party building, Fucheng actively builds a "community" of multi-party forces to build and govern together, and takes building a platform, building a mechanism, and providing excellent services as the starting point to build a happy home where the party and the masses are connected, the neighborhood is harmonious, and the watch and help each other is built.

The "Happy Neighbor" position is indispensable. Fucheng has built 14 "neighborly homes" with different themes such as "camping resorts" and "local feelings" in urban villages and other areas with dense population and shortage of leisure space, and strives to create "neighborly streets" and "neighborly alleys" and other popular, warm and distinctive neighborly positions. In Qiankeng, the "half-acre pastoral" with the functions of public welfare, education, science popularization, and neighborhood mutual assistance has become a neighborly home for neighbors and neighbors; With the theme of "Neighborliness", "Green Beauty" and "Humanities", the system inside and outside the old village of Qiankeng will be built in succession to create a "Qianyou Path" with strong local characteristics, and create a demonstration site of the green and beautiful neighborly community.

Thanks to the creation of the atmosphere of "neighborly community", community affairs have gradually become everyone's business, and "door-to-door strangers" have become "old acquaintances in the community", igniting the enthusiasm of all kinds of social subjects to build "safe neighborly" homes. For example, the Jutang Community "Craftsmen Contribute Ingenuity" public welfare talent building plan, absorbing party members, volunteers, community owners, etc. to become "neighborly partners", excavating a group of doctors, lawyers, teachers, maintenance workers and other "skilled talents", often in the "Community Neighbor Festival", "Neighbor Market" and other convenient activities to make a brilliant contribution, so that the nearest people can provide the closest service, so that every resident can enjoy the warmth of the neighborhood.

The "neighborly community" has gathered the powerful power of the neighborhood and has also rejuvenated grassroots governance. Various communities in Fucheng have built multi-level and normalized platforms for good-neighborly deliberations, held "secretary tea parties", party-mass joint meetings, and neighborhood meetings, etc., to listen to the voices of the people, gather people's wisdom, solve people's worries, and solve the problems of residents such as difficulties in going to school, housing, and employment in a timely manner, so that residents can really find a sense of "being the masters of their homes" in the community.

Longhua News All-Media Reporter Huang Xiaohua Correspondent Wu Qiuwei Liu Han/Text Reporter Chen Jianhua/Photo

Edited by Wang Wencheng