
3 "ultra-jogging" best time exposures, 6 ultra-jogging precautions


Ultra jogging is a low-intensity, long-duration aerobic exercise that is very effective for burning fat and improving cardio fitness! Share the best time to run for ultra-jogging, as well as tips to pay attention to when running, and those who are going to run recently must remember!

3 "ultra-jogging" best time exposures, 6 ultra-jogging precautions

The most effective time for "ultra jogging":

1. Early in the morning:

01. If you wake up early in the morning and do it on an empty stomach, you can take advantage of the fasting state at night to enter the fat burning mode faster.

02. Help you stay high energy and in good spirits throughout the day.

2. 1-2 hours after meals:

It helps to improve digestion, but remember not to do it right after eating, as it can cause indigestion and is less effective.

3. Evening before dinner:

01. Taking advantage of the leisure time after work and in the evening to go for ultra-jogging can help reduce stress and relaxation, and can also help improve the quality of sleep.

02. It can be done before eating dinner to promote metabolism after dinner.

3 "ultra-jogging" best time exposures, 6 ultra-jogging precautions

Notes on "Super Jogging":

Precautions 1: Warm up before running and stretch after running:

01. A 5-10 minute warm-up exercise before a super jog, such as a relaxing walk or a dynamic stretch, can help the body gradually get into a state of exercise and reduce the risk of injury.

02. After the exercise, do 5-10 minutes of stretching training to help you relax your muscles and reduce soreness.

3 "ultra-jogging" best time exposures, 6 ultra-jogging precautions

Note 2: Choose the right venue and shoes:

01. Choose a flat, soft track or park to reduce the impact on your joints.

02. Wear comfortable, supportive running shoes that protect your ankles and knees.

3 "ultra-jogging" best time exposures, 6 ultra-jogging precautions

Precautions 3: Control heart rate:

01. The target heart rate should be between 50-70% of the maximum heart rate, which can be monitored by using a heart rate monitoring app.

02. You can use the "Speaking Test": If you can still speak easily while running, then the intensity is appropriate.

Precautions 4, hydration:

During ultra-jogging, pay attention to keeping your body hydrated, drink plenty of water, especially when the weather is hot or you are running for a long time.

Precautions 5: Maintain the correct posture:

01. Keep your head straight and your eyes looking forward.

02. Relax your shoulders and swing your arms naturally.

03. Keep your waist naturally straight and avoid leaning forward or leaning back.

Note 6, step by step:

01. When you first start ultra-jogging, you can start with 20-30 minutes and gradually increase the time and distance.

02. Maintain a frequency of 3-5 times a week to avoid fatigue and injury caused by overtraining.

3 "ultra-jogging" best time exposures, 6 ultra-jogging precautions

With the right schedule and reminders, ultra-jogging can definitely become a very effective way to lose weight and maintain health.

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