
The end of "This Game is Too Real": I didn't expect the final boss to be myself!

author:Attack on the Bookworm

After reading a novel for nearly two years, I couldn't figure out what genre this novel belonged to, and the name of this novel was "This Game Is Too Real"!

The end of "This Game is Too Real": I didn't expect the final boss to be myself!

The bookworm first read this novel.,It's to see it as a wasteland type novel.,At the beginning of the novel,It's really in line with the setting of "wasteland".,The male protagonist Chu Guang also got a set of systems as he wished.,But this system doesn't add bafu to the protagonist himself.,But let him become a game manager.,And then pull players in from reality to participate in the game.,This also makes me mistakenly think,The male protagonist has crossed into the game world.。

Unfortunately, this is not the case!

The end of "This Game is Too Real": I didn't expect the final boss to be myself!

The author of this book, Morningstar LL, is a platinum writer of China Literature Group, and his representative works include "I Have a Suite in the Last Days", "Xueba's Black Technology System" and "The Master is by My Side". "This Game Is Too Real" should be Morningstar's current collection of his own fiction genres, as this novel contains all of his previous fiction genres.

So what kind of novel is "This Game Is Too Real"?

The end of "This Game is Too Real": I didn't expect the final boss to be myself!

The official definition of this novel is "light novel", and if you look at the definition of light novel, this classification shows that there is nothing wrong with it, and the definition of light novel is a novel that can be easily read. The early and middle stages of this novel fit this definition, but there are some professional things in the later stage that not everyone can understand. The theme of this book contains a variety of elements such as wasteland, science fiction, games, rebirth and systems, and the only regret is that there are no immortal fantasy elements in it, otherwise it would be really interesting!

The length of the novel is really long!

The end of "This Game is Too Real": I didn't expect the final boss to be myself!

"This game is too real" will be on the shelves on July 20, 2021, and will end on April 2, 2024, with a total of 1056 chapters and 6.92 million words, Morningstar LL has been writing for nearly three years, I finished reading this book in two parts, and the reason why I stopped reading it for the first time was because the speed of the author's writing couldn't keep up with the speed of my reading, and it stopped for about a year in the middle. And the names of the characters are very weird!

Is this novel any good?

The theme of the novel is actually not new, and the reason why bookworms will enter the pit is because the wasteland theme is my dish. The beginning of the novel should be considered a decent, standard wasteland traversal stream, using online games as a carrier to realize the connection between the real world and the virtual world. The plot is steady and gentle, without too much blood and passion, to be honest, the early plot is a bit flat, and it is estimated that many readers will retreat here. But the overall content is relaxed, and it's not tiring to read, not the kind of novel that people have to stay up late to read, just read a few chapters when you have nothing to do.

Multiple narrative perspectives, no absolute protagonist. Although the core character of the novel is Chu Guang, in addition to the number of early appearances, it basically does not appear much in the middle and late stages, and only plays a role in some connections, with different protagonists in different chapters, including local NPCs belonging to the game world, and small players who are pulled into the wasteland world by Chu Guang from the real world. Each of them is their own protagonist, and the author is still very good at describing specific characters, whether it is a big person or a small person, it is so three-dimensional and real.

The grand view of the universe is refreshing. If you only read the first and middle parts of the novel, this is a web article imagined by the author, but from the middle and late stages, the author let the reader see his grand cosmology, a huge blueprint slowly unfolded in front of the reader, and the novel began to sublimate all of a sudden, especially the "Orion Crossing Event", the perfect crossing closed loop is refreshing, and since then it has been out of control, and the plot of the novel has officially entered the "universe".

The vast scope of knowledge is like an encyclopedia. Judging from the author's description of some professional physics terms, he should most likely be a science student, or have a special hobby of physics, although now with the blessing of the Internet, but not everyone can combine those professional words together...... Is it possible that all these technologies will be present in our future? But the focus is not on these techniques, but on the author's understanding of the universe and space in the novel, which has a unique feeling.

The ingenious conception is amazing. The bookworm has never praised an online novel author so much, his unbridled imagination really impresses me, and in the later stages of the novel, the author basically fills in all the holes buried in the early stage, making the novel a perfect closed loop. Many novels don't have a specific explanation for the male protagonist's crossing, but this novel gives, and it's very reasonable.

With all that said, it's time to get back to the essence of the matter, if you like wasteland-themed novels, then this novel you definitely can't miss; If you like light-hearted and funny novels, this can be your dish too; If you like to spit and sarcasm, then there are some of them. There is no bloody plot, no White Lotus, no stallion harem, in short, this is a novel that contains multiple elements of wasteland, science fiction, games, rebirth and systems, and it is worth watching!

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