
【Tuesday Preview】Dr. Xu Rui: What should I do if my child has prickly heat in the summer heat?

author:Qi Yan Qi said education



July 2024

Pay attention to mothers and babies, care for growth.

Mother loves time

【Tuesday Preview】Dr. Xu Rui: What should I do if my child has prickly heat in the summer heat?

Mother loves time

Program Notice

Program time: 10:00-10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, July 2

Xu Rui, Head of the Department of Dermatology, Heilongjiang Hospital, Beijing Children's Hospital

What to do with children's summer skin problems

『Listening method』Longguang Urban Women's Station FM102.1, listening friends outside the province can search for Longguang Urban Women's Station through the Longguang Radio applet or on the mobile phone Dragonfly or Himalaya, Tingting and other apps, and listen to the live broadcast or playback.

Every summer, many parents have to start a "big battle" against prickly heat.

Many babies are particularly easy to sweat, not yet in the middle of summer to heat out a body of prickly heat, itchy not good, sometimes scratched, parents often prickly heat powder, flower water are greeted, but also in the baby's bath water brains, all kinds of "cold medicine" to add to the water, and even use the folk soil method to boil water for the child to wash the bubble.

So what is prickly heat? How does prickly heat form? How can it be prevented and cared for?

At 10 a.m. on Tuesday, July 2, FM102.1 Heilongjiang Urban Women's Radio "Mother's Love Time" program invited Xu Rui, head of the dermatology department of Beijing Children's Hospital and Heilongjiang Hospital, to popularize science for you! You are welcome to listen and participate!

Live room hotline: 0451-82898800, you are welcome to call the hotline to communicate with experts.



Program highlights:

1. How does prickly heat occur?

2. What is the difference between eczema and prickly heat?

3. How to prevent prickly heat?

4. Is it really good for children to use talcum powder?

5. How to treat a child with prickly heat? What kind of ointment can be used?

6. What should I do if prickly heat and eczema come together?

7. How to take care of your baby's skin in summer?

8. What kind of skin problems do children need to seek medical attention?


Brief introduction

Special guest of mother's hobby time

【Tuesday Preview】Dr. Xu Rui: What should I do if my child has prickly heat in the summer heat?

Xu Rui

Head of the Department of Dermatology, Heilongjiang Hospital, Beijing Children's Hospital

Member of the Pediatric Dermatology Rehabilitation Group of the Second Committee of the Dermatology Rehabilitation Professional Committee of the Chinese Rehabilitation Medical Association

Secretary of the Pediatric Dermatology Professional Committee of Heilongjiang Medical Association

Member of the Children's Health Care Professional Committee of Heilongjiang Medical Doctor Association

Member of the Skin Professional Committee of Heilongjiang Chronic Disease Management Society

Source: Mother's Hobby Time, the copyright belongs to the original author, pay tribute to the original, if there is any infringement, please contact the background to delete "Mother's Hobby Time" Hotline: 0451-82898800 Editor: Wan Lan Review: Cui Ying Final Review: Kai Qi

【Tuesday Preview】Dr. Xu Rui: What should I do if my child has prickly heat in the summer heat?
【Tuesday Preview】Dr. Xu Rui: What should I do if my child has prickly heat in the summer heat?
【Tuesday Preview】Dr. Xu Rui: What should I do if my child has prickly heat in the summer heat?