
Writer Tang Guoming said: Be a Magellan who rides the wind and waves, don't be a useless "jealous"

author:Tang Guoming

The famous writer Tang Guoming said: Be a Magellan who rides the wind and waves, don't be a useless "jealous"



(Reminder: After this text, you can learn about my published books and my thoughts, and find Cao Xueqin's writing after 80 episodes of "Dream of Red Mansions", as well as the goose feather poems, half-wayism, and poetic flow that I created.) )

[Half-wayism is just like Tang Guoming, who advocated "thinking of danger and working hard, cultivating virtue and peace and the world", which originally published the mature part of the book "Zero Township" with "Goose Feather Poems" and "Soldiers Sticking to the Great Wall Fortress": not in the past, not in the present, not in the future, only on the way; Not elsewhere, not far away, only on the road; Not in my hometown, not in another country, only halfway at the moment. 】

Writer Tang Guoming said: Be a Magellan who rides the wind and waves, don't be a useless "jealous"
Writer Tang Guoming said: Be a Magellan who rides the wind and waves, don't be a useless "jealous"


Scholars, poets, and wise men with goose feather style bones, fresh breeze and bright moon meat, idle clouds and flowing blood, and long wind and affection,

It is a collection of works by the famous writer Tang Guoming, who wrote Cao Xueqin after finding "Dream of Red Mansions" 80 times, and created goose feather poetry, half-wayism, and poetic flow


This is my Magellan's story - an excerpt from the famous writer Tang Guoming's poetic half-way novel "Zero Township"


27. Firmness after confusion


After listening to the "city dialects" of Tang Guoming, the author of this book, I thought that if the world really became like this, I should not leave, and I should guard this fortress in this territory. Maybe the world is not what the author of this book Tang Guoming said at all, and the emperor will not leave me and the world alone. No one wants me to leave without the emperor's order. The messenger told me that I would have to keep the fortress without the Emperor's order to summon me back. Tang Guoming, the author of this book, said that seeing me like this reminded him of a person. Who was he, I asked? He told me about this man with his literary genius. In order to tell this person's story well, on December 21, 2021, Tang Guoming, the author of this book, wrote an article on the Internet "I am willing to <老人与海>suffer insults for those who are matched<我是麦哲伦>".


28, I am willing to suffer insults for "I am Magellan".


In 2012, in the first half of the second issue of Yalu River magazine, I was happy when I received the 18,000-word novella "I Am Magellan", but I did not receive the manuscript fee.

"I Am Magellan" is a work based on Zweig's 100,000-word non-fiction novel "Magellan's biography", before 2010, after reading Hemingway's "The Old Man and the Sea", I always wanted to write a work that could match "The Old Man and the Sea". When I read Zweig's complete biography of Magellan, I wanted to find a better way to express Magellan's spirit. I tried many ways to express the spirit of Magellan, but I was unsuccessful, and finally I came up with a way to use "The Biography of Magellan" as the material and use the first person to restore the spirit of Magellan in a very short novel, so that in the future, I would use archaeology to restore and reproduce Cao Xueqin's writing found in the last 40 chapters of Cheng Gaoben's "Dream of Red Mansions", and do another training. Because I have done many experiments and training in the past, none of them have been successful in my opinion. One afternoon in 2008, I sat on the bed and wrote it out with a pen and then read it again. Later, every time I read it, I got excited once, and I went to the Internet café to type it out on the computer, and then deleted and added it, and showed it to some friends, and they were all incessant. Before submission, looking at the manuscript paper, although I felt great, I always felt that it was a "copying" work; I don't know if the editor will like it, but I still try to submit it. Soon after, a well-known magazine editor left me a message on the Internet asking me to call her, and when I called her, she said that in her conversation with me, she felt that I could not write such a good work, and I told her that I wrote it based on Zweig's "Magellan". She said she knew, that it was a work that could rival Hemingway's "The Old Man and the Sea," or she wouldn't have asked me to call her. But she couldn't give it to me. Later, she also spoke publicly about it on social media.

This incident left a shocking wound on me, who had not published any works back then, and it was also hit as if the sky was falling. I told some friends about it, and one of them suggested that I indicate where it came from directly at the end of the article, otherwise such a good work would be buried. So I followed this friend's method and submitted the article everywhere, and during the submission, several editors commented that it was good, but in the end it was not published. Until it was published, it was collected by some information websites.

But since 2012, I have been reading this novel every year, and every year I have seen something wrong and revised it. It wasn't until April 2021 that I felt satisfied that I started to post on the Internet, and the novel has gone from 18,000 words to just over 14,000 words now.

Looking back, it has been almost 12 years since the novel was first drafted in 2008 and published in 2012, and now it is almost 12 years since 2024. It can be said that this is a novel that has gone through more than 10 years of "copying" or "super-changing", or "constantly flushing", or it can be said that there is a person who has spent more than 10 years to "copy" and "constantly flush" a short story. As for whether "I Am Magellan" can compete with Hemingway's "The Old Man and the Sea", please read the text that has been renamed "This is My Magellan's Story".


29. This is the story of my Magellan


People are born to be defeated, and even if they know that they will be defeated, they will dream of possible success in the midst of continuous failure. For you, I've been dead for years. People always have to die, and since we have to die, we long for eternity and for eternity. Some people come to the world to live, and some people come to leave a name for the ages.

After reading Zweig's "Biography of Magellan", I really wanted to run out of this book and write my long story based on Zweig's more than 100,000 words, trying to retell my true story to the world in more than 10,000 words, and tell the world that my real story is like this.

I concentrated on examining each one in my mind as I walked past the crew in front of the procession, secretly pondering and estimating who would stand up to defend me and who would oppose me at the critical moment. I say to them: Historic undertakings are often not finished when they are finished, but when they become the wealth of future generations. Let us use the immortality we aspire to create for the blessing of future generations, and bring the obscure name into the eternal realm. If my earthly life ends up, I want that to be the beginning of my eternal life.

From this moment on, they must follow me without complaint and deferentially, like a dog following its master, following my banner during the day and the torch by night. All must follow me, and no one has the right to ask me for an explanation.

No matter how badly insulted I was on the way, the two eyes under my thick eyebrows never caught fire, and the wrinkles on my closed lips never moved. Because of this extreme calmness, everything became crystal clear in my eyes. I surrounded myself with a cold wall of silence, better thought and calculated my plans, and led the fleet along the coast under a foggy sky, toward nothingness.

The days are shorter and the nights are longer. The boat was no longer rowing in the blue waves set off by the gentle downwind, the icy wind tore the sails violently, the white particles of snow and hail fell on the boat, and the gray-white waves tossed and undulated terribly. It took the fleet two months to seize the short distance from the place of departure to another bay from hostile forces of nature. Almost every day, the crew wrestled with hurricanes, with the ferocious gusts of terrible gusts of wind that broke the masts and scraped off the sails of the bay. The weather was getting colder and darker, and the strait leading to another ocean was still nowhere to be found. The cold became the most vicious and dangerous of all the enemies the fleet faced, and it blocked its path with a storm. Half a year has passed, and nothing has come closer to my dream goal than the day I left the land and set off.

The crew gradually showed undisguised unease: instinct reminded them that something was wrong. Didn't you tell them when you recruited them that the fleet would sail to a glorious land, to a rich country? Didn't you promise to find your wealth and return home soon? Not only did all this not materialize, but I was led by a gloomy and taciturn me in the colder and poorer wilderness.

The sky was covered with clouds and snowflakes were flying in the sky. The cold wind blew the ears and pierced the flesh through the torn clothes. The ropes were hung with ice, and the sailors' hands were frozen; The exhaled breath turned into a white mist around his mouth.

There was silence all around! The cold drove even food away from these places. There were no wild beasts, no plants, only seals and shells on the shore. There are living things here that would rather inhabit the icy water than stay on the bleak shore, which is often hit by storms.

Where did I, madman, lead them to? Where am I going to drive them? Is this little cold worth fearing? Is it worth losing the spirit of steadfastness for the sake of such a trifle? Just hold on for a few more days, spend the winter here, and then continue sailing when the weather conditions are more favourable. The crew no longer needs to be comforted with empty words. They never imagined that they would sail to this frozen land, to a desert where I had taken untouched by human footprints, not to mention uninhabited, not even bears and wolves. What are we doing here? Why take a long detour when there is another road that leads directly to your destination and can avoid this frozen area that will lead to destruction? The sailors complained endlessly in the bilge, among their own people, and the captains were involved in the matter.

I was led astray by the wrong map, and I couldn't hide it from them. If I really know what latitude and longitude we want to find the strait, why waste precious time and time visiting every cove here? When I assert that I know the location of the Strait, I have either deceived others or myself. I was looking for a fairway, but I didn't know where it was. With undisguised schadenfreude, they watched as I scrutinized the jagged contours of the coastline at every bend. Well, let me continue to steer the fleet to the ice and where no one knows. They don't have to argue with me, complain to me, make me angry. Soon I will be forced to admit that I can't move on, that I don't know where to go. Then the time has come for them to seize command and destroy me.

I could no longer hide from myself since the disappointment of not being able to find the Channel, and the map that I rashly believed to be true had led me astray. If the mythical strait really exists, then, in the most favorable case, its position may be closer to the polar zone; However, even if it were, the timing of the passage through the strait was missed. Carrying a dilapidated fleet full of complaints, it has been sailing for nine months. Winter came ahead of me and overthrew all my plans.

My fleet is still adrift on the roadless sea, stubbornly battling the fiercest storms to survive. The wisest thing to do now is to gather the captains to tell the truth, and admit to them that the search for the Strait can only be rediscovered after the beginning of spring. For now, it would be better to go back and shelter from the storm so that the ship and crew can rest before next spring. This is the easiest way and the most humane way of action. But I've gone too far to go back, and I've been deceived and deceived for too long. Only a huge, decisive result can prove that all this is true. I have no way back, and once I command the rudder to turn back, I will become their slave. I decided to keep the ship and crew at sea far away, even if they wanted to force me to return. If I can find the strait in the spring, the matter will be won; If you can't find the strait, everything will be over, and there is no middle way. Only tenacious spirit can give me strength, and only courage can save me.

At the same time, increasingly violent and cold storms constantly hit the ships. The fleet struggled tirelessly against the terrible forces of nature, and it took another two full months to advance the distance of 12 latitudes. On the desolate shore another bay finally appeared. I ordered the flotilla to go in. As you can tell from a cursory observation, there is no shortage of springs and fish. When the captain and crew learned that they were spending the winter here, they were not only surprised, but also terrified. It's an unaware, uninhabited bay where no navigator has ever been before me, and it's one of the most gloomy, inhospitable places on earth.

Dark clouds loom over this cold prison, and already tense relationships inevitably lead to more intense conflict. Faced with the panic of the crew, I was not afraid to take such measures as would inevitably deepen the already discontent, and I ordered the economy of food, and the reduction of the daily supply of rations and wine; The already disgruntled crew members were simply unwilling to bow down to accept such restrictions. The rather sound instinct hinted at the weary sailors that at least three-quarters of them would die a painful death from the bitter cold and hunger, and the unbearable hardships of the voyage if they were to be victorious. They complained that if there was not enough food, they should return, and several of them had frozen to death, knowing that they had been hired to expedition far away. I made a speech at that time that was very incompatible with my restraint and lack of enthusiasm, and I decided that I would rather die than return without shame.

However, the words of the breeze and the moon can never tame the hunger. What saved me at this critical moment was not my eloquence, but my unwavering decision to never give in or back down. I deliberately provoked a revolt in order to destroy it instantly with a steel hand. It is better to act immediately and decisively than to uncomfortably repeat the scheme! You'd rather rush to the hidden enemy than wait for them to corner! The tension created by the silence and silent mutual surveillance of the captains and I has intensified to the extreme in recent weeks. In the same cramped boat, this mutual snub and estrangement becomes more unbearable every day, every hour. At that critical moment, the captains of the fleet asked me to make my next move unrecognizable, for their own lives were at stake, and I conferred on them a high title and a certain responsibility. The fleet has been sailing for so long, I have not found the channel I was looking for, I have not reached the destination I should have reached, and the captains' request was reasonable. It's time to sit down at the table with them and discuss the course of the future.

I have been deceived by misinformation, and I no longer know where the strait I am trying to find is. Before I could find the strait I was looking for, I had to pretend to be deaf and dumb, and I had to bite my lip tightly, and I had to clench my fists all the time, and respond to their inquiries with all kinds of verbal excuses. But not so much that people have to put a knife on my neck and force me to answer, or my power and my prestige will be gone. If they persecute me resolutely now, this persecution is not a frivolous curiosity, but their duty. Once again, they revealed to me that their patience had come to an end. I did not show the slightest expression of aggrievedness, and calmly issued the daily orders of the ship.

The sun rose above the surface of the sea, all the lights were quickly extinguished, and the five ships, like five black sleepy beasts, anchored motionless in the smoky bay. From a distance, everything is as before. So, as every morning, I ordered to go about my daily work: send a small boat to the shore in search of firewood and fresh water for each boat for a day, and send a small sampan to go from boat to boat. Someone else is in my position and will definitely stop gambling. And I don't want my years of dedication to go down the drain overnight. A flagship cannot continue to the mysterious distance, and I can neither abandon them nor force them to obey those ships. I have only one absurd, but courageous, path to follow in this terrible situation, to force the captains who want to rebel to give in, and to do so, without a glimmer of hope, and with all their might.

The ships of the captains who wanted to rebel were moored there motionless, and they did not make a clear request to me. I have already chosen another brave path. They had thought that under the cover of night, when the captain slept, and the crew slept, no one was guarded, and none of the sailors had any weapons at hand, to attack my unsuspecting ship, and now, in broad daylight, in the midst of the noise of the waves, no one saw or heard, and three small sampans quietly departed a large ship under my command, paddling softly. At this moment, the task of these three little sampans is to remove the obstacles to the realization of my wishes; And then, fate chose me to accomplish my great cause. They did not expect that I, who had considered everything in the blink of an eye, would dare to do the unthinkable of attacking three well-armed ships with a small group of men in broad daylight.

As a result of this rapid maneuver, the weighing pans of the scales were jerked up, and the game that was about to be lost was won back. In about five minutes, the captains who wanted to rebel lost their advantage; My sudden blow destroyed the courage of my enemies. The tension passed quickly like a summer thunderstorm, and the first lightning shattered those who wanted to rebel. If history later proved me right, it should not be forgotten that history always defends the victors and condemns the losers. History is indifferent to how events go and it is always on the side of those who have achieved great things and great goals. My ruthlessness and indomitable will, if not from a moral point of view, be historically justified. Even if they die very painfully, almost all the memorable human undertakings are stained with blood, and only the indomitable can accomplish great deeds, and this is the reality that governs the eternal destiny of humanity.

Staying too long in this horrible, depressing, uninhabited place, trying to find but not finding the strait has brought me nothing but misfortune. I can't accomplish anything here, and the crew is complaining that they want to get out of here and go back as soon as possible. I fantasize, keep going, go forward. As the days get longer, this general impatience grows stronger. As soon as the violent winter storm had subsided, I sent out the smallest and fastest pigeon ship in the fleet, commanded by a trusty captain like Noah's Ark. As the days passed, I had begun to gaze restlessly and anxiously at the distant sea. The news about the fate of the ship came not from the sea, but from the land: one day two strange figures staggered, barely dragging their feet, and walked down a hill by the sea; Two naked, half-frozen, hungry, and exhausted, ghostly savages cried out to us. They brought bad news that the boat had reached a large river, but on further investigation it was thrown ashore by the storm and smashed into pieces. All but one black man had survived the crew and were waiting for rescue by the river. During these terrible eleven days, they ate all the leaves and grass roots.

I immediately sent out a small sampan. The victims returned to the bay. But what is the use of a man when the fastest ship, which is better suited for reconnaissance than other ships, is destroyed! This is the first loss. Here, on the other side of the world, this loss, like any loss, is irreparable. Finally, I gave the order to prepare to set sail. I took one last look at the few rebels who had been left ashore in an attempt to cause rebellion. On the days I anchored here, one of my ships was wrecked, and three captains were killed here; And the main thing is that a whole year passed forever, and I achieved nothing, saw nothing, gained nothing.

These days were probably the most gloomy days of my life, and perhaps the only days of secretly depressed days for me, a man who believed so deeply in his career. As I sailed out of the bay, I pretended to be firm and declared that I was determined to go along the coast if necessary. This alone, if necessary and perhaps, betrays my lack of faith. For the first time, I prepared myself to retreat, and for the first time I admitted to my captains that the strait I was looking for might not exist at all. I had evidently lost the conviction in my heart that inspired me to find the courage to find the passage from this ocean to another channel of the ocean, and left me at this critical moment. After two days of sailing, I had to anchor again at the mouth of a river discovered by the captain and ordered the ship to anchor for two months for the winter. Because from the point of view of later more accurate geographical data, this decision is simply meaningless.

Standing before them is a man with great ambitions, but blinded by vague misinformation. Having made it my life's goal to find a passage from one ocean to another, to make my first circumnavigation of the world, I destroyed worldly revolts by my devilish tenacity and found an assistant to carry out a plan that I could barely accomplish; With the convincing power of my ambition, I led a fleet of ships to places never before that of a voyager.

I have overcome the storms and waves of the sea and the rebellion. No obstacle, no disappointment, could destroy my miraculous conviction: I was close to the strait I was looking for, from the goal I was pursuing. But suddenly, in the face of victory, the foresightful gaze of this enthusiastic man was covered by a layer of fog, as if the gods, who had always disliked me, had deliberately put a blindfold on me. On the day I ordered the fleet to anchor again for two months, I was actually close to the target. I only had to go forward for two more days, if I had sailed for more than three hundred days and then for two more days, if I had traveled a few more nautical miles after thousands of nautical miles, and my restless heart would be filled with joy. But how vicious is fate to man's mockery! I, the unfortunate man, did not know or feel that the goal was at hand. During two melancholy months, full of constant toil and anxiety, I waited for spring near an estuary, on a deserted shore forgotten by God and man, like a man frozen in a violent snowstorm at the door of his hut, without thinking that he could be saved if he groped his way forward and took one more step forward.

I had been in this deserted place for two long months, and the thought of whether I could find the Strait tormented my mind, and the strong suspicion tormented me with its ferocious claws until the last moment. Only in this way will the lucky ending be even better! Only joy bursting from the most desperate abyss can reach the culmination of happiness. And in fact, the strait that has made my name for eternity awaits me two days and nights away. After two months of frustrating and painful waiting, I ordered the anchor to be lifted. The ship sailed forward at full speed. The wind came back to stop us, and we had to take inch after inch from the hostile forces of nature.

The tender green is not yet pleasing to the eye, and the uninhabited coast is desolate, flat, gloomy, and indifferent, and all that unfolds before us is a patch of yellow sand and bare rocks. On the third day of the voyage, a promontory finally appeared ahead, with white rock cliffs rising from the unusually curved shore. Rounding this protruding promontory, a deep bay emerges in front of you, the waters are dark black, and the boat gradually moves forward. Steep hills, jagged, snow-covered peaks in the distance, but everything around is lifeless! There was not a single figure, a few sparse trees and bushes growing in some places, and the bay was vast and desolate, with only the sea breeze howling incessantly to break the dead silence. The crew stared gloomily at the deep, blackened waters. It seemed absurd to them to imagine that a waterway, sandwiched between two mountains, as eerie as a river in hell, would lead to another sea that was bright and full of sunshine.

The helmsmen asserted in unison that it was a wasted effort and a pointless waste of time to go out to reconnoitre. It had taken many weeks to survey all these bays, but no desired outlet from the strait had been found. Enough, don't delay any longer! It is necessary to move forward quickly, and if the strait cannot be discovered soon, it is necessary to take advantage of the favorable season to return to the place where it came. But I was driven by the lingering thought of a strait that no one knew about, and ordered the same survey of the bay. The crew was not zealous in carrying out my orders; They prefer to move on because they all think and say it's a bay closed on all sides. I ordered two ships to stay where they were, and two more to go as deep as possible into the bay, but to return for a maximum of five days. Time is precious, and the food is running out. Five days of scouting was the last gamble, the only thing I could do to venture into this final attempt.

And so, the great dramatic moment came. My two boats began to swim back at the front of the bay, waiting for the reconnaissance to return. However, the whole of nature, as if outraged that someone wanted to take away its secret treasure, once again put up desperate resistance. Suddenly, the wind blew more and more violently, and in an instant the wind and rain stormed, and then it turned into a terrible hurricane that often wreaked havoc in these places. The bay was suddenly full of white waves, a whirlwind, and chaos. The first hurricane ripped off the anchor chains of both ships, and the defenceless ships lowered their sails and left them at the mercy of the forces of nature. Thankfully, the non-stop whirlwind didn't blow them onto the rocks on the shore. This terrible catastrophe continued day after night. But my fear is not my own fate; My two boats, though bumpy by the storm, were in the open part of the bay after all, which allowed them to keep a certain distance from the bay. The other two ships, which were caught in the interior of the bay by a storm, were attacked by a terrible hurricane in the valley, in the narrow passages, where they could neither swim back and dodge, nor anchor for refuge. If there had not been a miracle, they would have been thrown onto land, crashed into thousands of pieces on the rocks on the shore.

These few days were life-and-death days for me, full of terrible and anxious waiting like a cold fever. On the first day, nothing was heard from him. The next day, they didn't come back. On the third and fourth days, it was still nowhere to be seen. I knew that if both ships and their crews were killed and sunk, it would be all over. There were two boats left, and I couldn't continue sailing. Well, my career, my fantasies, are all smashed into these rocks.

Finally, a shout was heard from the mast. Instead of the ships returning to the anchorage, the observation post saw a column of smoke in the distance. This signal can only indicate that the crew members who died are calling for help. That is to say, two of my best ships have sunk, and my whole career has been buried in this bay that has no name yet. I have given the order to lay down the sampan and go to the interior of the bay to rescue those who can still be saved. But the situation immediately took a turn for the worse. It's a moment of victory, sails! See the ship! A ship! Thankfully, a boat was saved! No, it's two, two! All came back safe and sound. But what does that mean? There were lights on the port side of the two ships that were approaching, once, twice, three times, and the echoes of the mountains repeated loudly the roar of the cannons. What happened? Why did these people, who usually cherish every pinch of gunpowder, spend gunpowder and fire salutes again and again? Why, I hardly believe my eyes, why are the captain and the entire crew shouting, waving? What is it that makes them so excited, what are they shouting? From a distance, I couldn't tell every word, I didn't know what was happening.

Indeed, two ships brought excellent news. At the beginning, both ships were in a difficult situation. Far into the depths of the bay, a terrible hurricane blew. They lowered all the sails at once, but the rapids kept rushing the boat down and down until it reached the deepest part of the bay; They were ready to die disgracefully on the rocky and steep shore. But suddenly, at the last moment, they discovered that the row of precipitous rocks standing in front of them was not tightly locked. After crossing one of the most prominent rocks, a narrow fork in the river appears like a canal.

They passed through this less stormy passage and entered another bay. The bay started out narrow and then widened. They walked for three days and nights, and still did not see the end of this strange waterway. They did not reach the outlet of the bay, but this unusual current was by no means a river; The water is salty everywhere, and the shore alternates evenly between incoming and outgoing tides. This mysterious stream of water, instead of getting narrower the farther it goes, becomes wider and wider. The further you go, the wider the water becomes, and the depth of the water remains the same.

I haven't gotten such happy news for a whole year. At the hearing of this encouraging news, my gloomy and cold heart was of course overjoyed. Because I have begun to waver, I am already considering the possibility of returning. Now, just as my faith has begun to fade, the divine ideal is about to be fulfilled and my fantasy is about to become a reality! Not a minute can be delayed! Weigh! Sail!

For the first time in human history, four ships slowly and silently sailed into a quiet, eerie strait that no one had visited since ancient times, and it was truly a mysterious spectacle. We were greeted by a terrible silence. The hills on the shore were as black as magnet mountains, the cloudy sky hung low and low, and the black waters were a leaden gray; Four ships roamed ghostly in this crystalline netherworld. Snow-covered peaks glittered in the distance, and the wind blew their icy chill. There was nothing alive around, but there must have been people somewhere here, for there was always a flickering fire in the darkness of the night, and these never-extinguishing fires would be seen for centuries to come. The natives, who were at the lowest stage of their civilization, did not yet know how to make fire, and burned hay and branches in their huts day and night. During this time, we looked around in anguish, not once did we hear a human voice, did not see a trace of a human being. We listened to this ominous silence in confusion. We seem to be on another planet where everything is dead and scorched. Just move forward! Hurry up! So the boat slid on the breeze, on the gloomy water that had never been touched. We put the bathymetric hammer in the water again, but we didn't reach it to the end; I looked around with concern; Will the coast close again in the distance, and will the waterways be interrupted? But no, the waterway bent strangely and stretched into the distance, and all new signs heralded that the waterway led to the sea, but it was not yet known when the long-awaited moment would come, and it was not yet clear what the outcome would be, and the heart was still in trepidation. We kept moving forward in the darkness, accompanied only by the miserable howling cold wind of the mountains, which made an inexplicably strange tune. The course before us was not at all like the straight and arrow-like strait of the imagination, with many bends, coves, deep hollows, fjords, sands, shallows, and intersecting tributaries in a very chaotic and chaotic intermingling. They are unfathomable, dotted with islands, and shallows, and I don't know how to weave my way through them; The flow of water is often divided into three or four branches, some to the right, some to the left, and some forward, and it is impossible to guess which branch flows towards the desired goal. It is necessary to avoid the shallows and around the rocks at all times. A sudden headwind swept up the waves and tore the sails. In this strait, which has never been calm, sunny and suitable for navigation, dozens of expedition fleets were submerged here, and the two sides of the strait are still sparsely populated.

I was the first to conquer this dangerous sea route, and for a long time to come, I was the last to pass through the strait without losing a single ship. As in all fields, my genius in the art of piloting is my patience and unwavering prudence. It took me a whole month to explore patiently, meticulously and intensely. I was unhurried and unhurried, and at each point I came across a divide, I redivided the fleet into two groups: while two ships surveyed the northern part of the bay, the other two tried to find a way to the south. I seem to know that I was born with a twisted fate and cannot count on luck. I never leave the choice of one of the criss-crossing waterways to fate to decide, and I never use the method of guessing and guessing to predict. I experimented and surveyed all the roads in order to find the only one that was right. In short, I was the most sober, the most heroic, resolute, the persevering, which, together with the fantasies of my genius, triumphed here. The first canyons of the bay have been overcome, and the second has fallen behind. I came to a junction again; Here the water becomes wider, divided into two streams, left and right, and I wonder which tributary flows into the sea and which tributary flows into a useless dead end? I divided my fleet in two, and I took the flagship myself, and agreed to meet in a maximum of five days, at the mouth of a small river. Carefully crafted instructions have been given to the captains. Before it was time to set sail and set anchor for further exploration, I summoned the captains to the flagship to ask them about the existing food reserves and listen to their opinions.

The captains came to report on the condition of the vessels they were responsible for. Food stocks have been reduced to pitiful levels, with only three months of food on each boat at most. Then I firmly declare that there is no doubt that the first goal has been achieved. But before making a final decision, I ask the captains to express their very frank opinion, is the fleet content with what has been achieved? Is it to return to the ship as soon as the reconnaissance is over? Or move on? I know that there is not much food left, and that we will face great difficulties in the future. However, after the successful completion of the great cause, the honor and wealth that await us are also enormous. Although the fleet's ships were too dilapidated, the food reserves were insufficient, and no one knew how big the unexplored ocean would be after passing through the newly discovered straits. If we go the wrong way in this strange sea, if we can't find a bay, and we wander everywhere, what awaits the fleet will be a painful annihilation. For me, what matters is not earthly life, but immortal deeds. I know that we may have to go hungry and endure many hardships, but my determination is unshakable not to return with half the success, but to heroically continue the mission.

My command to move on was immediately conveyed from one boat to another. and secretly instructed the captains to hide the food from the crew. The captains silently listened to the order and dropped anchor at the mouth of the river where they were able to shelter from the storm, giving me and my men a good rest.

After the fleet had rested and repaired, I sent a small sampan to explore the way in advance in order to continue to move safely. The other two ships, which had agreed to meet in five days, also went to another tributary to reconnoiter and find their way.

At the agreed meeting place after five days, the surrounding area is no longer bare cliffs, but meadows and woods. The hills here are less steep, and the snow-covered peaks retreat into the distance. The air is softer. The crew, who had been quenching their thirst by drinking the moldy, smelly water from the barrels, enjoyed the cold spring water. They sometimes lie comfortably on the grass and lazily track strange flying fish with their eyes; Sometimes I taste the wild fruits of this place with my mouth.

But how can the pleasure of comfort, rest, and carefree comfort compare with the great, fiery, and exhilarating happiness that I am about to experience! This happiness can already be seen, and it is already felt that it is getting closer and closer. The very next day, the sampans I sent had returned as ordered, and they had found the exit of the strait, and they had seen with their own eyes the waters of this strait flowing into the great, unknown sea.

"Sea! The cry of the sea soared into the sky. This brief moment was the greatest moment of my life, it was the time of true greatest joy, a moment that can only be enjoyed once in life. Everything came true. I, I am the first and only one, have accomplished what thousands of people had fantasized about before: I have found another route to the sea that no one knows. This moment proves that my life is worth and that my name will be immortalized.

At this moment, something happened to me that no one dared to imagine. Suddenly, I, a stern warrior who never showed my feelings in front of anyone, was overwhelmed by the intense emotions that welled up in my heart. My eyes blurred, and hot, burning tears flowed down my unkempt beard.

I was destined to experience only a moment, the only brief moment in my whole gloomy and arduous life, the highest happiness that bestows creative genius. But fate doomed me to have to pay a painful price for every bit of happiness. Every victory I have is bound to be accompanied by disappointment. I am destined to only look at happiness and not embrace and keep it. Even the only moments of joy of my life, which I had not had time to fully experience, were gone. Where are the two ships that went to reconnoiter the exit of the other tributary channel? Why are they delayed? You know, this little sampan has found its way to the sea, and now any further exploration is a wasted waste of time.

How nice it would be if the other two ships had already returned! I gazed more and more anxiously into the confused distance of the strait. The agreed deadline has elapsed, and they have not been heard from. Did something unfortunate happen? Are they lost? I was so anxious that I could no longer wait in vain at the agreed place. I ordered the sails to sail towards the strait to meet the ships that had been delayed. But the horizon was empty, and as before, so was the eerie and lifeless waters. There is no trace anywhere, no news.

On the second day of searching, a sail finally appeared in the distance. But where is the other ship, the largest ship in the fleet? I ordered a light signal, hoisted a flag on a high pole, and left an indication signal under the pole for the missing ship in case it really got lost. However, there is still no trace of it. It is clear that something has happened. If the ship hadn't been shipwrecked and sank along with the crew and supplies, this is unlikely, because these days are rare windless weather.

On that day, I had no way of knowing what had happened. All I know is that something terrible happened, another boat went missing. It was the biggest, best, and most food-loaded ship of all my ships. But where did it go, what happened, what happened on board?

In this vast desert, no one can answer me: the ship sank to the bottom or fled in a hurry? For the last time, I was faced with a situation where I had to make a decision on the spot. I rejoiced too soon, I indulged in joy too credulously. Now I have encountered, in the tense moments of the victorious march, my companions have become vicious enemies who insidiously plot against me. Food reserves were already scarce, and now the fleet was threatened with starvation. That ship happens to be stocked with the best foodstuffs, and in the largest quantities. During the vain waiting and searching, a lot of food was also spent. A week ago, an attack on the unknown seas under incomparably favourable conditions would have been an extremely bold move. Now, the offensive is almost suicidal.

I went from the peak of pride and self-confidence to the bottomless abyss of panic. I was flustered, my heart was in turmoil. I asked them a second time, should I continue the voyage or return? This time, however, I asked the captains to reply in writing in order to refute in advance the accusations that I had used brutal and arbitrary means to suppress the captains' freedom of expression. I said, "Every one of you must tell me without fear what you think of the ability of our fleet to continue sailing." If you want to hide your opinions from me, you are violating your oaths and obligations. "I am in no way trying to consider their responses, but only to prove later, that I have consulted them. I knew I had gone too far and it was impossible to turn back. I can only return triumphantly, otherwise there is only a dead end. Even if I am going to die, I will not stop moving forward.

The ship sailed out of the mouth of the river at my command, and a few days later passed through the strait, where the most abundant destination should have been, behind the long stretch of the horizon. In front of me is a vast and unknown kingdom, but behind me there is no reliable backing and shelter. My personnel have been exhausted by the relentless disaster for months. Hunger and hardship will remain with them, and will threaten them in the future, even though they have put hunger and hardship aside. Their clothes were torn, their sails were torn to shreds, and their cables were worn out. For months, they didn't see a new face. For months, I did not see a woman, or wine, or fresh meat, or fresh bread. They were secretly already jealous of their companions who deserted home in time instead of having to wander on the boundless ocean. These ships have been drifting for 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 days, and there is still no land, and there is no sign of connecting to the near land! A week passed, and another week passed, and week after week! My fleet has been adrift for thousands of hours on the boundless waters. Since the day the strait disappeared into the fog and entered the ocean, we have had no maps, no measuring tools. How unbearable is this calm, and in the deathly silence, this endless monotonous scenery is a terrible torment! The blue water is always so dull, the hot sky is always cloudless, the air is always so quiet and sleepy, and it is always the semicircular horizon that unfolds ahead. Between the monotonous sky and the monotonous water, there is always a metal band that slowly pierces people's hearts. Around the three wrecked ships, there was always an endless blue and an empty silence, and in the oppressive stillness, they were the only three small dots that were still moving. The light is always uncomfortably bright during the day, and what you see in the light is always the same old view, and there is no change at all. And what I see every night is always the indifferent, wordless star. In a crowded boat full of people, there was always something around; It's always the same sails, the same masts, the same decks, the same anchors, always the cannons, always the bollards.

The food stored on the ship was rotten, and the stench emanated from the belly of the ship, always so sweet and suffocating. In the early morning, during the day, in the evening, and at night, you will always see faces that have been distorted by the desperation of patience, except that they are losing weight every day. The eyeballs are sinking deeper and deeper into the sockets, and the luster is disappearing. With each early morning of the day, the denomination became more and more concave, and the steps became slower and slower, more and more languishing. These pale-faced, scrawny, ghost-like men, who had been strong, healthy lads a few months ago, were able to climb swiftly up the soft ladder to the top and tie the cross-frame tightly, no matter how bad the weather; And now, they always staggered as they walked up and down the deck, or they lay exhausted on their mats, as if they were seriously ill. These three ships set sail for one of mankind's greatest feats. Now it is not so easy for everyone on board to recognize them as sailors. Every deck became a floating hospital.

The voyage was not expected to be so long, with reserves dwindling catastrophically and poverty growing uncontrollably. What is distributed to the crew every day is not so much food as garbage. There are no wines left that can moisten the lips and tongue and lift the spirit. The stench of fresh water, which had been scorched by the relentless sun, had compelled the unfortunate to pinch their noses with their hands in order to swallow the only sip of water they had been allotted for the day, to moisten their parched and smoking throats. Rusks and fish caught along the way are their only food. The rusks had long since turned into a deadly dirty gray flour, full of bugs, and from rats who greedily devoured the last bit of food because they were hungry. The sailors became more and more furious as they tracked down these abominable animals. As the sailors aggressively searched all corners for the robbers who had been fattened with the little grain left, they not only killed them, but also sold the carcasses of the animals, which were considered delicacies. The astute hunter, who catches a squeaky mouse, gets half a gold coin, while the lucky buyer greedily swallows a disgusting hot dish. In order to fill their stomachs, which were in desperate need of food, and to cope with the tormenting hunger, the sailors had to deceive themselves: they collected sawdust and mixed it in breadcrumbs, and in this adulteration method they increased their meagre rations. In the end, in order not to starve to death, the starving people were desperate, so they had to treat the inedible things such as cowhides, which were used to prevent the ropes from breaking, as something that could be eaten. Pieces of cowhides, after a long period of wind, rain and sun exposure, became as hard as a stone, and each piece of cowhide had to be hung overboard for four or five days to make it softer, and then roasted on a coal fire and eaten. Due to the lack of good food, leukemia spread among the crew: at first, the patient's gums were swollen, then bleeding began; Teeth are loose and fall out, an abscess appears in the mouth, and finally, the pharynx is red and swollen, and the pain is unbearable, and even if there is something to eat, it is difficult for the unfortunate patient to swallow. They died a miserable death. And those who were able to survive, the last bit of strength was also taken away by hunger. They could barely rely on their swollen and stiff feet, and they staggered like ghosts with crutches, or they curled up in some corner. During this starving voyage, a tenth of the crew died in agony. The number of sailors who can work is decreasing day by day.

In this boundless sea, this fleet of three ships adrift for a total of three months and twenty days, and tasted all imaginable suffering, even the most terrible of all suffering, like the hallucinations of thirsty people in the desert when they see an oasis: they seem to have heard the murmuring of water, but when they muster up the last of their strength, and sway their bodies, and rush forward, the illusion disappears, and there is still a vast ocean around them that makes people even more disgusting. At one point, a hoarse shout came from the mast: "Land, land." "After a long, frenelling time, this is the first time I've seen land. These men who were dying of hunger and thirst, like madmen, all poured onto the deck. Even the sick who were lying on the ground like discarded sacks barely got up and crawled out of their nests. Really, really, they are approaching an island! Hurry, hurry, hurry up and get on the sampan! They imagined excitedly the clear water of the spring, of the river, of the pleasant feeling of resting under the shade of the trees after such a long wandering. They longed for what was finally solid ground under their feet, not a plank that swayed on undulating waves. As they approached the island, they found that it was the same as another nearby island, a bare and uninhabited rocky reef with no people, no animals, no water and no plants! And so, they continued to sail in the blue ocean, always forward, forward.

In the chronicles of human suffering and human resilience that we call history, this voyage is perhaps the most terrible and torturous of all, day after day, week after week, and I don't know until this day! The sun has risen more than a hundred times over the desolate, calm blue waters of the fleet, and has disappeared more than a hundred times from the desolate, calm and unforgiving blue waters since the fleet sailed from the strait into the ocean. day and night, night and day alternated more than a hundred times; On this very day, a shout finally came from the mast: land, land! The shout came at the right time! If two or three more days and nights had passed on this vast sea, this heroic feat would have been left to posterity, and the fleet carrying the entire crew of the starvation would have been reduced to coffins on the water, drifting in the wind on the surface of the sea, and letting the waves swallow them up, or throw them on the rocky reef and smash them to pieces.

And in this place, thousands of miles away from their homeland, the sailors burned down several huts, but it did not lead to a real battle, because the poor islanders knew nothing about the art of killing, and the sharp arrows pierced their bodies, and the blood flowed outward, and they could not understand how these sharp, feathered sticks, which flew from far away, could pierce them so deeply and in such pain. They were so frightened that they first clung to the exposed piece in vain to pull out the arrows, and then fled into their jungle in panic. At this time, the hungry sailors hurriedly took the chickens, pigs, and all kinds of fruit that were at their disposal from the huts abandoned by the natives.

First we robbed the islanders, then the islanders robbed us, and after robbing each other, the civilized robbers, in order to insult the natives, gave the island the name of Bandit Island, which will be humiliated for eternity. Either way, the robbery saved the lives of the crew members who were dying of starvation. The three-day break enhanced the health of the crew. The worst is over, and we have the courage to move on. A week later, some islands appeared in the distance, and I knew that fate was taking mercy on us. According to my calculations, this should be the destination I expected to reach.

It started with a break on a small island without any risky action. The next afternoon, a small boat came trustfully from the big island to the island, and the natives on board waved to us kindly. They brought many fruits, bananas, and coconuts that they had never seen before. Sick and healthy, for the first time in weeks, even months, had a full stomach.

At the beginning I thought that the true purpose of the voyage had been achieved. Actually, I didn't know what this place was, my calculations had diverted my course to the north, but my mistake had led to a new discovery. It was because of the wrong course that he went too far to the north, but he came to a place that no one knew.

The terrible ocean has been crossed. For the first time, I have proved once and for all that whoever can always sail forward on the sea, whether with the sun on his back or against the sun, will inevitably return to the place from which he started. What was predicted by wise men for thousands of years, and fantasized about by scientists, has now become an indisputable truth thanks to the bravery of another man: the earth is round. I was the first person in the world to successfully cross this unknown ocean, and the first among humans. But on the vastness of the earth, where I have penetrated, I am farther than any mortal. A circle is closed: one hemisphere is matched to the other. I have walked around the earth. Thus I have confirmed this truth. Little did I know that this thing I did in my life would make me famous to this day. Even if the strait I discovered, even if it did not become a passage for thousands of ships, its fate was irretrievably transformed into a historical, geographical concept and spiritual symbol.

This is my Magellan's story.


Tang Guoming's calligraphy: goose feather post


Writer Tang Guoming said: Be a Magellan who rides the wind and waves, don't be a useless "jealous"


Half-wayism is both a philosophical thought and a literary concept. Its core concept is: we are all people on the way, and at this moment we are all a group of people on the road to "keep pace with the times, transform the real destiny, think of danger and work hard; Seeking truth from facts, recognizing the truth of the world, cultivating virtue and the world", to achieve oneself and the people of the world. Just as Tang Guoming, the founder of half-wayism, expressed in his original book "Zero Township", which was published in a mature part with "Goose Feather Poems" and "Soldiers Sticking to the Great Wall Fortress":

At this moment, everything is on the way, facing the fate of this moment; Our fate at the moment, even if it is difficult and dangerous, we must grasp one moment after another, in order to "keep pace with the times, transform the real destiny, think of danger and work hard; Seeking truth from facts, recognizing the truth of the world, cultivating virtue and the world", to achieve oneself and the world, to achieve oneself and the world, to achieve oneself and the world's longing return. Let yourself return to the world and return to the road of hard work. In the midst of countless uncertainties, return to the world that can be seen and touched.

In the ever-changing and uncertain world, we have no home, and we can only regard the world, the road, and the moment as our hometown and home. Only return to the world, return to the road, return to the moment, one after another to ride the wind and waves; One after another returns to the road and the world at this moment—to reach 1, to reach 2; Arrive at 2 o'clock, and then strive to arrive in 4 places, and create a cause that has been passed down through the ages. Jumping out of the cage that imprisons us one after another, breaking through one after another with the times, and approaching the goal bit by bit; Throw away the burdens of the past, present, and future, and break down an old world and create a new world one after another. One after another, in the midst of no return, to create a home for themselves.

Writer Tang Guoming said: Be a Magellan who rides the wind and waves, don't be a useless "jealous"
Writer Tang Guoming said: Be a Magellan who rides the wind and waves, don't be a useless "jealous"

A mature part of the original "Goose Feather Poem" and "Soldiers Sticking to the Great Wall Fortress", and then added, deleted and integrated the "Zero Township" epic.

A poetic encyclopedic autobiographical novel that integrates literary thinking, philosophical thinking, and mathematical thinking.

One is literature and philosophy, an epic and an encyclopedia, creating a half-way and poetic novel.

At this moment, it is Lingxiang, from a literary and philosophical point of view, "Lingxiang" is a word created by the famous writer Tang Guoming.

"Zero Township" is a work with no fixed form and style.

"Zero Township" is a text that shows the spirit of constantly forging ahead and riding the wind and waves on the road of no return.

Through Tang Guoming, who has "goose feather style bones, clear breeze and bright moon meat, idle clouds and flowing blood, and long wind and affection", he has broken through the predicament and forged ahead at this moment one after another in the passage of time.

It depicts the reality of human beings in a rapidly changing, rootless, uncertain, and dependent world.

He put forward the philosophical view that "we are neither in the past, nor in the present, nor in the future, we are only on the way, in the present".

Through the concept of "zero township", it emphasizes the state of human beings on the way, without return, and old at the moment, as well as the tragedy of human beings repeating the moment and repeating the moment at this moment, and has to take the present moment as a return, and attribute it to the philosophical theme of one moment after another.

Writer Tang Guoming said: Be a Magellan who rides the wind and waves, don't be a useless "jealous"


Tang Guoming published a book written by Cao Xueqin after 40 episodes of Cheng Gaoben's "Dream of Red Mansions" in 2016 and found a book written by Cao Xueqin after 80 episodes of "Dream of Red Mansions". Tang Guoming said: It makes no sense to continue to write "Dream of Red Mansions" for 10,000 years

Writer Tang Guoming said: Be a Magellan who rides the wind and waves, don't be a useless "jealous"
Writer Tang Guoming said: Be a Magellan who rides the wind and waves, don't be a useless "jealous"


About the Author:


Tang Guoming said: There is no point in continuing to write "Dream of Red Mansions" for 10,000 years


On the basis of the textual achievements made by his predecessors, Tang Guoming corrected the incomprehension in the first 80 texts, deleted the writing that was not Cao Xueqin in the 67th chapter, and reproduced the 80 chapters of Cao Xueqin's writing found in the last 40 chapters of Cheng Gaoben's "Dream of Red Mansions" in the way of archaeological restoration, infinitely and truly reproducing the 100 chapters of "Dream of Red Mansions" completed by Cao Xueqin during his lifetime. - "Reproducing Cao Xueqin's Dream of Red Mansions in a Hundred Times" (formerly known as "Tang Guoming's Archaeological Restoration of Cao Xueqin's Dream of Red Mansions").



Writer Tang Guoming said: Be a Magellan who rides the wind and waves, don't be a useless "jealous"


Who is Tang Guoming——

A person shouts out the dirty mud and sewage of the poetry altar with a surging momentum, and uses the power of the wind to send goose feathers into the air to bring poetry back to the height of the cold; A goose feather poet who does not lose his long-term feelings and has a goose feather style;

A free ancient poet who advocates removing the shackles of the frame and writing ancient poems in a natural and catchy way, with water flowing into a stream and clear water coming out of the dust;

A thunder can't move, the fire can't fall, the wind and rain don't collapse, and the mountain is on the road, knowing your reason and force, looking at my reason and force, combining the reason and power of all families, knowing and doing, and getting my reason and power to find Cao Xueqin's writing scholar after 80 times;

A bloodshed does not lose the long-term feelings, and the fire does not damage the goose feather demeanor; Investigate the gains and losses of heaven and earth, strengthen the heart of the world, have goose feather style bones, clear breeze and bright moon meat, idle clouds and flowing blood, and long wind and affection, with the mind of the world, for the benefit of all generations; "Keep pace with the times, recognize the truth of the world, think of danger and work hard; Seeking truth from facts, transforming the real destiny, and cultivating virtue and the world" feelings of literati and human intellectuals;

A "nothing to do go up the mountain to take the forest spring, white water as wine to the bright moon; Why do you need gold and silver for wealth, a bowl of idle rice is better than the gods", Mr. Rice;

A "rather learn from Xiang Yu to be himself, not to learn from the ancients to be an imperial slave; But there are disputes in the world, and only Yu Ji is the husband";

One starts from mathematics and physics, such as in the "Zero Township", holding "not in the past, not in the present, not in the future, only on the way; Not elsewhere, not far away, only on the road" the fate of philosophical thought trekter, literary persistent, ideological pioneer; a half-way philosopher and a poetic boy who resonates with the soul of the masses at any time;

A "would rather howl in the sky that fills the sky than be silent in the peaceful earth", "May it be a mountain, may it be flowing water, may it be the appearance of a clear wind and a bright moon; I don't want to be poor, I don't want to be luxurious, I just want to think about danger and work hard".

Speaking of which, Tang Guoming is a person with long wind feelings and goose feather style, goose feather style bones, clear breeze and bright moon meat, idle clouds and flowing blood, and long wind affection.


The humanistic spirit of half-way embodied in Tang Guoming, as stated in Tang Guoming's famous poem "The Reader"——

Thunder does not fall, fire does not move, wind and rain do not fall, like the moon and breeze / Solar eclipse at any time, get up and live anywhere, write at will, such as idle clouds and flowing water

Turning a blind eye to the turbulent tide, ignoring and not hearing, bleeding without losing the feelings of the long wind / Living at the foot of the peaceful mountain, the poor are worry-free, the rich are not faulty, and the fire does not damage the goose feather demeanor

Keep pace with the times, recognize the truth of the world, think of danger and work hard/ Seek truth from facts, transform the real destiny, and cultivate virtue and the world

Read 10,000 books, study the changes of heaven and man, through the changes of the past and the present, the power of the rich world / travel thousands of miles, the principle of the poor world, become a family, and the heart of the world



Writer Tang Guoming said: Be a Magellan who rides the wind and waves, don't be a useless "jealous"


Writer Tang Guoming said: Be a Magellan who rides the wind and waves, don't be a useless "jealous"


Tang Guoming, male, Han nationality, member of Hunan Writers Association; Scholars, poets, and wise men with goose feather style bones, fresh breeze and bright moon meat, idle clouds and flowing blood, and long wind and affection; A collection of writers, philosophers, and red scholars, a famous writer who has found Cao Xueqin's writing after 80 times, and created goose feather poetry, half-wayism, and poetic flow.

Since the publication of his works, he has published several articles in "Zhongshan", "Poetry Magazine", "Yalu River", "Yanhe", "Xinghuo" and other books and newspapers at home and abroad.

Since 2013, its ink "goose feather post" can be exchanged for 3,000 yuan.

In 2016, he published his famous work "Archaeological Restoration of Cao Wen after the Eighty Chapters of the Dream of the Red Chamber: Chapters 81 to 100", which was included in the bibliography of the Red Chamber of Red Studies from 2014 to 2016 by the Chinese Red Society in 2017.

In 2018, his autobiographical work "Demonstrating Goldbach's Conjecture 1+1 and 3x+1 in this way" won awards at the Shanghai Writers Association and East China Normal University.

In 2019, he published the half-way poetry collection "Goose Feather Poems", which has been an Internet celebrity so far.

Since 2013, Cao Xueqin's writing has been successively used by Hunan Satellite TV, Zhejiang Satellite TV, Beijing Satellite TV, Guizhou Satellite TV, Liaoning Satellite TV, Hubei Satellite TV, Anhui Satellite TV, Southern Satellite TV and other TV stations through the TV programs "China Dream Show", "Wonderful Chinese Characters", "Favorite is China" and "Say If You Have Something to Say...... It has been fully displayed and reported, and has been reported by countless newspapers and networks in the United States and at home and abroad.

In 2017, he demonstrated the world's mathematical problem "Goldbach's conjecture 1+1" and the world's mathematical problem "3x+1" conjecture, and discovered the formula of the law of all things from "3x+1", and obtained the "halfway" philosophy by demonstrating "1+1" and "3x+1"......

In April 2018, he completed "Reproducing Cao Xueqin's Dream of Red Mansions" (formerly known as "Tang Guoming's Archaeological Restoration of Cao Xueqin's Dream of Red Mansions").

In April 2019, the bimonthly magazine "Taihu" magazine in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province published Tang Guoming's original pioneering work "Soldiers Sticking to the Great Wall Fortress" in the half-way literary exploration of "poetic flow novels".

In June 2020, he completed the half-way exploration novel "Goose Feather Novel" "Zero Township".

What is Tang Guoming's "goose feather novel", as the writer Tang Guoming himself said-

The goose feather novel is to absorb the creative technique of the poem and the spirit is scattered, just like the goose feather is separated from the swan and flies around in the wind, and the goose feather is still the goose feather on the swan.

On October 29 and October 30, 2020, Tang Guoming was on the hot search for two consecutive days because of the Weibo news topic #Man who has lived in a snail for 20 years and wants to restore the Dream of Red Mansions#, becoming a popular figure of "hundreds of millions of traffic" on the Internet.

From October 9 to October 15, 2021, Tang Guoming was hotly searched on the whole network for the news topic #Men's Snail Rental House 21 Years Restoration of Dream of Red Mansions#.

In April 2022, Tang Guoming published an intergenre-style novel that has been painstakingly trying to explain the philosophy of half-way in a literary way, an encyclopedic epic poem "Soldiers Sticking to the Great Wall Fortress", which integrates poetry, literature, history, mathematics and philosophy, and creates a "poetic flow".

On April 8, 2022, Zhengguan News released news about Tang Guoming on the whole network "A Man in Hunan Lives in a Snail for 22 Years to Restore the Dream of Red Mansions", reporting that Tang Guoming created half-way doctrine and goose feather poems.

From April 9 to 11, 2022, The Paper released a hot search on Tang Guoming's #man who has lived in the house for 22 years and reproduced the Dream of Red Mansions 80 times, Cao Xueqin's writing#News in Changsha City.

In May 2023, he wrote about Tang Guoming's dream of chasing his dreams, "The daily cost of 8 square meters of snail dwelling does not exceed 10 yuan, and he is trapped in the "red dream"", which ranked second on the surging mirror list in May.

On November 8, 2023, the WeChat public account "The famous writer Tang Guoming actually lived with hundreds of girls in the courtyard of Xiangyangpo at the foot of Yuelu Mountain in 13 years" on the article "100,000+".

In November 2023, Tang Guoming published a 10,000-character essay "Facts are Like Iron," "Facts Like Iron," in the 50th issue of the 2023 winter issue of Poyang Lake Literary Research, a magazine sponsored by the Jiangxi Poyang Lake Literature Research Association and with a national regular issue<红楼梦>Present. In this article, Tang Guoming laid out the fact that he found Cheng Gaoben's "Dream of Red Mansions" 20 times in Cao Xueqin's writing 20 times; Starting from the law of text creation, it is fully explained that the whole book of "Dream of Red Mansions" was completed by Cao Xueqin during her lifetime. At the same time, the plot development of "Dream of Red Mansions" is listed on the basis of facts, the story logic of the final fate of Jia Baoyu, Lin Daiyu, and Xue Baochai, as well as the existing errors and inconsistencies due to transcription in the first 80 episodes. In addition, Tang Guoming also speculated on the possible identity and family status of the author Cao Xueqin under the pressure of the "literary prison" at that time, as well as the real purpose of Cao Xueqin's writing of this book in the prosperous era.


Writer Tang Guoming said: Be a Magellan who rides the wind and waves, don't be a useless "jealous"

Tang Guoming's achievements in mathematics and "half-way philosophy" in the process of arguing Goldbach's conjecture "1+1" and the world's mathematical problem "3x+1"Abstract:



No matter how big a prime number is, except for prime numbers 2 and 5, its single digit is always 1, 3, 7, 9; no matter how large the even number, its single digit is always 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, "any even number divided by 2" plus or subtract the same positive integer, you can get two prime numbers and odd numbers equal to this even number; And the two unequal prime numbers and odd numbers are distributed in the interval on both sides of the "even number divided by 2", and the difference between them is equal. This theory is valid in the known even prime intervals, and in the face of endless unknowns, we can only recognize this theory in the advanced verification of counting the number of intervals in one interval, so Goldbach's conjecture is the general formula of "1+1":


(Except for prime numbers 2 and 5, the number range of prime single digits can only be cyclically taken in 1, 3, 7, and 9.) )

2. "3x+1" and the law of universal change, and universal beings are always on the way:

Use the odd number with a single digit of 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, multiplied by 3 plus 1, it will be incremented to an even number with a single digit of 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and we call this operation rule of increasing from odd to even number "odd increment to even", and then divide it by 2 consecutive times to this even number is odd, and we call this operation rule of decreasing from even to odd number "even decreasing to odd"...... Any positive integer greater than zero, through continuous such operations, such as the infinite number of everything, is always in the "3x+1" conjecture through the principle of "odd change increasing to even" and "even change decreasing to odd" on the way to 4, 2, and 1......