
I want to be so beautiful! Title: Klay asks for a 4-year, 68 million contract The Lakers Mavericks are fiercely contested

I want to be so beautiful! Title: Klay asks for a 4-year, 68 million contract The Lakers Mavericks are fiercely contested

818 Sports

2024-07-01 22:02Creators in the field of sports

News on July 1, the NBA free agent market was officially opened on July 1, and Warriors player Klay Thompson also became the focus of attention, for Klay, the Lakers and the Mavericks are the two teams that most want to get him, according to American media reports, Klay hopes to get a 4-year $68 million contract.

I want to be so beautiful! Title: Klay asks for a 4-year, 68 million contract The Lakers Mavericks are fiercely contested

According to US media reports, after the NBA free market opens, Klay will meet with the Mavericks, Lakers, Clippers, and 76ers.

According to previous reports, Lakers boss James is willing to take a pay cut for the possible arrival of Harden, Klay or Varland. However, Harden soon signed a two-year, $70 million extension with the Clippers, and Valanciunas has signed with the Wizards for three years and $30 million, leaving Klay alone on the list.

I want to be so beautiful! Title: Klay asks for a 4-year, 68 million contract The Lakers Mavericks are fiercely contested

According to ESPN's Woj, Lakers boss James immediately contacted Klay as soon as the free market opened at 6 p.m. EST and took the initiative to recruit Klay. James' face and influence certainly play a role, but what matters more is whether the team can meet Klay's salary conditions and starting position.

I want to be so beautiful! Title: Klay asks for a 4-year, 68 million contract The Lakers Mavericks are fiercely contested

The Mavericks' attraction to Klay is their family atmosphere, Klay's respect for Jason Kidd, and the belief that teaming up with Irving and Doncic can compete for a championship.

I want to be so beautiful! Title: Klay asks for a 4-year, 68 million contract The Lakers Mavericks are fiercely contested

ESPN's Windhorst said on the show that Klay Thompson is the battle between the Mavericks and the Lakers, and the 34-year-old Klay wants to seek a four-year, $68 million contract. If it's a sign-and-trade, the Lakers will have to give at least three years of contract, Klay is currently 34 years old, and he will be 37 years old in three years.

I want to be so beautiful! Title: Klay asks for a 4-year, 68 million contract The Lakers Mavericks are fiercely contested

In this regard, netizens said, "The lone ranger quickly collected, grinding and chirping"

"Alas! Isn't Valan good??? ”

"DeRozan or Klay, whichever to choose, DeRozan can hold the ball, this can open up space."

"Clay. If you can vote, you won't be shorted. Ref. 20 years of Pop and Green. No one dared to put it in iron. ”

": Don't, James renew his contract with the highest salary"

"KT is better than DeRozan, DeRozan's price will not be lower than this 1700 average salary"

"Up to 3 years, 4 years on the side, especially the sign"

"Slow walking, don't send, Clay doesn't have a 1700w level now"

"It should come to my hero, my hero has a special case of 16 million transactions, and the starting salary of Clay's 68 million contract is 1600"

"Century can use two years, after all, there have been two major injuries, 36 will degenerate very seriously after 36, for the team 3 years is the best, the last year can not be sold at a low price"

"Hurry up and take the calf, we want Azan".

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  • I want to be so beautiful! Title: Klay asks for a 4-year, 68 million contract The Lakers Mavericks are fiercely contested
  • I want to be so beautiful! Title: Klay asks for a 4-year, 68 million contract The Lakers Mavericks are fiercely contested
  • I want to be so beautiful! Title: Klay asks for a 4-year, 68 million contract The Lakers Mavericks are fiercely contested
  • I want to be so beautiful! Title: Klay asks for a 4-year, 68 million contract The Lakers Mavericks are fiercely contested
  • I want to be so beautiful! Title: Klay asks for a 4-year, 68 million contract The Lakers Mavericks are fiercely contested

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