
【Civil Affairs Work Dynamics】July 1 (I)

author:Jishishan County Civil Affairs Bureau
【Civil Affairs Work Dynamics】July 1 (I)
【Civil Affairs Work Dynamics】July 1 (I)
【Civil Affairs Work Dynamics】July 1 (I)
【Civil Affairs Work Dynamics】July 1 (I)
【Civil Affairs Work Dynamics】July 1 (I)

On July 1, the Party Branch of the Civil Affairs Bureau and the Party Branch of Binhe Community jointly carried out the volunteer service activity of "Caring for the Elderly and Offering Love, I Add Glory to the Party Flag" in the County Comprehensive Social Welfare Institute.

In the activity, the volunteers gave haircuts to the elderly, and also communicated with them cordially, which not only enhanced the feelings, but also understood the daily life of the elderly, and then, the old people performed instrumental music performances, and the volunteers led the old people to sing red songs together.

The volunteer service activities carried out this time have made the elderly deeply feel the care and care from the party and the government, and created a good atmosphere of loving, respecting and helping the elderly for the elderly.


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