
Are there any ministers in history who dare to fight with the emperor? What are the consequences after a fight with the Emperor?

author:A Compendium of History

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Are there any ministers in history who dare to fight with the emperor? What are the consequences after a fight with the Emperor?

Wei Xiaobao didn't dare to do this, he actually dared to "fight" with Kangxi in the court, and finally retreated, and it was not easy to become a loyal minister for three generations.

The history of Kangxi and Ma Qi beating each other is clearly recorded in the history books. It's just that it's not as mysterious as people say, after all, Ma Qi is a minister, and he will definitely not really "beat" the emperor.

Ma Qi and Kangxi did have a fierce dispute, which made Kangxi angry. Kangxi directly beat Ma Qi, although Ma Qi did not fight back, he was not used to Kangxi, and walked away directly.

Are there any ministers in history who dare to fight with the emperor? What are the consequences after a fight with the Emperor?

This incident became the only stumbling block on Ma Qiguan's way, Kangxi had a big opinion of him, but he didn't kill him.

After Yongzheng ascended the throne, he treated Ma Qi with great courtesy, and even appointed him as an important minister. Ma Qi went through three generations of the Qing Dynasty until the death of Qianlong in the fourth year.

Kangxi violently beat Ma Qi because of the recommendation of the crown prince, and the famous nine sons of the Kangxi period seized the heir, but it caused a lot of bloody storms.

At that time, the crown prince Yinren had been abolished by Kangxi, but Kangxi regretted it and wanted to restore Yinren.

But Kangxi, as the Ninety-Five, speaks in a word, if there is such a big thing as abolishing the crown prince, he can easily jump back and forth, and the ministers don't say anything if they have opinions, and he can't hold it on his own face.

So he let out the tone that he wanted to reinstate Yinren, hoping that the minister would recommend the prince, so as to push the boat down the river and achieve his goal.

Are there any ministers in history who dare to fight with the emperor? What are the consequences after a fight with the Emperor?

It's just that Ma Qi, A Ling'a and other ministers all like the eighth elder brother, and after Kangxi knew about it, he secretly told Ma Qi not to get involved in recommending the prince.

waited until the day of the last dynasty, but I didn't expect the ministers to nominate the eighth elder brother as the crown prince, which disappointed Kangxi's wish. Kangxi couldn't hold his face, thinking that it must be Ma Qi's idea, so he quarreled with Ma Qi on the spot.

Ma Qi wanted to explain, but he was scolded back by Kangxi, he was furious, and scolded Ma Qi very ugly, even the eighteenth generation of his ancestors was scolded.

Kangxi talked about Ma Qi's life experience again, and said that the other party was useless. As a scholar, Ma Qi was scolded by the emperor by pointing his nose and having no face, so he scolded Kangxi.

Kangxi saw that you dared to fight back, and went down directly to beat Ma Qi. In the pushing, Ma Qi must have also "hit" Kangxi. In the end, Ma Qi left directly, leaving the angry Kangxi and the elder brother and ministers who looked at each other.

Are there any ministers in history who dare to fight with the emperor? What are the consequences after a fight with the Emperor?

Ma Qi left after the fight, Kangxi couldn't swallow this breath, and directly put him and the two in prison. The ministers wrote one after another, hoping that Kangxi would kill him.

Kangxi was just angry for a while, and he was not really old and confused, after he was angry, he did not kill Ma Qi, but only separated Ma Qi from the position of a scholar and handed it over to Yinxi to strictly control him.

A year later, Kangxi felt that everyone had forgotten about it, so he resumed Ma Qi's official position and continued to let him go to work.

Some people say that Ma Qi is the prototype of Wei Xiaobao, and he has had a small friendship with the emperor since he was a child. Therefore, if you do it with the emperor, you can get out of the way.

Ma Qi can be regarded as a special existence in the history books, and the "good name" of fighting with the emperor is afraid that it will be recited for thousands of years.

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