
The European Cup is in full swing, and the sales of alcohol are "ice and fire" offline and online

author:Yangtze River Wine Road
The European Cup is in full swing, and the sales of alcohol are "ice and fire" offline and online

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Since the opening of Euro 2024 on June 15, 24 teams have gone through dozens of fierce battles, and four of the top eight have been seated, and the competition is gradually getting better.

This sporting event, which has attracted the attention of fans around the world, is also regarded as a "golden stone", from alcohol brands to catering terminals, to take advantage of this to wave sales, but this year's situation seems to be not as hot as expected, but online sales have performed well.

The European Cup is in full swing, and the sales of alcohol are "ice and fire" offline and online

Offline terminal sales are weakening

Online platforms are increasing their weight

Before the start of this European Cup, a tavern in Tongzilin, Chengdu, officially issued a document through the official account, saying that the store returned after a month of adjustment, and a new set of projection equipment was added to the store, so that customers could watch the game 360° without dead ends in the tavern. Actions such as setting up large screens to enhance the viewing experience and increasing alcohol promotions to enliven the atmosphere have almost become the standard configuration of major bars across the country, all in order to provide consumers with a better viewing experience.

However, this year, the atmosphere of drinking beer and watching games offline is relatively flat.

The European Cup is in full swing, and the sales of alcohol are "ice and fire" offline and online

"The impact is not too big, the customers are basically our inherent customer base, and the European Cup is just the icing on the cake, and it does not play too much positive role in sales." Xing Chao, the person in charge of the wild goose slightly drunk, said.

Liu Budiu, a heavy lover of craft beer, shared: "In previous years, the bar was really lively during the competition, but this year it feels like there are not too many people. As a professional consumer who has been visiting craft beer halls all year round, she personally felt that the atmosphere of the bar during this year's European Championship was not as warm as in previous years, "More people choose to be at home, or a few people are at home, and those people who come to the bar to drink, just drink and watch the ball at the same time." ”

"During this year's European Cup, the business of our store was not as hot as expected, and only 20% of the visitors came to watch the game." Liu Quanhong, the owner of Nanchong Baimahui's original Jianghu restaurant, said that although the campaign of free beer was also launched during the European Cup, consumers were not too cold.

The European Cup is in full swing, and the sales of alcohol are "ice and fire" offline and online

During the same period, many terminal stores directly gave up promotions.

"We didn't do any activities in this year's European Cup, and we also need company support to do activities." Zhong Shanshan, head of Jiuxin Commerce, said.

"We don't do that either." Liu Xin, the person in charge of the direct supply of Pulian liquor, a terminal chain in Sichuan, said.

Li Jin, the person in charge of the Yichuan business chain store, said: "The game time of the European Cup is not very friendly, and the wonderful games are basically held in the early morning. Beer consumption is still mainly in the ready-to-drink channel, and the online platform has a lot of activity, so we don't have the space to do activities. ”

Offline terminals are not alarmed, but online channels are a different story. During the European Cup, many platforms have launched "European Cup Packages" and related activities to compete for customers and traffic.

The European Cup is in full swing, and the sales of alcohol are "ice and fire" offline and online launched the "Guess the Ball to Win Free Order" activity and launched a penalty shootout mini-game to increase user stickiness and benefits; Dianping has accurately released offline football viewing and dining guidelines; Meituan also launched a viewing package and launched a full discount campaign for beer sales.

The European Cup is in full swing, and the sales of alcohol are "ice and fire" offline and online data shows that since the start of the "European Cup", the takeaway volume of ice and cold drinks during the night snack period has increased by 100% month-on-month, and sports drinks, beer, and pre-blended liquor have increased by 60%, 50% and 42% respectively; Meituan data shows that the search volume of keywords related to "European Cup" on the platform increased by more than three times month-on-month, of which the search volume of "European Cup package" increased by more than 1,110% month-on-month.

On the one hand, the offline terminal consumption performance is weakening, and on the other hand, the online ordering data is surging, which reflects the home consumption scene where consumers are more inclined to drink alone or gather together during the European Cup.

The European Cup is in full swing, and the sales of alcohol are "ice and fire" offline and online

Weak consumption, high inventories, shrinking expenses......

The main reason for the "cold view" of the European Cup by the liquor brand

Unlike previous European Championships and World Cups, this year's baijiu brands don't seem to have much marketing interest in the event. From the current point of view, almost no liquor brands take advantage of the European Cup to carry out sports marketing activities, and the "cold vision" is closely related to the current liquor industry entering a period of deep adjustment.

In this regard, Yang Jingui, general manager of Beijing Taihe Jinzun Culture Co., Ltd., analyzed: "First of all, the European Cup will not have a great impact on liquor consumption; The second is the slowdown in the channel sales of the liquor industry this year, which is mainly caused by the decrease in demand, which also makes enterprises continue to reduce market expenses to cope with the uncertainty of the future. ”

The European Cup is in full swing, and the sales of alcohol are "ice and fire" offline and online

According to the "2024 China Liquor Market Interim Report" released by the China Liquor Industry Association, "in the first quarter of 2024, the sales volume of circulation enterprises decreased by 37.5% year-on-year, the year-on-year sales volume accounted for 52.1%, and the year-on-year decline in customer unit value reached 68.8%. ”

This shows that the current liquor consumption market is still in a state of weak demand, and consumers are becoming more and more conservative and rational, resulting in a weakening of consumer demand in the liquor market. The weak performance of the consumer market has in turn prompted liquor companies to lower market expectations, shrink market input costs, and be cautious about marketing activities that earn voice but not sales, resulting in the collective "indifference" of liquor brands to the European Cup.

The European Cup is in full swing, and the sales of alcohol are "ice and fire" offline and online

On the other hand, the development of the wine industry in 2024 has also entered a cooling-off period, and the problem of "high inventory" is particularly prominent.

As a result, the vitality of offline terminals with the help of European Cup marketing has weakened, providing market opportunities for online platforms to engage in event marketing in disguise.

Next, large-scale sports events such as the America's Cup, Wimbledon Open, Paris Olympics, and Short Track Speed Skating World Cup will appear one after another. The Yangtze River Wine Road will also continue to pay attention.

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