
Suarez has picked up a treasure for national security! The fans don't want to live or die, and now they are scoring goals in the Chinese Super League

author:The forefront of Chinese Super League sports

Beijing Guoan met Taishan at home in this round of the Chinese Super League, and fans and media felt that this game would be an even contest. Unexpectedly, Guoan seized the initiative at the beginning, relying on Adebenro and Fabio to pass each other and lead 2-0. Guoan's two major strikers scored goals in the game one after another, which naturally made many fans feel bright. At the same time, they helped Guoan beat Luneng by two goals.

Suarez has picked up a treasure for national security! The fans don't want to live or die, and now they are scoring goals in the Chinese Super League

It is worth mentioning that Adebenro ushered in a long-awaited outburst in the game, which may bring another turning point in his fate. Adebenro is a very strong goalscorer, who once had a particularly eye-catching performance in the Swedish league and became a Golden Boot striker. In this case, Guoan took a fancy to Adebenro and gave him a big contract. The senior management and coaching staff of Guoan originally thought that Adebenro's play in the Chinese Super League must be a dimensionality reduction blow.

Suarez has picked up a treasure for national security! The fans don't want to live or die, and now they are scoring goals in the Chinese Super League

Unexpectedly, after Adebenro came to Guoan, he became a glass man, often playing one game and resting for three games. For this reason, fans feel that Adebenro should be sent away and should not remain in the team. Guoan have tried to send Adebenro out on loan, hoping that he will be bought by his new club. However, Adebenro's performance on loan at his new club has been mediocre and has not been convincing.

Suarez has picked up a treasure for national security! The fans don't want to live or die, and now they are scoring goals in the Chinese Super League

In this case, Adebenro naturally cannot be bought out. At the same time, Guoan coach Suarez feels that his technical and tactical system lacks a speedy striker like Adebenro. Suarez insisted on keeping Adebenro, and for this reason did not hesitate to give up the foreign players who are loved by the Guoan fans. Fortunately, Adebenro, who was under heavy pressure, broke out in Guoan's game against Taishan in this round and scored two goals alone.

Suarez has picked up a treasure for national security! The fans don't want to live or die, and now they are scoring goals in the Chinese Super League

Therefore, Adebenro has been recognized by the fans, who believe that the team made the right choice to keep him in the first place. If Adebenro wants to really sign a new contract with Guoan, he must continue to show convincing performances in the following Chinese Super League games. I hope Adebenro can continue to score goals for Guoan and live up to the love of coach Suarez.

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