
Fortunately, the Jinmen Tiger didn't leave them! After leaving the team, he became ill at his new club, and one of them has been reimbursed for the season

author:The forefront of Chinese Super League sports

A few days ago, the Henan team officially announced the injuries of the team's two flying wingers, Liu Bin and Ding Haifeng. Liu Bin's injury was particularly severe, with a ruptured ligament that required 8 to 12 months of recovery. Ding Haifeng is out of action for about a month and will miss many games in the team. Liu Bin and Ding Haifeng were injured one after another, which made many fans feel helpless. You must know that Liu Bin and Ding Haifeng only joined the Henan team this season, and they were once pinned on high hopes.

Fortunately, the Jinmen Tiger didn't leave them! After leaving the team, he became ill at his new club, and one of them has been reimbursed for the season

Liu Bin and Ding Haifeng have the same characteristics, that is, the two flying wings are players that Jinmen Tiger coach Yu Genwei does not want to live or die. Before Liu Bin came to the Henan team, he once came to Jinmen Tigers for trial. After a period of investigation, Yu Genwei felt that Liu Bin's physical condition and state were not good. Therefore, Yu Genwei decisively eliminated Liu Bin and notified him to leave the team when he took Jinmen Tiger to South Korea for winter training.

Fortunately, the Jinmen Tiger didn't leave them! After leaving the team, he became ill at his new club, and one of them has been reimbursed for the season

Liu Bin did not succeed in the trial at Jinmen Tigers, so he could only try his luck in the Henan team. At that time, Li Weifeng, the boss of the Henan team, made a decision to introduce Liu Bin and gave him a professional contract. Objectively speaking, Liu Bin's overall performance in the Henan team is not bad, and he has scored wonderful goals. It's just that Liu Bin's biggest problem is that his physical condition is not good, and he has become a sick man for the team. In order to completely get rid of the injury and illness, Liu Bin chose surgery.

Fortunately, the Jinmen Tiger didn't leave them! After leaving the team, he became ill at his new club, and one of them has been reimbursed for the season

It will probably take more than a year for Liu Bin to officially return to the green field, and it is a huge unknown whether he will be able to put on a convincing performance in the competition by then. Therefore, Henan team fans feel that Li Weifeng's introduction of Liu Bin was not a wise choice. Ding Haifeng successfully tried out the Jinmen Tigers this season, but I don't know for what reason, the team's head coach Yu Genwei just didn't need him.

Fortunately, the Jinmen Tiger didn't leave them! After leaving the team, he became ill at his new club, and one of them has been reimbursed for the season

For this reason, Ding Haifeng chose to leave the team in the summer window and came to play in the Henan team. Ding Haifeng's strength is not bad, and he originally wanted to perform well in the Henan team and strive to usher in a new peak in his career. It's a pity that Ding Haifeng was unlucky to be injured. Fortunately, Ding Haifeng's injury is not very serious, and he should soon be able to stage the return of the king in the Henan team.