
Owen cabinet "ran away", and the amount involved was as high as millions

author:Home K-line

Text/Leju Finance Yang Kaiyue

At the beginning of May, on a well-known consumer evaluation platform, a consumer bluntly said, "I have never seen such a garbage whole house customization" and shouted to everyone to "avoid lightning".

Owen cabinet "ran away", and the amount involved was as high as millions

Looking at it now, this consumer is a bit of a "whistleblower", because the brand he mentioned "Owen Whole House Customization" was officially "thundered" at the end of June just over a month later.

On June 27, a number of market news suddenly broke out showing that the well-known "whole house customization" Owen cabinet store in Shanghai lost contact and suddenly closed the store. More information shows that Owen Cabinet currently has a large backlog of orders, and the contract amount of most consumers is as high as tens of thousands of yuan, leaving a bunch of "messes".

Some consumers revealed their detailed experiences. A consumer said that at the end of March this year, he took a fancy to "Owen Kitchenware" at the "Sunshine Home Expo", so he paid a deposit of 1,000 yuan on the spot. After the follow-up designer came to the rough test, the consumer went to the Owen cabinet store in Hongyun Plaza, No. 491 Wudong East Road, selected materials and colors, and paid 45,000 yuan to sign the contract. Subsequently, the designer failed to come to the door for re-testing as scheduled, and when she came to the Owen store again, the closed door of the store had already gathered many consumers who had suffered the same thing.

According to public reports, relevant personnel of the Xuhui District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau said that the market supervision and management department has recently received more than 30 complaints involving Owen cabinets, and at present, the company's business premises are closed, the person in charge is in a state of disconnection, and the management department "has not made a phone call through the person in charge Wang."

Not only for consumers, but also for suppliers, Owen Cabinets also has a large amount of arrears. Public information disclosure, "Yuanyan Home" is the main OEM of Owen cabinets, the OEM staff said that many consumer orders have been completed, but Owen cabinets have not paid for the delivery of the goods, the delivery is overdue and finally exploded. At present, the goods are still backlogged in the manufacturer's warehouse, involving about 100 orders with an amount of about 2 million yuan.

Tianyancha data shows that Shanghai Owen Cabinet Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Owen Cabinet") was established in 2019 with a registered capital of only 500,000 yuan, and Wang Huan and Chen Xianhui hold 98% and 2% of the shares respectively. Wang Huan and Chen Xianhui have only one company, Owen Cabinet.

In June 2022, Owen Cabinet added shareholder Wang Huan, and at the same time, Chen Xianhui (executive director) withdrew from the main personnel, and Li Weinan, a new key personnel, later information shows that Li Weinan is the financial director of Owen Cabinet.

Only half a year after Wang Huan and Li Weinan joined, in January 2023, Owen Cabinet was disclosed to be in arrears of 1350 personal income tax, and then, in October of the same year, Owen Cabinet was again exposed to arrears of 6539.94 personal income tax, 289.55 urban maintenance and construction tax and 11582.18 value-added tax. Among them, the person in charge pointed to Wang Huan, and the tax bureau involved was the Fengxian District Taxation Bureau.

Owen cabinet "ran away", and the amount involved was as high as millions
Owen cabinet "ran away", and the amount involved was as high as millions

By December 2023, the legal representative of Owen Cabinet will be changed back to Chen Xianhui, and Chen Xianhui will return to the position of executive director.

Although Chen Xianhui took back the management of Owen Cabinet, it was only half a year later that Owen Cabinet was exposed to the information of thunderstorm and running away. It is worth noting that, according to the consumer's statement, in March, Owen Cabinet was still participating in the exhibition in a high-profile manner, attracting customers, and closing the door after signing and paying for new orders.

The front foot promotion seeks to recharge, and the back foot changes the legal person and closes the door. This is one of the characteristics of the recent emerging profession of "home buyer".

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