
Protecting people's livelihood | A car accident 20 years ago finally came to an end

author:Jiande Procuratorate
Protecting people's livelihood | A car accident 20 years ago finally came to an end

"I didn't expect that after 20 years, I would still be able to get the compensation, thank you, I can finally pay off the debts I owe over the years." Lishui Yunhe, Lu's wife Mei, after receiving the balance from the person subject to execution, Zhong, called the prosecutor of the civil prosecution department of the Yunhe County Procuratorate to thank her.

It is reported that the smooth payment of compensation that has been in arrears for 20 years depends on the special action of "protecting people's livelihood" carried out by the procuratorial organs.

Protecting people's livelihood | A car accident 20 years ago finally came to an end

Since the beginning of this year, under the deployment of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, procuratorial organs across the country have carried out in-depth special actions to "inspect and protect people's livelihood". After the special activities were launched, the Yunhe County Procuratorate carried out a comprehensive investigation of enforcement cases involving the protection of the rights and interests of specific groups.

"There is a case 20 years ago, and the person subject to execution may have the ability to execute, and the procuratorate needs to intervene and supervise." Just as the procurator was searching for clues, a clue transferred by the court under the "one-stop" handling mechanism for refusal of enforcement cases attracted the procurator's great attention.

The source of this clue is none other than the party Mei. Mei and her husband Lu originally had a happy family, but all this came to an abrupt end with a car accident. In August 2004, Lu rode a two-wheeled motorcycle to carry Mei and his son out, but collided with a motorcycle driven by Zhong on the road, and the accident caused Lu to suffer serious head injuries and was immediately sent to the hospital.

Subsequently, the court sentenced Zhong to three years in prison for the crime of causing a traffic accident, and ordered Zhong to compensate Lu for medical expenses, lost work expenses, nursing expenses and other expenses totaling more than 480,000 yuan.

"At that time, in order to save my husband's life, I really borrowed all the relatives I could borrow." During the prosecutor's questioning, Mei talked about the scene of saving her husband and the difficulties of these years, and couldn't help but redden. It turned out that after the judgment took effect, Zhong only paid 11,000 yuan and never paid compensation. Seeing her husband struggling on the line of life and death, Mei borrowed money everywhere to save her husband's life, but Lu still died in July 2005.

In October 2005, because Zhong had not fulfilled the obligations determined by the effective judgment, Mei applied to the court for compulsory enforcement. At this time, Zhong was already serving his sentence in prison, and after several rounds of verification, the enforcement judge did not find any other property in his name that could be used for enforcement, and the case fell into "unable to execute". Subsequently, the court ruled to terminate the enforcement proceedings.

After serving his sentence, Zhong still did not fulfill his obligation to compensate, and played "evaporation in the world". Limited to the technical means at that time, the enforcement judge could only find the movements and property status of the person subject to enforcement through online online investigation and offline traditional investigation from time to time, but found nothing.

I am embarrassed to go to my relatives during the New Year's holidays, and I work a little to repay the money, and I always feel that justice has not been fully realized...... In this way, Mei has gone through 20 years with debts and knots.

Protecting people's livelihood | A car accident 20 years ago finally came to an end

How to help Mei get out of the predicament and resolve this knot?

The existing clues are vague, in order to find out Zhong, the procuratorate, together with the court and the public security organs, started from the details, visited the village and town to which Zhong belonged, questioned the villagers and the victim's family, inquired about the bank statements, and finally got sporadic clues from a villager - Zhong opened a paint shop in the next county.

"I'm just a part-time worker, I don't have any money." When questioned by the prosecutor, Zhong did not cooperate at first. In order to solidify the evidence of the case, the prosecutor questioned the lessor of the shop, and at the same time found another employee of the paint shop, Lan, to investigate and collect evidence, and finally determined that the paint shop was operated by Zhong and Lan in partnership and had considerable income.

In the face of ironclad evidence, Zhong finally relented and admitted that he ran a paint shop. Through further investigation, the prosecutor also found that Zhong had a balance of more than 40 yuan in WeChat and Alipay, and he had financial ability. Zhong's series of acts have been suspected of the crime of refusing to carry out judgments and rulings.

On March 19, 2024, the Yunhe County Procuratorate recommended that the court resume the enforcement of the case, and at the same time transfer the clues of Zhong's crime to the public security organs.

Justice may be late, but it will never be absent. With the joint efforts of the procuratorate, the court, and the public security organs, Zhong then paid the remaining execution money totaling more than 390,000 yuan in two installments.

At present, Zhong's suspected crime of refusing to execute the judgment or ruling is still being further handled.

Source: Ping An Ding WeChat public account