
"The results have nothing to do with me in the future"! No one from the parents signed up to sweep the floor, and the teacher made "threatening" remarks

author:Explore the time machine

This teacher may still be too young......

Seeing that I "appealed" in the class group, hoping that some parents would voluntarily sign up to come to the school to sweep the floor, but no one responded for half a day!

The teacher was in a hurry, and he made inappropriate remarks, suspected of being a "threat"-

"In the future, when I teach my classes, it has nothing to do with me!"

Teacher, your personality is too straightforward, how can you say such things in public?

No, the voice has been intercepted as "evidence"!


(Video source: Jiupai News)

Recently, a parent posted on the Internet that something strange happened to the class of the new district branch of Liaoning Dandong Experimental Primary School where their child is located.

Because of the inspection, the child's homeroom teacher appealed in the class group, hoping that 4 parents would take the initiative to sign up to help clean up the school.

I thought that someone would rush to sign up, but no one cared for a long time, and the head teacher couldn't get off the stage......

"The results have nothing to do with me in the future"! No one from the parents signed up to sweep the floor, and the teacher made "threatening" remarks

In a voice of the parent's revelation, we can hear the head teacher say in the group a little angrily and stiffly-

"If you can't spare time, come over and help clean up and prepare for the inspection? Not a single one signed up! ”

I could hear that the teacher was very disappointed.

Next, the teacher was about to fight back, and the following remarks appeared-

"In the future, when I teach my classes, it has nothing to do with me!"

"The results have nothing to do with me in the future"! No one from the parents signed up to sweep the floor, and the teacher made "threatening" remarks
"The results have nothing to do with me in the future"! No one from the parents signed up to sweep the floor, and the teacher made "threatening" remarks
"The results have nothing to do with me in the future"! No one from the parents signed up to sweep the floor, and the teacher made "threatening" remarks
"The results have nothing to do with me in the future"! No one from the parents signed up to sweep the floor, and the teacher made "threatening" remarks
"The results have nothing to do with me in the future"! No one from the parents signed up to sweep the floor, and the teacher made "threatening" remarks

You can imagine how parents would feel when they heard the teacher's slightly "threatening" complaints in the class group!

Since it was said to be "voluntary registration" at the beginning, why did you threaten your child's grades when no one signed up?

The teacher's approach was obviously inappropriate and violated the teacher's moral norms, and this remark quickly caused dissatisfaction among some parents, so there was a revelation on the Internet......

"The results have nothing to do with me in the future"! No one from the parents signed up to sweep the floor, and the teacher made "threatening" remarks

After the incident was exposed, it quickly aroused heated discussions among many netizens.

Some netizens laughed at themselves:

Isn't it a national standard for parents to go to school to sweep the floor? Why are parents in Dandong, Liaoning so tough?

Anyway, the school is used to calling parents, and the class group is a little troubled, and parents are very nervous, and they are afraid that they will have to do voluntary labor again......

"The results have nothing to do with me in the future"! No one from the parents signed up to sweep the floor, and the teacher made "threatening" remarks
"The results have nothing to do with me in the future"! No one from the parents signed up to sweep the floor, and the teacher made "threatening" remarks

Some netizens kindly believe that this teacher is still too young, and his obvious experience and language skills are not enough.

At such a time, the most standard answer to how to make threatening remarks in the class group should be as follows:

Since no one has signed up, we can only let the children clean up by themselves, leave the children behind, and let the parents wait outside, please forgive me.

"The results have nothing to do with me in the future"! No one from the parents signed up to sweep the floor, and the teacher made "threatening" remarks
"The results have nothing to do with me in the future"! No one from the parents signed up to sweep the floor, and the teacher made "threatening" remarks

Some ridiculed the teacher, some were wronged for the teacher, and some netizens who were teachers bluntly expressed their dissatisfaction and sympathy for the teacher......

Everyone has to look at the essence through the phenomenon, who made the teacher do this? Will the teacher ask the parent to clean for no reason? It's not the task assigned from above, and if you can't complete it, you have to criticize the teacher!

"The results have nothing to do with me in the future"! No one from the parents signed up to sweep the floor, and the teacher made "threatening" remarks

In this way, in fact, the teacher is also a "sandwich biscuit", the master of both sides! There are indeed some grievances......

Of course, the matter was exposed on the Internet, and the Dandong Municipal Education Bureau also replied - the matter is currently being processed.

And the teacher who spoke out of his insult has already received a punishment:

Suspend work, adjust the post!

"The results have nothing to do with me in the future"! No one from the parents signed up to sweep the floor, and the teacher made "threatening" remarks

In fact, this matter is just like the analysis of the netizen above: the school welcomes the inspection, why does it have to give the teacher such a task? Of course, there is no need for parents to be "free cleaners"!

In this way, the key is that there is a problem with the management of the school.

There is a cause and effect, the teacher is punished, and the child's teaching progress will definitely be affected, so it is the student who bears all this in the end!

Is this a result really what parents want to see?