
All 56 people were arrested! 104 kilograms of drugs were seized, and 347,500 yuan of drug money involved in the case was confiscated

author:Fenghua Procuratorate

On September 13, 2021, a male suspect nicknamed "Li San" entered the field of vision of the anti-narcotics police of the Kunming Railway Police.

There are clues that this man nicknamed "Li San" organized a batch of drugs to be transported to Hunan to be distributed and sold by off-line personnel, and he frequently used a telephone number to communicate with people in key drug-related areas abroad, and the Kunming Railway Police then preliminarily confirmed that "Li San" was suspected of being involved in major drugs.

"Li San", who is it? In the course of the investigation, "Li San" appeared and disappeared from time to time in the police's field of vision, but he always "only heard his name, but never saw his face." After a number of drug-transporting "horses" recruited by him were arrested one after another, the anti-narcotics detachment of the Kunming Public Security Department of the Kunming Railway Public Security Bureau finally arrested "Li San" in a small vegetable field in Mengzi City, Honghe Prefecture, Yunnan Province.

So far, a huge drug trafficking network that transports narcotics from the Yunnan border areas to Hunan, Hubei, Chongqing, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Sichuan, Guangxi, and other places by means of express parcels and vehicles has been dismantled.

The stealthy "Li San"

In the clue provided by the front-line investigator on September 13, 2021, everything seems to be clear, and everything seems to be vague. "'Li San' is not his real name when he hears it, and the phone number of 'Ma Zai' who transports drugs belongs to Shaoyang, Hunan, but must he be from Hunan? Is this 'Li San' really the behind-the-scenes organizer of this drug case? ”

"Drug-related suspects are more cunning than foxes, how can they leave a clear message." Zhang Lu (pseudonym), deputy head of the anti-narcotics detachment of the Kunming Public Security Department of the Kunming Railway Public Security Bureau, told reporters that the investigation of drug cases has always been carried out from the case to the person, and even if it is "false information," the anti-narcotics police still have to verify and analyze them one by one.

The whole investigation began tightly from the moment the clue was obtained, and it was a slightly long hibernation.

"It was the only way to let 'Li San' continue to communicate with overseas personnel at that time." Zhang Lu said that the longer the police are dormant, the more opportunities and risks there will be for criminal suspects to sell and transport drugs to the mainland, but only in this way can the police obtain more information about "Li San" and his drug-related criminal gang through further investigation.

The police are hibernating, and "Li San" is also silent. Since the phone call with "Ma Zai" on September 13, "Li San" has not been heard from.

A month later, "Li San" had a movement. The police found that "Li San" suddenly had close contact with a man from other places, Chen. On October 10, 2021, Chen drove from Guangxi to Wenshan City, Yunnan Province, and then arrived in Jinghong City, Xishuangbanna Prefecture on October 12, and checked into a local hotel.

Police research and analysis: It is very likely that Chen had already negotiated the price of the drug transaction when he made a phone call with "Li San", and he came to Jinghong City, Xishuangbanna Prefecture this time to wait for an opportunity to pick up the goods.

At this time, the whereabouts of "Li San" were still confusing, but Zhang Lu thought that he seemed to see the shadow of "Li San".

33 packets of drugs disappeared

Chen's unusual behavior seems to be waiting for the opportunity, and it seems to be waiting for someone to appear. The police covertly and skillfully controlled Chen, and found a suspicious piece of information.

"A man named Zheng stayed in the hotel at almost the same time as Chen, and he also came from Guangxi." Zhang Lu said.

Zheng did not come to Yunnan alone, and the police found in the investigation that Zheng was accompanied by a woman, and this woman had no marital relationship with Zheng.

"Could this be a trick used by the suspect to cover people's ears?" The time for patience has come, followed by a long squatting force, and the police hope to find evidence that the three people are connected to each other.

However, after 3 days of squatting, the police did not find any intersection between the three people, which made the police question the results of the previous research and judgment.

However, on the fourth day after the three people checked into the hotel, Zheng suddenly knocked on Chen's door. In the next few days, Zheng entered Chen's room several times, and stayed for half an hour to an hour each time, which allowed the police to confirm that Chen and Zheng were suspected of major drug involvement.

After that, Chen and Zheng began to hang out near the hotel until 10 a.m. on October 21, when Chen suddenly drove out of the hotel alone, and the police immediately launched a trackdown.

Chen drove in the direction of Gasa Town, Jinghong City, until Yunda Expressway, and behaved more and more strangely.

"At 13 kilometers of Yunda Expressway, Chen got out of the car and started taking pictures, then drove a distance, got out of the car again and started taking pictures, suspected of 'stepping on the spot'." Zhang Lu said.

From the police law enforcement recorder, you can feel the tense atmosphere at that time, the front-line investigator's vehicle is far away from the dense vegetation on the side of the Yunda Expressway, but Chen's whereabouts can be clearly seen.

"You can't stay for a long time, and if you stay too long, Chen will be alert." So, the front-line investigators boldly drove past Chen's eyes.

At the same time, the investigators who stayed in Jinghong City found that "Zheng and the accompanying women began to go shopping, and they bought a lot of food and tea. And Chen stopped on Yunda Highway for nearly 3 hours, and returned to Jinghong City almost in the evening.

"It seems that they are leaving Jinghong City, and the drug trade may have started in the early hours of the night." Zhang Lu immediately led the team to group control. Coincidentally, on the same day, the front investigator provided clues: "'Li San' will choose the opportunity to trade drugs in the early morning of the 21st and 22nd, and the number of drugs is as high as 33 packs." ”

At 9 o'clock that night, as the police judged, Chen drove away from Jinghong City, and the police began to group control.

Soon, the investigators who tracked Chen's vehicle sent back the news: Chen really stopped at 13 kilometers of Yunda Expressway.

In order to avoid startling the snake, the investigation team decisively overtook the car, but not long after overtaking, Chen suddenly drove in the direction of Jinghong City, Zhang Lu guessed that Chen had received drugs, so he ordered the police squatting at the overload checkpoint to stop the vehicle for inspection.

"Unexpectedly, the investigation team squatting at the overloaded checkpoint did not find drugs." This made Zhang Lu fall into thought, if the other party was transporting 33 packages of drugs, Chen would have no time to hide them after receiving the "goods".

33 packets of drugs just disappeared out of thin air? Zhang Lu was puzzled.

In order to avoid exposure, the overloaded checkpoint released Chen's vehicle. That night, Chen, Zheng and the accompanying woman did not leave the hotel, and the police could only continue to squat.

Two suspects were arrested

In the early morning of October 22, 2021, Zheng and the accompanying woman began to check out, which attracted the attention of the police.

"Could it be that Chen had received drugs that night, but the quantity was small and was not found." Zhang Lu and the front-line investigators immediately rushed to the public security checkpoint where Zheng and the accompanying woman passed and began to intercept and check, and as expected, the police found 1.991 kilograms of drugs under the mat of the cab of Zheng's vehicle, the type of drug was methamphetamine.

All 56 people were arrested! 104 kilograms of drugs were seized, and 347,500 yuan of drug money involved in the case was confiscated

The police seized drugs that Zheng had hidden under the foot mat of the car on the spot.

According to the criminal suspect Zheng's confession, this trip to Yunnan was instructed by "Li San" to help Chen transport drugs, and the woman accompanying him was his girlfriend to help him cover up people's eyes.

Just when Zheng was arrested, Chen was also arrested. As the interrogation deepened, the police found that on the evening of October 21, Chen did receive drugs, but not the 33 packages shown in the clues, and the person transporting the drugs was a dark-skinned man named Xiang.

Through the follow-up investigation by the police, it was found that Xiang was a core member of the "Li San" drug trafficking gang, and all offline drug transactions were completed by "Li San" who assigned Xiang. The appearance of Xiang made the true identity of "Li San" begin to emerge slowly.

Yang Ping (pseudonym), an investigator who participated in the investigation of the case, said: "To crack down on drug cases, we must not only fight the line, but also lay down the line, although the information of 'Li San' is clear, but the police did not immediately start the arrest operation, but continued to hibernate, digging deep and expanding the line." ”

Soon after, the police discovered that the modus operandi of "Li San" in transporting drugs had changed, and the "Li San" gang's method of transporting drugs through "package camouflage, mail and transportation" had already appeared. From November 2021 to May 2022, the Kunming Railway Police and police in many places seized 80.23 kilograms of drugs from "Li San" and others or mailed or transported to the local area, arrested 36 criminal suspects, seized 237,000 yuan of drug money involved in the case, and seized 11 vehicles involved in the case.

All 56 people were arrested! 104 kilograms of drugs were seized, and 347,500 yuan of drug money involved in the case was confiscated

Police seized drugs in the package.

In addition, the anti-narcotics detachment of the Kunming Public Security Department of the Kunming Railway Public Security Bureau also joined forces with the police in many places to crack down on drug delivery sites, during which a large number of "Ma Zai" and "behind-the-scenes bosses" who came to pick up drug-related express delivery were arrested.

Opposite "13 km"

After the investigation of the front-line investigation police, it was found that because the "drug express" was knocked out by the police one after another, it was difficult to recover the balance of "Li San" and others involved in drugs, and the capital chain was broken.

On May 29, 2022, drug-related suspect Guo arrived in Jinghong City, Xishuangbanna Prefecture by plane, but as soon as the plane landed, his traces disappeared. It turned out that Guo learned the lesson of the previous "horse boy" Zheng and did not stay in a hotel, but chose to use false identity information to rent a house in a densely populated village in Jinghong City.

When the police saw Guo again, there was an extra man in the car he rented, Luan.

Guo did not go to the 13 kilometers of the Yunda Expressway designated by "Li" in the past to "step on the point", but drove to the Xijing Line, which is contrary to the 13 kilometers of the Yunda Expressway, but also stopped at 13 kilometers.

"The 'stepping point' work lasted for two days, and the two of them went to the Westview Line all the time." Zhang Lu said that according to clues, Guo will "receive the goods" on the night of May 30.

The same plot plays out again. The police decided to place a group of reconnaissance teams 13 kilometers from the Westview Line and set up interception points; The other group continued to stay in the rental house where the two were staying. This time, the police made up their minds to arrest Guo as soon as they were found to be engaged in drug trading on the Westview Line.

However, at 1 o'clock in the morning that night, Guo and Luan began to drive outside the city of Jinghong City, and the investigators who tracked the suspect vehicle soon discovered that something was wrong: the two did not drive to the 13 kilometers of the Xijing Line that they had "stepped on" before, but went in the opposite direction and drove towards the 13 kilometers of the Yunda Expressway again.

"We were disappointed." Zhang Lu said that Guo and Luan had a strong sense of anti-investigation, and they were suspicious. The police immediately changed their formations and reorganized their forces to prepare for interception on the way back to Jinghong City. At the same time, another group of investigators continued to track the suspect vehicle.

Arrest in the vegetable garden

Soon, front-line investigators found that a man on a motorcycle appeared near the suspect vehicle and handed the backpack he was carrying to Guo, and then the two parties left the scene.

"Be sure to intercept it." Zhang Lu immediately ordered to set up a checkpoint to intercept the suspect vehicle at the checkpoint where it might pass, and finally found the suspect vehicle near a checkpoint.

Investigators with many years of investigation experience determined that after the suspect vehicle fled from the card, it would throw away the drugs it was carrying and wait for an opportunity to evade the blow, so they followed the escape route of the suspect vehicle and found the abandoned backpack, which contained 2.905 kilograms of methamphetamine.

The tracking continues. Front-line investigators found the abandoned suspect vehicle near a community in Jinghong City. On July 2, 2022, drug-related suspects Guo and Luan were arrested in Hebei and Heilongjiang, and through inspection and comparison, the abandoned drug-hiding backpack was indeed the item that the two had come into contact with.

All 56 people were arrested! 104 kilograms of drugs were seized, and 347,500 yuan of drug money involved in the case was confiscated

The police seized the drugs carried by Luan and Guo.

After interrogation, the drug-related suspects Guo and Luan confessed that the two were the "Ma Zai" of "Li San" who organized drug trafficking, and the suspect in charge of offline transactions was still Xiang. After continuous investigation, on July 28, 2022, the suspect Xiang was arrested in Menghai County, Xishuangbanna Prefecture.

At this point, the identity of "Li San" as the organizer and planner of the drug trafficking gang has been confirmed, and his real identity is Li Mouhai.

"'Li San' wanted to flee immediately, but he was arrested on the way back to his hometown to say goodbye." On August 20, 2022, the police arrested the suspect Li Mouhai in a vegetable garden near the railway station in Mengzi City. After interrogation, Li Mouhai confessed to the crime of smuggling drugs into the country from Xishuangbanna, Honghe and other places for long-term activities along the China-Myanmar border, and then transporting them to Hunan, Hubei and other places for offline distribution by mail.

With the arrest of "Li San," a nationwide operation to close the net was immediately launched, and a huge drug trafficking network spanning Yunnan, Hunan, Hubei, Chongqing, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Sichuan, Guangxi, and other places was completely destroyed by the Kunming Railway police, and all 56 criminal suspects were arrested. A total of 104.104 kilograms of drugs were seized, 347,500 yuan of drug money was seized, and 15 vehicles involved in the case were seized.

At present, the main suspects involved in the case have been sentenced by the court in accordance with the law, and Li Mouhai was sentenced to 15 years in prison and fined 30,000 yuan for the crime of transporting drugs.

Chief Reporter: Zheng Heng Correspondent: Weng Weiqiang

Source: Yunnan Legal News