
Review of the first half of 2024 |Pave the way for the second half of the year to achieve the goal

Review of the first half of 2024 |Pave the way for the second half of the year to achieve the goal
Review of the first half of 2024 |Pave the way for the second half of the year to achieve the goal


Hello everyone, I'm Ziqiao.

As a fan of review, I have gained great benefits from my own personal growth.

As of today, I have been reviewing for 1,147 days.

Today is July 1, 2024, and welcome to the review time of the first half of 2024.

Time flies like a white cloud, and the first half of the year is over again in a blink of an eye.

No matter whether we are full of harvest or full of regrets, we still have to continue to move forward.

However, in order for the first half of the year to become the foreshadowing of the second half of the year, it is necessary to summarize and review the important things done in the first half of the year.

In this way, in the second half of the year, we can carry out in an orderly manner, so that we can move towards the goals set at the beginning of the year.

Review of the first half of 2024 |Pave the way for the second half of the year to achieve the goal

Now, welcome dear to you, let's enter the review time of the first half of Ziqiao.

My monthly review is mainly composed of the following aspects-

Review of the first half of 2024 |Pave the way for the second half of the year to achieve the goal


How did you achieve the first half of the goal?

There are 3 major goals and 1 basic task this month, and the completion rate is 95%.

Review of the first half of 2024 |Pave the way for the second half of the year to achieve the goal

They are:

⌈ Fiscal Year Requirements⌋

01 Updated 91 articles.

The article was read 113,000 times in the first half of the year.

Review of the first half of 2024 |Pave the way for the second half of the year to achieve the goal

02 Every quarter on Sunday, there are door-to-door storage and tidying.

03 Important matters are completed on time every quarter.

⌈ self-cultivation ⌋

01 Integrate self-cultivation into life, and gradually develop a habit, and the first half of the year has become a little better than last year.

02Most of the time, you can concentrate and do your goals well.

03 In the first half of the year, we had a good diet, tried to eat less meat and more vegetarians, and achieved balanced nutrition.

04Complete the three-piece early wake-up set and the three-piece bedtime set as planned.

05 Be able to treat everything around you with gratitude, write a gratitude diary every day, and also do gratitude meditation regularly.

06 A total of 348.93 kilometers were run in this quarter.

⌈ basic matters⌋

01 This quarter, I did 24 oil compresses and 48 facial masks.

02 "Breaking the Cocoon into a Butterfly Early Rise Review Group" has a total of 206 people, because there is a withdrawal from the group.

03Learn home beautification, writing, psychology, psychology and other related knowledge according to the plan.

04 Established the Broken Butterfly Life Aesthetics Group, and the Soul Station Group, and shared in the group at 5:00 every morning, and began to increase the psychological healing radio station in June.

05 Every important festival, I send blessings to some relatives and friends.

06 Have time to protect your eyesight and control your electronic devices.

07 Pay attention to WeChat friends and the dynamics of published articles, and constantly update and iterate.

08The average morning time this month is 4:45 and the average time to go to bed is 22:16.

⌈ personal growth⌋

01 Every week of this month, I will integrate what I have learned during the week and build my own knowledge chain.

02 Have regular knowledge about dressing and apply it to daily wear.

03 Keep accounts every week to make your income and expenses clear at a glance.

04Break down the monthly items so that they can be carried out smoothly.

05 started two joint readings, and the books they read together were "The Miracle of Getting Up Early" and "Rebirth in a Year".

06 Insist on doing daily, weekly, and monthly review plans, and insist on reading.


What was the fulfillment/loss that gave me a sense of accomplishment in the first half of the year?

01 The things that have made me successful this month are:

(1) Successfully launched two co-reading camps and was recognized by the friends.

(2) The work in the first half of the year was highly appreciated by the leaders of the headquarters, and every work was completed conscientiously.

(3) Every important holiday can be spent in a measured manner.

(4) The diet is mainly light, and learning how to cook has improved the level of cooking.

(5) Do a good job of reviewing the group/planet, and share the ⌈ life aesthetics ⌋ and ⌈ soul station⌋ every day, and organize them into the planet.

(6) In self-cultivation, slowly cultivate yourself from the inside out, so that you can gradually achieve a better self.

(7) Colleagues and girlfriends often share some good things for me to eat.

(8) Every time I do the door-to-door storage and arrangement, it has been recognized by the customer.

(9) Complete all important matters on time, and do a good job of daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly reviews.

02 The things that have disappointed me this month are:

(1) Sometimes the details are still not in place, such as colleagues who did not say thank you in time for their help on Tuesday, and were not careful enough when working on Friday, and there were some mistakes.

It's the details that make or break the difference.

It is also necessary to pay more attention to details, learn to observe more, and do more checks after things are done, and strive to make everything more perfect.

(2) There will still be some small mistakes in daily life and work, and it is necessary to strengthen the degree of seriousness and carefulness in the future.

(3) Sometimes there is too little white time when making plans, and you need to pay more attention to planning in the second half of the year.

Review of the first half of 2024 |Pave the way for the second half of the year to achieve the goal


What lessons I learned from this in the first half of the year

From the daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly reviews, I understand -

There is no difference between a review and a non-review in a short period of time.

I didn't see any change for 3 days, and I didn't see any distance for 7 days.

But after a month you will see things improve, and after three months things will go more and more smoothly.

It can be seen that insisting on review is a booster for our growth.

Stick to daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly reviews, even if it is very simple, you will reap good results in a year.

Therefore, don't be afraid of a boring review, stick to it, and let us get closer and closer to the goal of customization at the beginning of the year.

Review of the first half of 2024 |Pave the way for the second half of the year to achieve the goal


What is the progress and evaluation of my goal in the first half of the year?

Review of the first half of 2024 |Pave the way for the second half of the year to achieve the goal

In the first half of the year, 95% of the items were completed, as 5 items could not be implemented as planned.


What new knowledge did I have in the first half of the year?

(1) From the actions in the first half of the year, I know that -

It is normal for life to advance and retreat, and it is impossible to think that everything will go well.

However, this does not mean that the future is bleak.

As long as every step backwards are regarded as the driving force for progress, and optimization and improvement are carried out.

Regression, then, will become the driving force for our progress.

Therefore, in our daily growth, we don't need to be afraid of regression, just go straight ahead.

As the "People's Daily" read at night, it once said in an article:

The gifts you want in life are often packaged in a box called "challenges", and whoever can face them bravely, who can work hard, and who can persevere to the end, will receive the rewards of life.

(2) From the daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly review plans, I realized that——

Instead of always staying in your comfort zone and having fun, you should live a disciplined life and strive for it every day.

Conscientiously do every little thing well and cherish every moment, then these little things will definitely achieve a better future for us.

Review of the first half of 2024 |Pave the way for the second half of the year to achieve the goal


My gratitude for the first half of the year

01 Thank you Rollo for all the efforts he has made for "Breaking the Cocoon into a Butterfly Growth Companion Group", hard work.

02 Thank you to the friends of "Breaking the Cocoon into a Butterfly Early Rise and Review Group", I like our daily sharing.

03 I am grateful for the gifts and blessings that my relatives and friends give me every holiday.

04 I am grateful that I can manage everything that happens every day, so that I can live and work calmly.

05 Thanks to the friends who read my articles in the first half of the year, took the initiative to chat with me on WeChat, and liked my circle of friends.

06 Thank you for all the noble people who appeared around me in the first half of the year, and thank them for all their kindness to me.

07 Thanksgiving to the storage and sorting households, the recognition of our storage and sorting work.

08 Be grateful for sharing with the group every morning and prepare in advance.

09 Thanksgiving Monday I have a good subdivision of the weekly plan, so that I can carry out various matters in an orderly manner.

10. Be grateful to yourself, have completed the first half of the summary, and make a plan for the second half of the year.

Review of the first half of 2024 |Pave the way for the second half of the year to achieve the goal


Planned for the second half of the year

Review of the first half of 2024 |Pave the way for the second half of the year to achieve the goal


Self-motivation in the second half of the year

Every growth is a stage, but it is only a stop in life.

Is growth important?


Because you have put a lot of effort into this in your limited life, it constitutes the best memory of your life.

Every time I grow—

I can't see your great future, and I can't show the profundity of life;

But if you persevere, the height of growth will slowly appear in front of you.

Your efforts are not in vain, the sweat you have shed, the fear you overcome, the fighting spirit you have ignited, and all the efforts you have made will become the foreshadowing of surprises in the future.

Encourage your friends.

Review of the first half of 2024 |Pave the way for the second half of the year to achieve the goal
Review of the first half of 2024 |Pave the way for the second half of the year to achieve the goal
Review of the first half of 2024 |Pave the way for the second half of the year to achieve the goal
Review of the first half of 2024 |Pave the way for the second half of the year to achieve the goal

Articles are updated every night at 20:00

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