
The female anchor "fainted", and Zhong Xuegao couldn't eat enough

author:Brother Bird's Notes

"The thing was selling well, and I suddenly fainted in the live broadcast room", such a scary phenomenon happened in Zhong Xuegao's live broadcast room.

Just recently, the topic of #Zhong Xuegao anchor# rushed to the top of Weibo's hot search. The reason was that in the live broadcast room of "Zhongxue Gao Laolin", a female anchor suddenly fell to the ground when her body swayed from side to side during the live broadcast, and many staff screams came from the live broadcast room.

The female anchor "fainted", and Zhong Xuegao couldn't eat enough

● Source: Sina Weibo

It is understood that the number of people in the live broadcast room had exceeded 100,000 at that time, and the topic of the female anchor fainting quickly sparked heated discussions, and there were even rumors that the female anchor died suddenly. However, the anchor who took over later said that the colleague who fainted had gone to rest and was fine.

Despite this, the news about Zhong Xuegao's female anchor fainting on social media platforms is still widely discussed by netizens. In the final analysis, it is naturally related to the former Internet celebrity brand Zhong Xuegao and its founder Lin Sheng.

01, Internet celebrity Zhong Xuegao, constant turmoil

In the process of bringing the goods, she suddenly fainted in the live broadcast room, and when she fell, she was still reading the lines quickly in her mouth, and the incident of Zhong Xuegao's female anchor fainting in the live broadcast room frightened many netizens, and there are even conspiracy theories that the anchor's fainting is a "script" made by Zhong Xue Gaowei to attract traffic.

According to the responses of Zhong Xuegao's other substitute anchors, the anchor who fainted was caused by some lack of oxygen during the menstrual period and the rainy season, not as rumored. After a break in the background, he has returned to normal, and the subsequent examination in the hospital is fine.

It is understood that the anchor also posted a circle of friends after the hospital examination, saying that the company did not squeeze employees.

The female anchor "fainted", and Zhong Xuegao couldn't eat enough

● Source: Sina Weibo

Despite this, netizens are still hot on the discussion of the fainting of the female anchor in Zhong Xuegao's live broadcast room, and the reason is naturally related to the various embarrassing situations that Zhong Xuegao is facing now.

In fact, since Zhong Xuegao stepped down from the altar of high-priced ice cream, the brand and founder Lin Sheng have experienced a lot of turmoil.

Due to the precipitous decline in sales experienced before, Zhong Xuegao himself was in prison. The branch was cancelled one after another, sued by the partner, the property was frozen, and the employees asked for salaries, etc., all kinds of negative rumors continued, so that the founder Lin Sheng was directly restricted from high consumption.

In order to seek new opportunities, Lin Sheng took a green train to Beijing overnight at the end of April, claiming that he would have to pay off his debts even if he sold sweet potatoes.

The female anchor "fainted", and Zhong Xuegao couldn't eat enough

● Source: Deng Qingxu Weibo

Unexpectedly, Zhong Xue, as an "ice cream assassin", sells sweet potatoes, and the price is also unattainable. With a price of 42.9 yuan and 5 catties, Lin Sheng's Douyin live broadcast room was once reported by a large number of netizens and was banned.

According to Tianyancha information, Zhong Xue Gao Linsheng and the company founded by him have become executors 5 times in the past six months, and the company has been executed nearly 35 million in total.

So, what happened to the former Internet celebrity brand Zhong Xuegao to end up in such a field now?

02. Why did you fall from the top?

If you go back to a few years ago, few people may have thought that Zhong Xuegao, as the "Hermes of the ice cream industry", would fall all the time.

According to public information, Zhongxuegao was founded in 2018, and at the beginning of its establishment, it focused on high-end positioning through overwhelming marketing. On the day of Double 11 in 2018, an Ecuadorian pink diamond priced at 66 yuan was launched, and 20,000 pieces were sold on the Tmall platform in just 15 hours. The founder, Lin Sheng, said bluntly in an interview, "Zhong Xuegao is at this price, do you want to love it."

When the high price of Zhong Xue Gao shocked many consumers, they didn't expect that eating ice cream would have to think twice before making a decision.

Since then, Zhongxuegao has been in the high-end market, with sales exceeding 100 million in 2019, and during the subsequent Double 11 promotion, it also won the ice category sales championship on the Tmall platform many times.

The female anchor "fainted", and Zhong Xuegao couldn't eat enough

●Source: Zhong Xuegao's official Weibo

It is undeniable that Zhongxuegao has also launched some relatively cheap products in the process of leading the entire ice cream market to the high-end price band, but most of them are still concentrated in the price range of more than 10 yuan. With its high selling price, Zhong Xuegao was named the "Hermes of the ice cream industry" by netizens.

Unexpectedly, the downhill road after the peak came quickly.

In the summer of 2022, #钟薛高烧不化#的话题直接把这个网红雪糕品牌推到了风口浪尖, sales began to show a precipitous decline. Not only that, but the label of "Ice Cream Assassin" is also tightly attached to Zhong Xuegao, and the marketing and popularity that he was once proud of began to make himself suffer backlash.

In hindsight, Zhong Xuegao did seize the minds of consumers in a short period of time with the help of the rise of domestic brands and large-scale marketing, and many first-time consumers wanted to taste how delicious Hermes in the ice cream industry was?

The female anchor "fainted", and Zhong Xuegao couldn't eat enough

●Source: Zhong Xuegao's official Weibo

It's just that the sales and popularity driven by marketing often come and go quickly. When consumers gradually become aesthetically fatigued and the relatively limited high-priced ice cream market, there are naturally not many people who are willing to continue to pay for Zhongxuegao.

"I can buy a box of old popsicles for one dollar at a time", after Zhong Xuegao fell, some netizens commented from time to time.

03. Can it be transformed by live broadcasting?

Today, it is rare to see Zhong Xuegao in offline convenience stores or cold drink wholesale departments. Even when summer comes, more and more consumers tend to choose ice cream at a lower price.

Obviously, the road of selling ice cream is basically out of reach for Lin Sheng. At the same time, the company was heavily in debt before, and in order to repay the debt, Lin Sheng had to embark on a new journey, and bringing goods in the live broadcast room is its current core.

However, what needs to be thought about is whether Zhong Xuegao can successfully turn over by relying on live broadcasting?

The female anchor "fainted", and Zhong Xuegao couldn't eat enough

●Source: Zhong Xuegao's official Weibo

Taking the past 618 promotion as an example, an obvious trend is that sales including major top anchors have declined significantly.

Li Jiaqi's performance with goods is as high as 50% compared with the past, and the performance of the head live broadcast room including Simba and Dongfang Selection is also the same. In addition, during the 618 period, the sales of anchor Qi'er plummeted by 88%, and the Guangdong couple fell by 86%, almost all of which experienced a significant decline.

The dismal sales are only one of them, and the high return rate makes the major live broadcast rooms miserable. The return rate of traditional e-commerce platforms is only 10%, compared to the return rate of live streaming e-commerce, which can easily reach 30%, and even as high as 80% in extreme cases.

As a result, many live broadcast e-commerce companies are in a state of loss simply by selling things, and can only make money by posting advertisements and other non-core businesses.

Most of the sales in Zhong Xuegao Laolin's live broadcast room are mainly agricultural products, food and daily necessities, etc., and there are countless live broadcast rooms with similar products.

In a live broadcast, Lin Sheng said: "Live broadcast is a particularly tangled thing for me, because I have never had this option, but when I decided to do live broadcast, my heart was put down."

The female anchor "fainted", and Zhong Xuegao couldn't eat enough

●Source: Zhong Xue Gao Laolin Taobao live broadcast room

Nowadays, the number 729 behind the background can often be seen in Zhongxue's Gao Lao Lin live broadcast room, and Lin Sheng said that this is the number of employees in arrears of wages in the company.

When the debt repayment will be completed, the next thing depends on the substantive progress of Zhong Xue Gao Laolin.