
1 July 2024

author:Brother Bird's Notes

Big manufacturers move Perfect World responds to layoffs: it is true that some products are not performing as expected

It is rumored that Perfect World has started layoffs on a large scale, which not only affects employees in Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu and other cities, but also mainly targets game project teams whose revenue does not meet expectations, such as "Perfect New World" and "One Punch Man". Rumors also say that some R&D departments have laid off hundreds of employees, and the middle office team has also been sharply reduced from 150 to dozens of people. In response, Perfect World responded: In order to actively adapt to the rapid changes in the external market environment, the company continues to carry out innovative exploration, transformation and upgrading, but it is true that some products do not perform as expected. In order to cope with the challenges, the company took the initiative to sort out and adjust, and adopted a series of solutions, including optimizing resource allocation, focusing on core projects, optimizing necessary personnel, and intensifying office space, so that resources can be more concentrated on core advantageous businesses. (Sina Technology)

ByteDance has once again launched two free online text apps

According to reports, following the "Tomato Novel", Byte has launched two free online text apps "Egg Flower Novel" and "Frequently Read Novel", which focus on free reading for the whole audience. The development companies of the two online text products are Hubei Furuixing Network Technology Co., Ltd. and Hubei Jurun Network Technology Co., Ltd., Tianyancha information shows that these two companies are 100% controlled by ByteDance. (Tech Planet)

The homepage of Bilibili App can jump to the WeChat applet

The homepage of the Bilibili App has been revised, and users can directly jump to the WeChat Mini Program on the App's homepage. Up to now, the WeChat Mini Programs that support jumping are mainly mini games and loan advertisements. In fact, this is not the first time that Bilibili supports jumping from the Bilibili App to the Mini Program. From mid-October 2023, the blue chain at the top of the comment area of station B supports jumping to WeChat mini programs.

Tmall will strengthen the rectification of "inducing third parties" violations

"Inducing a third party" violates the rules, that is, publishing or pushing third-party goods or information that is likely to lead to transaction risks, or inducing consumers to jump to third-party websites or clients through other means. In order to regulate the behavior of merchants and protect the rights and interests of consumers, Tmall will strengthen the rectification of "inducing third parties" in violation of regulations. asks users to stop using third-party price comparison tools

According to reports, a number of netizens recently said that they received text messages warning users not to use any third-party price comparison tools or plug-ins, and suggested changing their passwords, otherwise they will continue to restrict accounts suspected of being maliciously used. Although said that it "detected that the account may be used maliciously" and asked to change the account password, some netizens believe that deliberately restricts users from using third-party price comparison tools or plug-ins.

Station B enters the micro-short drama

Station B released the content planning and support plan in the field of high-quality micro-short dramas at the micro-short drama conference of the Shanghai TV Festival. This year, Bilibili plans to launch nearly 20 high-quality high-quality micro-short drama works, covering social, cultural, campus, suspense, comedy, cultural tourism, history, realism and other diverse content themes. (Finance Associated Press)

Pinduoduo launched the "Order Grabbing Artifact" tool, which allows merchants to intercept traffic in multiple scenarios

Pinduoduo has launched the "Order Grabbing Artifact" tool, which will be opened to all merchants one after another. When merchants use the "order grabbing artifact", they can push the products of their stores to consumers who have recently consulted, collected, and browsed the same products of their peers, and comprehensively seize the traffic of their peers in 10 major scenarios such as consumers looking at pictures of peer products, visiting the detail pages of peer products, and buying peer products without paying. In addition, when merchants use the "order grabbing artifact" to copy new products, the new products only need to reduce the price a little bit to get multiple times the traffic, thereby increasing sales, and the new products will not affect the sales of the original products.

Leopard tail news: Oriental selection anchor complained about the company's public relations department's inaction

Dongfang Selection's leading anchor Dunton recently complained in the live broadcast room that he has been more annoyed by some of the company's practices recently, "For example, the newly opened account does not discuss and communicate with the anchor at all, and I only found out two days ago, and once the company and the anchor have negative public opinion, the company's public relations department will not act." "To be honest, I used to think the company was good for a long time, but I've been a little disappointed in the company recently," but he also explained that he said that the reason for the backlog of negative emotions was that it was over.

According to data from third-party platforms, in the past 30 days, the total number of fans in the Dongfang Selection live broadcast room has plummeted, from 30.411 million on May 30 to the current 30.103 million, a direct decrease of about 308,000.

Heytea was accused of changing the name of the edge drink

Recently, Heytea and the Finnish national treasure brand Marimekko jointly launched a new milk tea product "Little Milk Gardenia". However, after the new product was launched, it was accused of playing with homophonic stalks because of its pronunciation, and netizens complained that it was too vulgar and it was embarrassing to order offline. At present, on the order page of the Heytea applet, the related products have been renamed "Xiaobai Gardenia". However, Heytea officials did not respond to this matter.

618 part of the express delivery data released: the highest daily processing volume exceeded 580 million pieces

According to the data, from May 20 to June 16, the national express delivery volume reached 13.766 billion pieces, and the delivery volume reached 13.526 billion pieces, a year-on-year increase of more than 20%, and the highest daily processing volume exceeded 580 million pieces. This year's 618, Tmall, Pinduoduo and other e-commerce platforms have chosen to launch a big promotion on May 20, and the activity cycle is as long as one month until the end of June 20.

Antarctic e-commerce: signed an advertising cooperation contract of 200 million yuan

Antarctic E-commerce (002127) announced on the evening of June 23 that the company intends to cooperate with Chizhong Advertising Co., Ltd. for advertising from June 24, 2024 to January 26, 2025, with a total advertising cost of 200 million yuan. (Company E)

Ping An Health App settled in the HarmonyOS ecosystem

The Ping An Health App has officially entered the HarmonyOS ecosystem, combining its rich healthcare resources with the innovation capabilities of HarmonyOS NEXT, becoming one of the first big health apps to be settled, aiming to unlock a new health experience for users in all scenarios.

SF City entered the Hong Kong ready-to-deliver market with the "SoFast" brand

SF Express announced that it will launch the same-city delivery service in Hong Kong, China in July. At present, SF City has published recruitment information on multiple platforms in Hong Kong, recruiting a large number of infantry, bicycle, motorcycle, private car and van rider partners, and the "SoFast Rider" app for Hong Kong riders has also been launched in major app stores. According to reports, SF's intra-city delivery business in Hong Kong will be based on non-meal delivery such as documents and small parcels, and the delivery income per kilometer is twice as high as that of other takeaway platforms, and the hourly income of riders can reach up to 300 Hong Kong dollars.