
Check it out! The menu of the New Era Civilization Practice Activity in July is here

author:Luohu release
Check it out! The menu of the New Era Civilization Practice Activity in July is here

Luohu District

In July, the practice of civilization in the new era

The event menu is coming!

To give full play

New Era Civilization Practice Center (Institute, Station).


Deeply involve residents in civilized practices

Luohu curated a series

A wide range of activities

It is carried out on a monthly basis

Let's review

Highlights of June

The annual main event of Shenzhen's New Era Civilization Practice

and the 3rd Luohu District Civilization Practice Carnival

Check it out! The menu of the New Era Civilization Practice Activity in July is here

The 4th Luohu District Minors Care Season was launched

and the "Three Express Train Museum" open day activities

Check it out! The menu of the New Era Civilization Practice Activity in July is here

"Green and Succulent, Parent-Child Co-education"

Children's Day environmental protection theme activities

Check it out! The menu of the New Era Civilization Practice Activity in July is here

Publicity on the protection of minors with the law "children".

Check it out! The menu of the New Era Civilization Practice Activity in July is here

There are a variety of activities

Definitely get a lot out of it

Let's take a look

Event menu bar in July

Learn to practice scientific theories


Propaganda and propaganda of the party's policies


Cultivating and practicing mainstream values


Enriching and enlivening cultural life

Check it out! The menu of the New Era Civilization Practice Activity in July is here


Continue to deepen the change of customs


Come and get involved!

A wide variety of activities

Waiting for you to come

Check it out! The menu of the New Era Civilization Practice Activity in July is here

Source: Luohu District Civilization Office

Overall integration: Luohu release

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Check it out! The menu of the New Era Civilization Practice Activity in July is here

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