
"Kangxi and Louis XIV" enters the campus to innovate and show the beauty of art

author:Guangzhou Radio and Television Station


On June 30th, Guangdong Vocational College of Arts and Guangzhou Radio and Television Station jointly held the "Historical Resonance and Cohesion, Exchange and Mutual Development to Promote Development" film into the campus activity, through the screening of the documentary film "Kangxi and Louis XIV", the main creative team exchange, etc., to bring teachers and students a historical and artistic feast across time and space.

"Kangxi and Louis XIV" enters the campus to innovate and show the beauty of art

The Sino-French co-production documentary film "Kangxi and Louis XIV" presents a picture of the exchange and mutual learning of science and technology, commerce, ideology and culture between China and France through the sympathy and exchange between the two monarchs. Through a well-choreographed plot and delicate lens language, the film shows the connection from the monarch to the people from top to bottom. After the screening, the main creative team interacted with teachers and students to share the innovative content presentation of the film and the artistic shooting techniques, which brought inspiration to the students' learning and creation.

"Kangxi and Louis XIV" enters the campus to innovate and show the beauty of art

Wang Hanpeng Student: (In school) I not only learned computer knowledge, but also art knowledge, I think the boat (modeling) is very beautiful, and I have a new understanding of this aspect by applying what I learned in school to film production.

"Kangxi and Louis XIV" enters the campus to innovate and show the beauty of art

Liu Ruimin Student: I learned a lot about the lens language of the film, for example, (Bai Jin) brought a portrait of Louis XIV to China, and the (Kangxi) Emperor saw the virtual mirror image, which I think is very good.

"Kangxi and Louis XIV" enters the campus to innovate and show the beauty of art

The school said that "Kangxi and Louis XIV" is not only an artistic creation, but also an in-depth dialogue between Chinese and French civilizations, which will further open students' historical and cultural horizons.

"Kangxi and Louis XIV" enters the campus to innovate and show the beauty of art

Xie Dongle, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Guangdong Dance and Drama Vocational College: Through the display of film and television works, students can understand history more intuitively, feel culture, educate and entertain, and let the seeds of culture be sown and sprout in the hearts of young students.

"Kangxi and Louis XIV" enters the campus to innovate and show the beauty of art
"Kangxi and Louis XIV" enters the campus to innovate and show the beauty of art
"Kangxi and Louis XIV" enters the campus to innovate and show the beauty of art

Editor: Anne Xu

Reporter: Chen Sitao

Source: Guangzhou Channel


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