
In 1974, Zhuang Zedong backstabbed Major General Wang Meng! Two years later, the general ignored the previous suspicions: he was also a victim

In 1974, Zhuang Zedong backstabbed Major General Wang Meng! Two years later, the general ignored the previous suspicions: he was also a victim

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Text丨Bohn's History of Words

Editor丨Bohn History


Zhuang Zedong is the first generation of Chinese table tennis kings, who has won three consecutive World Championships, and also used table tennis to promote the ice-breaking relationship between China and the United States, which can be described as promising.

In 1974, Zhuang Zedong backstabbed Major General Wang Meng! Two years later, the general ignored the previous suspicions: he was also a victim

In 1974, he was bewitched by Jiang and others, and hurt Major General Wang Meng, who was then the director of the Sports Commission, not only drove Major General Wang Meng out of the Sports Commission, but also replaced Wang Meng as the director of the Sports Commission.

But two years later, with the end of the ten years of turmoil, Wang Meng returned to the Sports Commission at the warm invitation of the Central Committee, and Zhuang Zedong became the person to be dealt with, but Major General Wang Meng's handling method was admirable.

Premier Zhou ordered Wang Meng to enter the sports committee, but was stabbed in the back by Zhuang Zedong

In 1971, Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou sent the Chinese table tennis team to participate in the 31st World Table Tennis Championships held in Japan.

In 1974, Zhuang Zedong backstabbed Major General Wang Meng! Two years later, the general ignored the previous suspicions: he was also a victim

However, at that time, the leaders of the Military Management Commission, who were in charge of the work of the Sports Commission, made successive mistakes, which made Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou very angry, so it was decided to replace the person in charge of the Military Management Commission and look for a "fierce general" to enter the work of the State Sports Commission.

Premier Zhou immediately thought of Major General Wang Meng, who was then deputy political commissar of the Beijing Military Region, and he was deeply impressed by this fierce general who dared to fight and spoke out.

In 1974, Zhuang Zedong backstabbed Major General Wang Meng! Two years later, the general ignored the previous suspicions: he was also a victim

Wang Meng

Premier Zhou first met Wang Meng at the emergency meeting on the Baiyangdian flood control berm in July 1969, which Premier Zhou personally presided over and Major General Wang Meng, then political commissar of the 38th Army, also attended.

At that time, Premier Zhou was very dissatisfied with the flood control work in Baiyangdian, and if the dam collapsed, it was likely that the entire area from Baoding to the south of Tianjin would become a thousand miles of Zeguo, and tens of millions of people would be affected.

Premier Zhou, who cared about the people, was furious at the meeting, and everyone could only bow their heads and listen to Premier Zhou's criticism.

In 1974, Zhuang Zedong backstabbed Major General Wang Meng! Two years later, the general ignored the previous suspicions: he was also a victim

Wang Meng

Only Wang Meng dared to explain the reality to Premier Zhou clearly, and Premier Zhou praised him very happily after listening to it, and submitted his proposal to Chairman Mao for approval, and finally successfully resolved the crisis. [1]

Since then, Premier Zhou has been very impressed with him, and he has also cared deeply about him for his outstanding performance in the Chen Boda incident in 1970.

When the position of director of the Sports Commission became vacant, Premier Zhou also thought of him for the first time, and asked him to serve as his deputies with Yao Xiaocheng, Yu Zhihe, and Chen Peimin to assist him in presiding over the relevant work of the Sports Committee.

In 1974, Zhuang Zedong backstabbed Major General Wang Meng! Two years later, the general ignored the previous suspicions: he was also a victim

After Wang Meng came to the Sports Commission, he deeply realized that the Sports Commission should also be managed by people in the sports world, so he resumed the daily work of the Sports Commission in strict accordance with Premier Zhou's instructions.

He also proposed to Premier Zhou that the Sports Commission be reassigned to the unified leadership of the State Council, that all the people of the General Management Committee be withdrawn from the troops, and that the veteran cadres of the Sports Commission be invited back to manage it.

In 1974, Zhuang Zedong backstabbed Major General Wang Meng! Two years later, the general ignored the previous suspicions: he was also a victim

Wang Meng

His suggestion was supported by Ye Shuai and Premier Zhou, and the mainland's sports industry also ushered in a vigorous development again, although some people in the Military Management Commission were reluctant to leave the Sports Commission, but under the orders of the Party Central Committee and Wang Meng's strong demands, they could only obey the orders.

Just when the work of the sports committee was gradually back on track, a report letter from two table tennis players surnamed Ding in March 1974 caused an uproar.

The two elevated the fight with the coach to a political level, and wrote a report letter to Beijing, which quickly attracted Jiang's attention and planned to use it as an opportunity to attack Wang Meng. [2]

And the target she chose to attack was Zhuang Zedong, so she ordered Wang Meng to properly handle this matter, and at the same time asked Zhuang Zedong to attack him.

As a result, Zhuang Zedong, who said that he wanted to explain Wang Meng the day before, publicly criticized Wang Meng at the conference, and grabbed Wang Meng's black material to frame Wang Meng.

Wang Meng was exhausted by the successive blows, and at the end of 1974 he was admitted to the hospital for recuperation, where he proposed to the central authorities the idea of returning to the army.

In 1974, Zhuang Zedong backstabbed Major General Wang Meng! Two years later, the general ignored the previous suspicions: he was also a victim

In order to protect him, Deng Gong also specially ordered him to leave the Sports Commission and enter the Wuhan Military Region as a deputy political commissar, while Zhuang Zedong became the director of the Sports Commission with the support of Jiang, and became a ministerial-level leader at the age of 34.

Both thought that there would be no intersection after that, but no one expected that they would meet again in the sports committee two years later, and how to deal with Zhuang Zedong also became a headache for Wang Meng.

Wang Meng returned to the Sports Committee to preside over the work and deal with Zhuang Zedong's problems

In 1976, with the end of a decade of turmoil, the country's work was in ruins, and Vice Premier Chen Xilian, who was in charge of sports work, quickly thought of Wang Meng's work ability, so he invited him to return to work in the Sports Commission.

Wang Meng, who could come out of the rain of bullets, still hoped to stay in the army, so he refused Vice Premier Chen's kindness, but under the repeated orders of the central government, he finally decided to take office and return to the sports committee with Yu Zhixue and others.

In 1974, Zhuang Zedong backstabbed Major General Wang Meng! Two years later, the general ignored the previous suspicions: he was also a victim

When he returned to the Sports Committee, he was as resolute as ever, and reorganized all the work of the Sports Committee in a short period of time, so that the work of the Sports Committee was back on track. [3]

However, there is one question that has always given him a headache, that is, how to deal with Zhuang Zedong, who once hurt him?

Zhuang Zedong's backstabbing behavior that year disappointed General Wang Meng, who was born in the military, but he was not only a sports star, but also made indelible contributions to the normalization of Sino-US relations, so Wang Meng didn't know how to deal with him for a while.

Although many people at the time suggested that Zhuang Zedong should be sent to the public security organs for sentencing, after all, he had indeed done a lot of wrong things in the past two years.

In 1974, Zhuang Zedong backstabbed Major General Wang Meng! Two years later, the general ignored the previous suspicions: he was also a victim

Zhuang Zedong

But Wang Meng did not agree with this approach, Wang Meng believed that Zhuang Zedong was not bad in nature, and had made great contributions to the country, but he was just deceived during that special time, and he himself was a victim.

At Wang Meng's insistence, Zhuang Zedong was not sent to prison, and after several years of censorship, he was assigned to the Shanxi table tennis team as head coach, and four years later he was transferred back to Beijing to teach table tennis at the Children's Palace.

In 1974, Zhuang Zedong backstabbed Major General Wang Meng! Two years later, the general ignored the previous suspicions: he was also a victim

Zhuang Zedong

After Wang Meng solved Zhuang Zedong's problem, he divided the work of the Sports Committee, mainly including the promotion of the people and the preparation for the Olympic Games.

Under his leadership, the mainland once again appeared in the Olympic Games in 1984 and made a breakthrough in China's Olympic gold medal, making the mainland gradually become a sports power and a sports power.

In 1974, Zhuang Zedong backstabbed Major General Wang Meng! Two years later, the general ignored the previous suspicions: he was also a victim

Zhuang Zedong was also very moved by Wang Meng's treatment, in 2007 Major General Wang Meng died of illness, when he was critically ill, Zhuang Zedong sent a special gift book to express the apology of the year and General Wang Meng's forbearance. [4]


General Wang Meng is a revolutionary who came out of the war, with a firm revolutionary will and determination and a broad mind, so when facing Zhuang Zedong's "backstabbing", he can still be generously forgiven.

In 1974, Zhuang Zedong backstabbed Major General Wang Meng! Two years later, the general ignored the previous suspicions: he was also a victim

Zhuang Zedong

It was not too surprising that Zhuang Zedong made such an act back then, after all, he was expected to become a senior provincial and ministerial-level official in his thirties, and the social environment at that time was quite far-reaching.

However, his decision also warns us to keep our hearts at all times and not to do things that are contrary to our hearts and social justice for the sake of temporary gain. #长文创作激励计划##头条创作挑战赛##头条首发大赛#


Wang Meng, who was appointed to the National Sports Commission; WANG Dinghua. Leadership Digest, 2008.09

After the marshal, there were fierce generals; WANG Dinghua. History of Sports Literature, 1993.05

Zhuang Zedong's head fell in his political career; QIAN Jiang. "Xiangchao (First Half of the Month)", 2013.10

Zhuang Zedong, Liu Qingtang, and Qian Haoliang's lives are up and down; HE Libo. "Together in the Boat", 2013.09

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