
The wail of education: the prohibition of off-campus teaching and training is to know what it is and not know why it is

author:Old Saying.Mio

The wail of education: the prohibition of off-campus teaching and training is to know what it is and not know why it is

It is another year of college entrance examination, and the college entrance examination volunteer filling season, and then the topic of off-campus teaching and training of cultural classes has also become hot. A few years ago, when education and training were banned, I made the following assertion with my friends: one will move from the ground to the ground; Second, whoever believes that it can be banned, who has their own children "unlucky", and third, the cost will go to the next level. At that time, a friend said, why do you not believe in the ban so much, and I said that it is not that I don't believe it, but that the facts must make me unable to believe it.

The wail of education: the prohibition of off-campus teaching and training is to know what it is and not know why it is

At that time, I asked a friend who knew what she would do if the school did not give exams in grades 1-3, because her daughter had just started elementary school. She said that we parents are also a little confused about what I am, and I told her that no matter what others do, I suggest that you don't believe it completely, otherwise your child's grades may fall off a cliff. Sure enough, it was a few months later. My friend was surprised why I had made a decision earlier, and I still said the same thing, and this is the case, not what I decided.

The wail of education: the prohibition of off-campus teaching and training is to know what it is and not know why it is

The ban on off-campus teaching and training is not useless, but it does not fundamentally solve the problems that need to be solved, which is why it will lead to the results I expected. The fundamental problem is that the cultural curriculum education in the nine-year compulsory education stage has been completely separated from basic education. Although this situation in the school is related to off-campus teaching and training, in fact, the fundamental problem is caused by the lack of determination of basic education in the school.

The nine-year compulsory education is fundamentally to lay a solid foundation, and at present, more emphasis is placed on "promoting seedlings", including the entrance examination for junior high school. The reason for these fundamental problems is that the education department has not taken control of this problem. Therefore, on the one hand, it is necessary to control this pass, and on the other hand, it is possible to hit the extracurricular cultural education and training with heavy blows. This is the root cause of the problem.

The wail of education: the prohibition of off-campus teaching and training is to know what it is and not know why it is

How much family spends, in the case of limited family income, spend "huge sums" of money to let children participate in extracurricular education and training, but there is no effect, which is why the public has many complaints about the so-called involution of education.

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