
People with dampness and heat in the liver and gallbladder have these 5 characteristics on the tongue, teach you 1 trick, clear the liver and gallbladder, and promote dampness and heat

author:Chinese medicine liver disease Hao Yaming

Two days ago, a friend took a picture of his tongue and asked me to analyze it. When I saw his tongue, it was a typical hot and humid tongue of liver and gallbladder. The patient's tongue is red and yellow, and the tongue is swollen on both sides. After consultation, the patient also had symptoms such as flank pain, bitter mouth and dry mouth, and short and red urine.

People with dampness and heat in the liver and gallbladder have these 5 characteristics on the tongue, teach you 1 trick, clear the liver and gallbladder, and promote dampness and heat

In response to the above patient's situation, I gave him a prescription for syndrome differentiation: gentian, skullcap, gardenia, zexiao, psyllium, bupleurum, angelica, and licorice.


Clear heat and relieve fire: gentian, skullcap, gardenia, medicinal bitter cold, into the liver and gallbladder meridian, can eliminate heat evil, alleviate the symptoms of liver fire;

Dampness: Herbs can be used to promote dampness, and these herbs can guide the dampness and heat in the body to be excreted through urine, thereby reducing the symptoms of dampness and heat.

Liver sparseness: Let the stagnant liver qi flow smoothly, so as to cut off the source of dampness and heat, Bupleurum can reconcile the liver qi and relieve the discomfort caused by the stagnation of liver qi.

Nourish liver and blood: In order to avoid damage to liver and blood, angelica and licorice are added to nourish qi and nourish blood and restore the healthy qi of the liver. Angelica sinensis can nourish the liver with its blood-replenishing and blood-invigorating properties; Licorice can reconcile medicinal properties, enhance medicinal efficacy, and also benefit qi and blood.

The following is a summary of the tongue manifestations of liver and gallbladder dampness and heat:

People with dampness and heat in the liver and gallbladder have these 5 characteristics on the tongue, teach you 1 trick, clear the liver and gallbladder, and promote dampness and heat

1. The tongue coating is yellow and thick

When the liver and gallbladder are damp and hot, the accumulation of dampness and heat in the body leads to poor qi and blood, imbalance of fluid metabolism, phlegm turbidity and endogenous, and the yellow and thick tongue coating occurs in the mouth. It is mainly characterized by a thick white or yellow substance covering the surface of the tongue and may be accompanied by bad breath.

2. Red tongue

Due to the invasion of the evil of dampness and heat, the fire turns into fire for a long time, and the fiery evil is disturbed by the meridians and fumigated on the tongue. The color of the tongue is predominantly red, sometimes dark red or purplish-red.

3. The tip of the tongue is red

In the hepatobiliary dampness and heat syndrome, the liver fire is vigorous and easy to become inflamed, so there will be obvious redness on the tip of the tongue. People will notice a bright red color on the sides of the tongue and part of the tip of the tongue, which may be painful.

4. There are cracks in the tongue

When there is dampness and heat in the liver and gallbladder, it is easy to consume yin and blood, so that the fluid is deficient, and the oral mucosa cannot be nourished, thus forming cracks. Cracks on the tongue usually appear in the middle or root of the tongue and are shallow in depth and irregular in shape.

5. Thickening of sublingual veins

Dampness and heat of the liver and gallbladder can slow blood circulation and block blood return, which in turn causes congestion and dilation of the sublingual veins, which is manifested by thickening of the veins. Observing the color and morphology of the sublingual veins can determine whether there is a blood circulation disorder.

Of the above 5 tongue signs, 1 is the best, but if there is, it means that the liver and gallbladder dampness and heat have come to the door. Don't worry, if the situation is not serious, you can try to refer to the following 2 Chinese patent medicines.


People with dampness and heat in the liver and gallbladder have these 5 characteristics on the tongue, teach you 1 trick, clear the liver and gallbladder, and promote dampness and heat

If the liver and gallbladder are damp and hot, the fever is more serious: if you have symptoms such as sore throat, dry mouth and bitter mouth, flank swelling and pain, red and swollen eyes, you can refer to Gentian Liver Pill, which has the effects of clearing the heat of the viscera, clearing the liver and gallbladder fire, and clearing the dampness and heat of the liver meridians;

If the liver and gallbladder are damp and hot, the dampness is more serious: if you have symptoms such as heavy limbs, dizziness, nausea and acid reflux, sticky stools, etc., you can refer to Yinchen Wuling Pill, which has the effect of clearing dampness and heat and facilitating urination.