
Xiao Hong's tragic life

author:Straight beam Me

Author: Mo Nan Xingxia

Xiao Hong's tragic life

In the history of modern Chinese literature, there is no shortage of outstanding talented women, which I will not list here. Those who dabble in literature probably know those extraordinary talented women who have died of incense and jade, but their names still exist.

Among these talented women in the history of modern Chinese literature, the one with the most tragic fate is none other than Xiao Hong.

Although Zhang Ailing had an unhappy marriage, she died in her old age after all; Lin Hui also married a good husband because of his wealthy family, although he died young, he lived a happy life for a few days; Bingxin and Wu Wenzao's married life is happy and happy, and she has also lived a rare centenarian; Although Lu Yin died of dystocia, compared to other women, he also tasted the happiness brought to him by love.

Only Xiao Hong and Ding Ling had a bad fate and an unhappy life. However, compared with Xiao Hong, Ding Ling lived happily in her later years, only Xiao Hong's life was short, her life was upside down, she was helpless, and the ending was tragic.

Xiao Hong's tragic life

Although Xiao Hong has only been alive for a short period of 31 years, she has experienced too much suffering in her short life. These hardships also provided rich material for her novels.

The first work I read was a short story. At that time, I occasionally saw a magazine introducing Xiao Hong and said that Xiao Hong's novels were very interesting, so I found a collection of Xiao Hong's short stories to read.

Xiao Hong's novels are sophisticated, simple and simple, bright and poignant, and quite interesting. But reading Xiao Hong's novels, I can clearly feel an indescribable sadness, which is probably related to her bumpy life experience.

In fact, most writers' works are often written about their own lives and experiences. Almost all of them will resort to their feelings and experiences in writing, and Xiao Hong is no exception.

Xiao Hong's tragic life

Let's remove the name of the writer on Xiao Hong's head and see her as an ordinary woman. Xiao Hong is a woman first, and then a writer.

Since she is a woman, the most important thing in her life is affection. But for Xiao Hong, her misfortune started from her feelings, and almost all of her short life was mired in the quagmire of feelings. Of the three emotional experiences, none of them were lucky.

Wang Enjia, although Xiao Hong chose to escape from marriage in the face of this man arranged by this feudal family, Wang Enjia also had a deep affection for her, and she accepted this feeling.

Unfortunately, this man was so affectionate that he eventually succumbed to feudal family etiquette. Wang Enjia had to listen to his parents and left Xiao Hong. At that time, Xiao Hong was pregnant with this man's child and began her life of exile.

It is rare to find a relationship that is compatible with you; It is extremely difficult to find a like-minded person. When she met Xiao Jun, Xiao Hong was an embarrassed pregnant woman. But for the sake of love, Xiao Hong was desperate and gave up her child. Like a light moth, she flew to Xiao Jun, and she loved her so much that she came back to life.

Xiao Hong's tragic life

The appearance of Xiao Jun seems to be God's favor for the unfortunate Xiao Hong. But what happened later proved that God did not favor her, but once again pushed her to the brink of despair.

Xiao Jun, a like-minded man with Xiao Hong, came to her world: they discussed literature together, met with Mr. Lu Xun, and created together, but the good times were short-lived.

When Xiao Jun rolled his fists and sleeves, and his fists and feet were added, Er Xiao's love was exhausted. It turns out that talented men don't necessarily know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade. Xiao Jun is a typical domestic violence man!

At this time, Xiao Hong's womb was once again pregnant with the crystallization of her and Xiao Jun's love - a child. Xiao Hong was pregnant with Xiao Jun's child, and once again started her life of exile until the end of the miscarriage.

It was in such a turbulent life that Xiao Hong wrote famous novels such as "Life and Death Field" and "The Biography of the Hulan River", which also established her status in the literary world.

Xiao Hong's tragic life

After meeting Duanmu Yuliang, Xiao Hong's crazy energy to pursue love came up again. Two great injuries did not make her despair of love. Maybe feelings are a woman's lifeline, and the idealistic Xiao Hong also wants to find a person to rely on and live a happy life as a normal person.

But God still didn't favor Xiao Hong. Duanmu Yuliang gradually moved her from disappointment to despair.

Duanmu Yuliang, who has been pampered since childhood, gradually showed his selfishness and cold-bloodedness. When the Japanese army invaded Hong Kong, Duanmu Yuliang even had the idea of abandoning Xiao Hong, how could this not make Xiao Hong disheartened?

Maybe Xiao Hong will still pursue her ideal love, but this time, God not only did not give her a chance, nor did he give her time, and finally in a cruel way, let her say goodbye to the world, and the life of the "literary Luoshen" known as the thirties of the twentieth century was forever fixed at the age of 31.

Xiao Hong's tragic life

In just thirty-one years, Xiao Hong did not get the love she pursued all her life. Life has been bumpy, several times upside down; Three men, three tragedies. In such a tortuous and bumpy encounter, Xiao Hong won the glory of literature behind her.

God gave Xiao Hong suffering again and again, perhaps so that she could get inspiration to write novels in her suffering. Xiao Hong has been so thin in her life, maybe he wants to make her suffer in her life and make her famous after her death!