
Was the Big Bang really the beginning of it all? Probably not!

author:Cosmic Weirdness

The Big Bang, a revolutionary theory of the early twentieth century, has become a popular imagination of the origin of the universe. However, this theory is not unassailable, and contemporary scientists are gradually revealing the limitations of the Big Bang theory.

Was the Big Bang really the beginning of it all? Probably not!

The Big Bang theory sets the origin of the universe at a starting point – an infinitely small, infinitely hot, infinitely dense singularity, from where time and space unfold and the universe begins to expand. But this theory cannot explain the specifics of the beginning of the universe, because mathematical and physical concepts fail there. As science progresses, more and more scientists begin to believe that the Big Bang is not the true starting point of the universe, but a moment of deeper change.

Scientists such as Paul Steinhardt of Princeton University and Neil Tulllock of Cambridge University have proposed periodic theories of the universe that challenge the conventional view of the Big Bang and offer a new perspective on the origins of the universe.

The Big Bang Theory: The Incomplete Story of the Origin of the Universe

Although the Big Bang theory gives us a visual picture of the origin of the universe, it shows significant limitations in explaining certain phenomena. The Big Bang theory cannot describe what happened before the singularity, because at that moment, the laws of physics and the tools of mathematics as we know them failed.

Was the Big Bang really the beginning of it all? Probably not!

The incompleteness of this theory has prompted scientists to look for deeper explanations. For example, Stephen Hawking argues that the question before the Big Bang is akin to asking what is north of the North Pole, and that time itself was created at the time of the Big Bang, so there is no point in exploring the origins of the previous ones. Similarly, George Lematt's theory of the phoenix universe, as well as Paul Steinhardt and Neil Tulllock's fire robbery hypothesis, both seek to transcend the limitations of the Big Bang theory and provide us with a more comprehensive story of the origin of the universe.

These theories depict the universe as a cyclical process in which the expansion of the universe slows down, reverses, and eventually collapses into a new primordial atom, which then explodes outward again. Such a theory not only solves some of the problems of the Big Bang theory, but also provides us with a richer and more dynamic picture of the universe.

The Interweaving of Mathematics and Physics: A New Solution to the Origin of the Universe

Mathematics and physics are the two pillars of understanding the universe, but there is an inconsistency between the two on the question of the origin of the universe. Mathematically, some theories, such as the periodic cosmological theory, support the cyclic model of the universe, i.e., the universe transitions from one state to another, in an infinite cycle. Physically, however, what we are observing is a universe that appears to be expanding.

Was the Big Bang really the beginning of it all? Probably not!

This inconsistency reflects the fact that our understanding of the universe is far from perfect. In order to bridge this gap, scientists have proposed theories of the quantization of space and time, trying to apply the principles of quantum mechanics to the macroscopic scale of the universe. This theory holds that space and time are not continuous, but are made up of tiny quantum units that form the structure of the universe in quantum fluctuations.

This kind of theory not only provides the possibility to solve the shortcomings of the Big Bang theory, but also opens up a new way for us to understand the origin and structure of the universe. As we deepen our research, we may get closer to a unified mathematical and physical description that can more accurately depict the origin and evolution of the universe.

Quantum Order: Group Field Theory and the Birth of Space-Time

In the process of exploring the profundity of the origin of the universe, scientists have proposed a new mathematical basis, the group field theory, in an attempt to solve the flaws of the Big Bang theory. Group field theory, a variant of quantum theory that aims to describe physical phenomena at the atomic level, is now being applied to condense space atoms as a way to construct the space-time structure of the universe.

Was the Big Bang really the beginning of it all? Probably not!

By treating space-time as a fluid, scientists such as Oriti have used group field theory to show how this fluid undergoes phase transitions to form space-time as we understand it. This theory not only provides a new explanation for the origin of the universe, but may also explain why the universe began to expand after the Big Bang.

Under this theoretical framework, the birth of the universe is no longer an instantaneous explosion event, but a gradual process, in which space atoms gradually condense and form the basic structure of space-time. The proposal of this theory provides a new perspective for our understanding of the origin of the universe and may point out the direction for future cosmological research.

Order born out of disorder: a new picture of the origin of the universe

The traditional Big Bang theory holds that the universe began in a hot, dense initial state. However, Oritti's theory proposes a very different view: the universe was born out of a disordered fluid state, not a Big Bang.

This theory describes the origin of the universe as a gradual process of condensation, in which the basic structure of space-time is gradually formed. Oriti and his collaborators have demonstrated through mathematical models that this condensation can start with basic space atoms and gradually evolve into the universe we observe today.

This theory not only challenges the traditional notion of the origin of the universe, but also provides us with a new way of thinking about the evolution of the universe. If further validated, it could revolutionize our understanding of the history of the universe, opening up entirely new avenues for the future development of cosmology and physics.

Was the Big Bang really the beginning of it all? Probably not!

The Empirical Path: The Challenge of Validating New Theories

Although Oritti's theory provides us with a new framework for understanding the origin of the universe, scientists still face a huge challenge to test this theory. First, Auriti needed a more accurate mathematical description to show in detail how his space atoms condensed into space-time. This requires not only mathematical innovation, but also ensuring that these mathematical models are compatible with existing physical theories.

Secondly, experimental observations are also crucial. Currently, scientists are looking for experimental evidence that can support or refute this theory. For example, the study of high-energy photons on the Crab Nebula may provide a way to test the existence of liquid space. Although the current results are not conclusive, this experimental approach provides a possible avenue for testing Oritti's theory.

In addition, with the development of technology, our ability to observe the universe is also improving. Future space exploration missions and ground experiments have the potential to provide us with more clues about the origin and evolution of the universe. Oriti and his colleagues are working to translate their theories into observable predictions that can be tested experimentally.

The process of testing this new theory will be long and complex, but it may also open a portal to an unknown universe for us. If Oritti's theory proves to be correct, then our understanding of the universe will be revolutionized.

Was the Big Bang really the beginning of it all? Probably not!

The Relativity of Time and Space: Philosophical Implications for a New Theory

Auriti's theory is not only a leap forward in physics, it also challenges the traditional notion of the origin of the universe. This theory requires us to rethink the nature of time and space, and their role in the birth of the universe.

Traditionally, we have seen time as a background in which an absolutely uniform passage takes place, and space as a container in which events take place. However, Auriti's theory describes space-time as a dynamic, mutable entity that is not fixed and unchanging, but is born from a disordered fluid state and evolves with the evolution of the universe.

This new theoretical framework emphasizes the relativity of time and space, which are not concepts independent of the universe, but part of the universe itself. This view challenges our common sense of the origin of the universe, suggesting that the universe as we understand it may be just a manifestation of a deeper reality.

Oritti's theory also suggests that the origin of the universe may not be a single, definite event, but a complex and changeable process. This not only changes our view of the history of the universe, but may also affect the direction of our future cosmology and physics research.