
Steam game price summary Steam discount game price website sharing

author:PC host evaluation little genius

Steam game price summary Steam discount game price website sharing

Now that the promotion on Steam is in full swing, I know that many friends are waiting to buy the game at this time, after all, it is the most cost-effective time to buy at this time. But some friends may not know how to check all the discounted game information, so don't you miss out on a lot of good games? Don't worry, I'm here to give you a trick and tell you how to handle this easily.

Steam game price summary Steam discount game price website sharing

Steam game price summary Steam discount game price website sharing

First of all, we need to know about an artifact website - steamDB. This website is dedicated to providing us players with information about all the discounted games on Steam. And it's super convenient to be able to jump to the Steam store with one click.

Steam game price summary Steam discount game price website sharing

However, because Steam is an overseas platform, sometimes the network may be a little stuck. What to do at this time? Don't worry, I've got a little trick up my sleeve. You can try to use the Qiyou acceleration tool to optimize the network connection. It's like giving your internet connection a boost to make your internet connection go faster, so you don't have to worry about a snail's slow opening of the steamDB website.

Steam game price summary Steam discount game price website sharing
Steam game price summary Steam discount game price website sharing

Okay, then I'll tell you how to do it in detail: open the Qiyou acceleration tool and find the official steamDB website in the accelerated state.

Steam game price summary Steam discount game price website sharing

Once you're on the website, click on the sales option. Then you'll be able to see the discounts for all the games. Once you've found the game you're interested in, click on the Store option to jump directly to the Steam store to buy it.

Steam game price summary Steam discount game price website sharing

This way, you'll be able to easily stay on top of all the discounted games on Steam, so you won't have to worry about missing out on a good game again. Hope this tutorial helps!

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