
712 points of female students in famous schools married a bachelor and became a fertility machine, relying on subsistence to make a living, what ruined her

author:Seedling mother parenting

Wu Jihong was born in 1974 in an ordinary farming family in a mountain village in Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province.

As the youngest daughter in the family, she has been smart and studious since she was a child, with excellent grades and outstanding performance in her studies.

Although his father is a farmer, he is also literate, and he likes to read books and newspapers on weekdays, and in his cognition, he also understands the importance of knowledge to a person.

Seeing that his youngest daughter was so diligent and studious, and her grades were outstanding, her father had great expectations for her.

I hope that one day knowledge can change fate, and children can get out of the mountains and get rid of the peasant class that has been facing the loess for generations.

So, among all the children, he took good care of Wu Jihong, and he didn't let her do the tiring work of the farm, but only let her concentrate on her studies and studies, hoping that one day she could be admitted to the ideal university, find a good job, and glorify her ancestors in the future.

Finally, Wu Jihong lived up to expectations, and in the 1994 college entrance examination, he was admitted to the archives management major of Chinese University with a proud score of 712 points.

Chinese Renmin University, both then and now, is a prestigious school that many students cannot reach.

Moreover, in those days, there were very few college students, and being admitted to such an institution of higher learning was equivalent to having an "iron rice bowl" in hand.

712 points of female students in famous schools married a bachelor and became a fertility machine, relying on subsistence to make a living, what ruined her

For a while, Wu Jihong was like a pebble, stirring up a thousand waves in the calm village.

As the only college student in the village, it is like a "golden phoenix" flying out of the nest, and even the courtyard of this ordinary peasant family looks like it is plated with a layer of golden light, indicating an infinite future.

Wu Jihong ushered in the highlight moment of her life, and her younger brothers and sisters in the village regarded her as a role model, and her parents became the envy of everyone.

And she herself seems to feel that she has tightly grasped her destiny, and the beauty and longing of life are beckoning to her.

Wu Jihong's performance in the university is still excellent, in addition to not relaxing his studies, he also actively participated in various activities, and served as a member of the Youth League branch organization committee, class committee life committee, etc.

However, everything does not always go as you imagined.

In the year when Wu Jihong ushered in the graduation from university, the policy no longer allocates packages to college students, that is, college students no longer have the "iron rice bowl" and need to choose their own jobs.

Things are always changing in the torrent of social development, and people have to be prepared to adjust themselves to change at any time.

Wu Jihong also had to adapt to this change and fend for herself.

712 points of female students in famous schools married a bachelor and became a fertility machine, relying on subsistence to make a living, what ruined her

On the eve of graduation, Wu Jihong first chose to take the postgraduate examination, but unfortunately he was not admitted, and then took the Beijing Civil Service Examination twice, and the written test results were successfully passed with high scores each time, but they were eliminated in the interview process.

I thought that I would be able to sit back and relax when I was admitted to university, but I didn't expect to catch up with the civil service without allocation, and with the advantage of being able to study and take the exam, I passed the written test, but I couldn't pass the interview, which was a big blow to Wu Jihong, who had a green light all the way to his academic performance since he was a child.

There was no way, after graduation, Wu Jihong had to join the army of job hunting.

Fortunately, after the resume was submitted, an employer contacted Wu Jihong, which made her see the hope of employment.

The Haidian District Archives in Beijing told her to go for an interview, but in the end, the job opportunity was snatched away by someone else.

When she first entered the society, she found that the outside world was no longer as quiet as on campus, and the fierce competition environment made her feel unprecedented pressure, and her self-esteem was seriously crushed in failure after failure.

A series of blows made Wu Jihong lose the confidence to stay in Beijing for development, and finally she chose to go south to Guangdong to look for job opportunities.

In Guangdong, she relied on her high education and major, and found a job in information entry and file management, with a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan, which was very good at the salary level at that time.

However, she quit her job not long after she finished this hard-won job, because she couldn't handle the interpersonal relationship with her colleagues and couldn't adapt to the complex working environment.

Then he found a clerical job with a monthly salary of just over 1,000, and finally left his job in a hurry due to interpersonal problems.

Forced to make a living, he then went to educational institutions, project engineering, garment factories and other industries, and worked some odd jobs that had nothing to do with his major, such as sales, assembly line workers, etc.

These jobs, both in terms of work content and salary, are extremely incompatible with her status as a high-achieving student of the Chinese University. The poor job search experience and the unsatisfactory job status quo made Wu Jihong feel hopeless about his life.

Once, when I learned the news that my father had died, I learned that in order not to affect his little daughter, who was working hard outside, his father asked the whole family to hide the news of his death before he died.

When Wu Jihong learned the news, his father had been dead for a month.

The pressure of work and life has made me feel like I have walked to the edge of the cliff, and now even my father, who loves her the most, has said goodbye, and at this moment, the last light that once illuminated her heart has been completely extinguished.

In 2000, Wu Jihong met a rural junior high school classmate who was also working in Shunde, Guangdong, this classmate dropped out of school after graduating from junior high school to work outside, and the two people had a big gap in academic qualifications, but it happened that when Wu Jihong was disheartened, he met his old acquaintance in another country, and the warmth of love gave Wu Jihong some light and strength in his heart.

Soon, Wu Jihong made a decision to follow his junior high school classmates back to his hometown in the countryside to get married.

Maybe she even felt a little happy at that time, but this decision made her farther away from the life she once expected.

After returning to the countryside, Wu Jihong then became pregnant and gave birth to a child, stopped working, and became a poor housewife.

712 points of female students in famous schools married a bachelor and became a fertility machine, relying on subsistence to make a living, what ruined her

This life lasted for 5 years, and after 5 years she divorced her first husband.

The reason for the marriage change was not because she could no longer endure such a life as a high-achieving student, but because her husband, who was so poor that he lived on a subsistence allowance, had an affair and kicked her out of the house and left with her daughter.

This was difficult for her to accept, and she had nothing but to go back to her parents' house first.

After staying at her mother's house for a while, she found out that she was pregnant, and returned to her ex-husband's house to get back together, but her ex-husband had already lived a new life with other women.

has no job and a fetus in her womb, Wu Jihong, who was swept out of the house by her ex-husband, had no face to stay at her parents' house, so she left silently and wandered alone.

At this time, the desperate Wu Jihong became even more self-defeating. Under the introduction of others, she married a bachelor who was even poorer than her ex-husband, that is, her husband's family, where she has lived since then.

712 points of female students in famous schools married a bachelor and became a fertility machine, relying on subsistence to make a living, what ruined her

The second husband was an honest man, and the purpose of marrying a wife was to have children and pass on the lineage.

Two months after remarriage, Wu Jihong successfully gave birth to the child in her womb, and then gave birth to 4 children one after another.

In addition, there are two elderly people in a family of nine, and the economy depends on the husband to work and farm alone, and if there is no subsistence allowance, life may be difficult to maintain.

Wu Jihong has never gone out to work for more than ten consecutive years, here, no one knows that she is a high-level graduate of the National People's Congress, and she has also cut off contact with her mother's family, and the locals only know that she is a foreigner, and even think that she is not normal in her quiet speech.

From such a tired and tired woman who drags 5 children every day, who would have thought that she was a college student who graduated from a prestigious school?

Even her husband and children had no idea of her past.

She completely broke with the "Golden Phoenix" that flew out of the village in the past, and completely drew a line with the proud son of heaven who had light in her eyes and dreams in her heart on the university campus.

712 points of female students in famous schools married a bachelor and became a fertility machine, relying on subsistence to make a living, what ruined her

She didn't say a word about her past self.

What can she do in the past, deep down in her heart, is she also full of remorse, would she rather she hadn't been admitted to a university or graduated from a prestigious school, so that when she sees herself now, her heart can be more balanced?

Born in the countryside, his father spared no effort to supply, the expectations of his family, the "Golden Phoenix" flew out of the soil nest, and the high-spirited and high-spirited son of heaven has become an unkempt and poor peasant woman who is entangled in housework and children and lives on subsistence allowance, which has to make people sigh and sigh.

During a targeted poverty alleviation campaign by the government, someone found her and posted her experience online, and her family knew where she was.

Her teachers and alumni were shocked to see her current living situation, and visited her in person to express their condolences, and cooperated with the local government to improve her living environment, arrange her work, and encourage her to regain her confidence and use her strong learning ability to find her direction in life.

712 points of female students in famous schools married a bachelor and became a fertility machine, relying on subsistence to make a living, what ruined her

Wu Jihong's experience has to make us ponder, what ruined her and made her fall to this point.

1. The purpose of education is not just to read

Wu Jihong has been gifted and intelligent since she was a child, likes to read and study, in addition to her father's encouragement and support, she does not have more advantages than other children in terms of learning conditions, but her grades can remain excellent all the way, and finally she was admitted to a prestigious school with high scores.

Including taking the civil service exam before graduating from university, the written test results of both exams were easily passed.

This shows that her reading and learning ability is very strong. In school, the quality of academic performance largely determines whether a child is a good student or not.

Therefore, before entering the society, she spent more than ten years of hard study in school, probably even she herself thought that she was a very good student.

However, when she entered the society, what she needed was no longer the ability to simply learn knowledge, and she began to become uncompetitive.

During the civil service interview, she was nervous and could not answer the interviewers' questions well, resulting in failure, which shows that she neglected the cultivation of communication skills and psychological quality.

When she went south to Guangdong to find a job that matched her major, with her status as a graduate of a prestigious university and her strong learning ability, there must have been no problem in being competent for the job itself, but in the end, she quit her job due to interpersonal problems.

Campus life is very simple, everyone is focused on learning, and does not reflect the interests and complex interpersonal problems, when facing the workplace, I find that I have no ability to deal with interpersonal relationships, and my IQ is very high, and my emotional intelligence is extremely lacking.

After resigning due to interpersonal relationships, the jobs she looked for were all unskilled odd jobs, which did not match her academic qualifications and majors, which can be said to be a waste of resources.

This shows that she has no plan for her career and does not have a clear understanding of what she wants to do in the future.

When her work and life were bumpy, she chose to return to her hometown in the ravine with her junior high school classmates to get married, which shows that she has no plan for her life, and every time she chooses, she is confused until she is sent into the cage of life, and it is difficult to break free.

What I want to say is that going to college may not all make us prosperous, nor may we all make a lot of money, but in the process of learning, in addition to the knowledge in textbooks, we must also learn the ability to cooperate with others, the ability to analyze and think, the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, the ability to judge the situation, and the ability to strive to change our destiny.

With these abilities, when facing many problems in life in the future, we can see the situation clearly, we can save ourselves, we can try to make things develop in a good direction, and we can avoid falling into the abyss and never recovering.

Aside from the greater aspects of contributing to the motherland, personally, I think this should be the purpose of our education.

2. Personality traits that are easy to avoid compromise bury themselves

She failed to find a job interview in Beijing, turned south, found a job with a professional counterpart and good salary, and continued to work maybe there is still good room for development in the future, but she hurriedly resigned when she encountered interpersonal problems.

Faced with unsatisfactory work and family changes, he was nostalgic for the warmth of his junior high school classmates, escaped from the competition in the city, returned to his hometown to get married and have children, and no longer went out to work.

After being abandoned and divorced by her first husband, in the face of a bad life, she did not find a way to escape and live her life again, but instead jumped from one fire pit to another bigger fire pit, just so that someone could accept the unbearable self at that time.

After marrying her second husband, her mother-in-law said that it was not good for women to be sterilized, so she gave birth to children one after another to satisfy her husband's desire to inherit the family.

From Wu Jihong's every choice, it can be clearly felt that her personality is very easy to compromise, drifting with the flow, no opinions, no ideas, no idea what she wants, even if she knows, when facing difficulties and setbacks, she is not trying to find a way to face difficulties, she always passively and almost instinctively escapes and hides in her comfort zone.

Every step of the way is like the easiest path, but in the end, it makes my life more and more difficult and powerless to change.

With such personality traits, it is difficult to live out yourself.

3. The importance of family education and parents' self-growth

At that time, Wu Jihong's father was much better than other parents to a certain extent, he attached importance to knowledge, did not value sons over daughters, and encouraged his daughter to study hard and get out of the mountains.

He doesn't let his daughter work, he just needs to concentrate on studying.

In today's environment of such an era, if you want your child to stand out in society, it is not just a matter of academic performance, but also a variety of abilities in order to be comfortable in the workplace.

As a parent, while educating your children, you should actively improve yourself and do a good job in self-growth, so that you can not only become a role model for your children, but also keep up with the pace of social development in the process of your children's growth, give your children more advice and guidance, and make your children become a better version of themselves.

After reading Wu Jihong's experience, what do you think?