
Tracing the Footsteps of the Red Revolution and Deepening the Study and Education of Party Discipline -- The People's Procuratorate of Yicheng County organized and carried out red research activities

author:Rule of law in Linfen

The party flag leads the journey, and it is the right time to forge ahead. In order to further promote the study and education of party discipline to go deeper and more practical, into the brain and heart, on the occasion of "July 1st", the People's Procuratorate of Yicheng County organized party members and police officers to go to Hongqiqu and Wuxiang to carry out the red research activity of "Tracing the Footprints of the Red Revolution and Deepening the Study and Education of Party Discipline".

Tracing the Footsteps of the Red Revolution and Deepening the Study and Education of Party Discipline -- The People's Procuratorate of Yicheng County organized and carried out red research activities

On the morning of June 28, the police officers embarked on a solemn and meaningful red journey with great reverence. The first to arrive is the Hongqi Canal in Linxian County, in the Hongqi Canal Memorial Hall, the cadres and police officers have personally experienced the drought demon era of "water shortage is as expensive as oil, and it will not be collected for ten years and nine", "life is cheaper than water" and "people eat people"; I really feel the heroic spirit of "the mountain is hard but the determination is not enough, and the difficulties cannot scare the heroes"; Through the reproduction of the scene, we witnessed how to build an artificial heavenly river of miracles on the majestic Taihang Mountain with fearless courage and firm faith. When the police officers climbed the Youth Cave and witnessed the most difficult part of the construction of the Hongqi Canal, the spirit of tenacity and hard work deeply touched the deepest part of the soul.

Tracing the Footsteps of the Red Revolution and Deepening the Study and Education of Party Discipline -- The People's Procuratorate of Yicheng County organized and carried out red research activities
Tracing the Footsteps of the Red Revolution and Deepening the Study and Education of Party Discipline -- The People's Procuratorate of Yicheng County organized and carried out red research activities

"The mighty spirit of Taihang has been passed down through the ages", and the majestic Taihang Mountain has given birth to the great patriotic spirit of the Chinese nation and the heroic spirit of the revolution. The Taihang Memorial Hall of the Eighth Route Army in Wuxiang County is a large-scale revolutionary memorial hall that comprehensively reflects the history of the Eighth Route Army's Anti-Japanese War. "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, abide by the party's constitution, and fulfill the obligations of party members...... Never betray the party. Outside the exhibition hall of the memorial hall, the cadres and policemen faced the bright red party flag, raised their right hands to review the oath of joining the party, the oath was sonorous and powerful, and every word was everyone's original intention, everyone's loyalty and love for the party and the persistent pursuit of the procuratorial cause.

Tracing the Footsteps of the Red Revolution and Deepening the Study and Education of Party Discipline -- The People's Procuratorate of Yicheng County organized and carried out red research activities

Walking into the memorial hall, under the guidance of the commentator, the cadres and police officers visited the exhibition hall of the brief history of the Eighth Route Army, the hall of the atrocities of the Japanese invasion of China, the guerrilla tactics demonstration hall of the Eighth Route Army and other exhibition halls.

Tracing the Footsteps of the Red Revolution and Deepening the Study and Education of Party Discipline -- The People's Procuratorate of Yicheng County organized and carried out red research activities

Every time we look back at history, it is a spiritual baptism. Although the red journey is short, its harvest is eternal, and the "Red Flag Canal Spirit" and "Taihang Spirit" deeply infect every procuratorial cadre and police, and further stimulate the sense of honor, mission and responsibility of the cadres and policemen to adhere to the original intention of serving the people, perform their procuratorial duties, and contribute to the procuratorial force. Everyone said that in the new great historical new era, they will vigorously carry forward and practice the "Red Flag Canal Spirit" and "Taihang Spirit", inherit the party's glorious tradition and fine style, further strengthen ideals and beliefs, consciously transform the achievements of party discipline study and education into practical actions for the people's justice, lead the procuratorial blue with the red party flag, and contribute to the high-quality development of procuratorial work.


Shao Jingjing, assistant procurator of the Third Procuratorate Department

The Red Flag Canal in June is high and wide in the sky, wiping the idle clouds lightly. The first time I saw the "artificial Tianhe", I was deeply shocked, the people of Linxian County knew the difficulties and went forward, facing the difficulties, 10 years of time relying on "a hammer, a drill, a pair of hands" to flatten 1,250 mountains, dig 211 tunnels, and create a miracle of 1,500 kilometers in the world. Listening to the story of the Red Flag Canal, I was deeply moved, and the hero of the danger eradication let the sheep tie a big rope and hold a tool in his hand, hanging in the air, and lifting down the pumice stones. When asked if he was afraid, he said that I would not join the Communist Party of China if I was afraid, and I swore an oath in front of the party flag! His story reflects the tenacity of every Linxian person, and gives me a deep understanding of the spirit of hard work in Hongqi Canal.

Tracing the Footsteps of the Red Revolution and Deepening the Study and Education of Party Discipline -- The People's Procuratorate of Yicheng County organized and carried out red research activities

The Eighth Route Army lived in the villages, and every household had children's soldiers. Coming to the Wuxiang Eighth Road Anti-Japanese Memorial Hall, I was able to relive the bloody, heroic and spectacular revolutionary history more than 70 years ago. Whether it is the Hundred Regiments War Art Museum, or the model of the Huangyadong Arsenal, the war relics stained with gunsmoke and blood and precious historical pictures show us the arduous years of the Anti-Japanese War, and this history of blood and fire has left a deep imprint in my heart.

We revisit history in order to let the red spirit be integrated into the blood. As young party members and police officers, they will move forward bravely and resolutely along the road opened up by their revolutionary ancestors, and will inevitably move towards a more brilliant future and a better tomorrow.

Shi Shuai, assistant prosecutor of the Second Procuratorate Department

On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, I had the honor to go to the Hongqi Canal to study, and feel the great significance of the spirit of the Hongqi Canal on the spot, which is known as the magnificent project of "artificial Tianhe", is a miracle project completed by the people of Linxian County under extremely difficult conditions, and has developed the spirit of "self-reliance, hard work, unity and cooperation, and selfless dedication" of the Red Flag Canal, which is an immortal monument and an eternal banner, which will always inspire us to work hard and forge ahead.

Tracing the Footsteps of the Red Revolution and Deepening the Study and Education of Party Discipline -- The People's Procuratorate of Yicheng County organized and carried out red research activities

During the visit, I was shocked by the majesty of the Hongqi Canal, and when I looked around, I saw that the canal water was flowing endlessly, like a giant dragon winding in the Taihang Mountains. It is hard to imagine that in such a difficult era, the people of Linxian County overcame many difficulties and dug such a canal of life with their hands and sweat, and this spirit makes me deeply admire.

As a young procuratorial officer, I will definitely be a good inheritor and practitioner of the spirit of the Red Flag Canal, inherit and carry forward the spirit of self-reliance, hard work, unity and cooperation, and selfless dedication, and do my best to do my job. Strengthen the active performance of duties, improve the quality and efficiency of procurators, and dedicate their youth and enthusiasm to the high-quality development of the procuratorial cause.

Wang Shasha is an assistant prosecutor of the First Procuratorate Department

The stones of Taihang Mountain stand majestically, and the water of the Red Flag Canal flows endlessly. Stopping at the Hongqi Canal Memorial Hall and listening to the explanation, I was full of emotion. One of the things that touched me the most was a statue called "Drought and Cruelty". Behind the sculpture tells the story of her daughter-in-law Wang Shui'e who hanged herself on the night of the Chinese New Year's Eve because she accidentally spilled a load of water. This is the epitome and embodiment of the fact that water was as expensive as oil at that time, and the people of Linxian County cherished it as much as their lives. By building the Hongqi Canal, the people of Linxian County not only created material wealth for the benefit of the people with their blood, sweat and lives, but also gave birth to the spirit of "self-reliance, hard work, unity and cooperation, and selfless dedication".

Tracing the Footsteps of the Red Revolution and Deepening the Study and Education of Party Discipline -- The People's Procuratorate of Yicheng County organized and carried out red research activities

When I came to visit the "Eighth Route Army Memorial Hall" with admiration, the practical significance of studying the history of the party's struggle was as clear as a banner. Memorial Exhibition Hall, Anti-Japanese Camp Site...... We precipitate and melt in learning, we form thinking in melting, we clarify the direction in thinking, and we internalize the power of rejuvenating the nation in the direction led by the banner. Unite and struggle, never slack off. This research trip is not only an unforgettable practical journey, but also a profound baptism of thought. Today, the mountains and rivers are unharmed, and our generation should be self-reliant. In the name of youth, I will write a chapter of dreams that belong to the prosecutor!

Guo Shi is a clerk of the Political Department

On the occasion of the 75th "July 1st" Party Founding Day, I followed the party branch to embark on a journey to trace the roots and remember the martyrs, and went to the Red Flag Canal and the Taihang Memorial Hall of the Eighth Route Army to carry out the activity of "tracing the footprints of the red revolution and deepening the study and education of party discipline". This field education and study has brought me a lot of feelings, and as a party member development object, I have a deeper understanding of my responsibility and mission.

Tracing the Footsteps of the Red Revolution and Deepening the Study and Education of Party Discipline -- The People's Procuratorate of Yicheng County organized and carried out red research activities

Walking into the Hongqi Canal Memorial Hall, the precious pictures, the unforgettable video frames, and the touching stories all made me deeply understand the great Hongqi Canal spirit of "self-reliance, hard work, unity and cooperation, and selfless dedication". From the thousand-year-old drought demon, the generational struggle to the red flag to lead and create miracles, it continues to inspire us to continue to carry forward the fine style of hard work, continue to strengthen party discipline and party rules to restrain ourselves, and transform the learning results into practical actions for entrepreneurship. Towering Taihang, red martial arts.

Walking into the Taihang Memorial Hall of the Eighth Route Army, I followed the footsteps of the docent and explored the heroic struggle of the Eighth Route Army. The exhibition in the museum is rich in content, including the battle story of the Eighth Route Army in the Wuxiang area, as well as the social background and cultural atmosphere during the Anti-Japanese War. Through frames of photos, scenes, and old objects, the 14-year War of Resistance of the Eighth Route Army and the great achievements of defeating the Japanese invaders are reproduced.

A visit is not only a retrospective of history, but also a commitment to the original intention, I will take this spiritual motivation, unswervingly dedicate my youth to the realization of the Chinese dream, and jointly write a new chapter in the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era!

Dong Jie, Assistant Procurator of the Second Procuratorate Department

Embarking on this red journey, I feel as if I have traveled through the tunnel of time and space, back to that magnificent era. The magnificent scenery of the Hongqi Canal, like a picture scroll of history, slowly unfolded in front of my eyes, made me feel the tenacious and indomitable spirit of the people of Linxian County. The canal on the cliff is not only a passage of water, but also a symbol of tenacity and wisdom. I seem to be able to hear the echo of the stonemasons hitting the stones, and feel their inner persistence and persistence.

Tracing the Footsteps of the Red Revolution and Deepening the Study and Education of Party Discipline -- The People's Procuratorate of Yicheng County organized and carried out red research activities

Walking into the Memorial Hall of the Eighth Route Army in Wuxiang, I felt as if I was taken into that war-torn time. The historical relics and photos on display all tell the heroic deeds of the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army. I saw them charging into battle and heard their cries for national liberation. I was deeply struck by the spirit of forgetting life and death and moving forward.

This red trip has made me feel more deeply the glorious course and great spirit of the party. The monuments built by those revolutionary martyrs with their blood and lives make me cherish today's hard-won happy life even more. They did not hesitate to pay any price for the independence of the nation and the happiness of the people, and this spirit deserves to be remembered and inherited forever.

On the way back, I couldn't calm down for a long time. This trip not only allowed me to see the traces of history, but also made me feel the strength of the spirit. I profoundly realize that as a young cadre and policeman, we must inherit and carry forward the party's fine traditions and work style, constantly improve our political quality and professional ability, and contribute our strength to the cause of the party and the people.

This red trip has made me more firm in my beliefs and pursuits. I believe that under the leadership of the party, we will be able to create a better future! This trip will be a treasure in my life and will always inspire me to move forward.

(Correspondent Zhou Na)

Tracing the Footsteps of the Red Revolution and Deepening the Study and Education of Party Discipline -- The People's Procuratorate of Yicheng County organized and carried out red research activities

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