
The 17-year-old athlete died suddenly on the field, and it was the rules of the game that killed him, and the referee prevented him from entering the arena for rescue


According to the rules of the BWF, coaches and medical team members are not allowed to enter the stadium without the permission of the referee. In the event of an injury or illness to an athlete participating in the competition, it is up to the referee to decide whether the tournament doctor or other personnel are required to enter the competition venue

Really TM fuck

When I saw the news of the sudden death of a 17-year-old Chinese badminton player in Indonesia

How many people remember that Eriksen also suffered a cardiac arrest on the field in the last European Cup, but fortunately, Eriksen returned to the world after being closed to the ghost door for a while

In the 42nd minute of Denmark's match against Finland, Eriksen, the main player of the Danish team, suddenly fell to the ground, straight down and fell straight down, and everyone on the field was shocked to see this scene

But what is even more touching is that after Eriksen fell to the ground, the game was immediately interrupted, and after the referee blew the game to stop, he immediately let the medical staff on the sidelines rush into the field, and the same teammates immediately felt Eriksen around him to check whether his tongue would block breathing, and at the same time, the captain of the Danish team immediately called the first responders on the field, all of which showed the quality and quality of professional players

Records show that just eight seconds after Erickson fell to the ground, the team doctor ran to his side; In 37 seconds, professional medical personnel on duty arrived at the venue with first-aid equipment; In 52 seconds, the AED (cardiac defibrillation device) is delivered to the venue; At 1 minute and 36 seconds, the medical staff began cardiopulmonary resuscitation; Thirteen minutes later, the emergency stretcher was carried away from the venue and taken to the hospital......

Then there is the news that Eriksen escaped from the hands of death, an athlete on the verge of sudden death, got the most correct and timely rescue, the rescue picture of this game, the process can be called textbook level

While racing against death, it also reflects that life is always greater than sports, and when problems are encountered, whether it is the players on both sides of the field or the fans in the audience, they are unanimously praying for Eriksen and blessings

It is a pity that Eriksen's miracle did not repeat itself in the 17-year-old Zhang Zhijie, who also suffered cardiac arrest on the field, and Zhang Zhijie did not wait for timely rescue, but the staff at the scene chose to send him to the hospital in a panic, rather than first aid on the spot, and there was no AED (cardiac defibrillation equipment at all) at the scene

The 17-year-old athlete died suddenly on the field, and it was the rules of the game that killed him, and the referee prevented him from entering the arena for rescue

According to reports, about 30 seconds after Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground, the on-site event medical team entered the stadium, and after about 30 seconds, Zhang Zhijie was carried out of the stadium on a stretcher for further treatment. It can be seen from the scene that from the time Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground to the time he was carried off the field on a stretcher, the medical team at the venue did not administer AED (external defibrillator) or CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) first aid, and the specific treatment in the ambulance and hospital after that remains to be further disclosed by the event.

The Asian Badminton Federation and the Indonesian Badminton Association wrote in the announcement that Zhang Zhijie fainted during the group stage match against Japan, and the tournament doctors and medical team rescued him. He was taken to the hospital by ambulance in less than two minutes, although the announcement said that he was taken to the hospital by ambulance in less than 2 minutes

But this is not an ordinary injury, but on the verge of life and death, referring to the example of Erickson above, in this case, it should be a professional doctor who uses ADE to rescue on the spot, and in a stable situation, he is sent to the hospital by ambulance

It took less than two minutes to be sent to the hospital by ambulance, and the official Indonesian sentence did not mean that they would arrive at the hospital within 2 minutes for first aid, but that they would be sent to the hospital by ambulance within 2 minutes, and it would take time to send them to the hospital, and there was no first aid in the ambulance? These are the questions they're trying to cover up

It is a complete waste of life-saving golden time, and this kind of professional competition site does not have professional AED equipment itself is very problematic, and most of the competition sites nowadays, even in public places, have this kind of equipment, which can save lives at critical moments

The Chinese Badminton Association issued a document mentioning that Zhang Zhijie suddenly fainted on the court, and the Chinese team leader, coach, team doctor, translator and other medical personnel of the organizing committee immediately organized rescue and sent him to the hospital in time. During the period of being sent to the hospital and being rescued in the hospital, the leader of the Chinese team and other relevant staff have been by Zhang Zhijie's side, and the Chinese embassy and consulates in Indonesia have also provided full assistance

According to the video at the time of the incident, Zhang Zhijie suddenly fell to the ground and convulsed for a while, and someone had stepped forward to check, but then seemed to be called back, and the paramedics did not enter the venue until Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground for a while

However, the actions of the medical staff were described by netizens as "a little bit unsure of where to start", and even "did not look professional", and the medical staff did not seem to use AEDs at the scene

It is suspected that Zhang Zhijie's sister posted a question, believing that this is the worst result caused by the untimely medical team and poor medical conditions. It wasn't until around half past nine that the coach was contacted, and finally learned that he had died, "Watching the live broadcast, watching him fall down, after a few convulsions in the middle, he was still alive, and he looked up, and after a long wait, the medical staff arrived." ”

The most distressing time, Zhang Zhijie collapsed and died under the witness of his family, and the whole incident did not receive any professional and effective assistance, which could have saved a 17-year-old promising life, but everything ended because of the grass platform team

After Zhang Zhijie fell, the coach on one side immediately came to the competition venue to check Zhang Zhijie's situation, but as soon as he walked into the venue, the coach was stopped by the referee on the side, preventing him from coming forward to check, even the opponent was stunned, the coach could only take two steps back, and the opposite player was also ready to come over to check, but was also stopped by the referee.

The 17-year-old athlete died suddenly on the field, and it was the rules of the game that killed him, and the referee prevented him from entering the arena for rescue
The 17-year-old athlete died suddenly on the field, and it was the rules of the game that killed him, and the referee prevented him from entering the arena for rescue

During the whole process of Zhang Zhijie's fainting, the two female referees did not stand up to take a look, and sat motionless in the referee's position throughout the whole process, acting very indifferently, in their eyes, as if this would not be a fatal thing

How can you be so amateurish? According to the thinking of ordinary people, let alone a referee, even if ordinary people encounter this situation, they will call for help in time, right? But what about them? It's like a piece of wood, and at the same time, there are no professionals in the room

The 17-year-old athlete died suddenly on the field, and it was the rules of the game that killed him, and the referee prevented him from entering the arena for rescue

Judging from the picture, Zhang Zhijie, who couldn't wait for the rescue, was still trying to raise his head, and the person had not completely fainted, if there was a professional rescue at this time, he would be able to escape from the hands of death, and at this time, the coach could only wave his hand and let the rescuers come to the rescue quickly.

The 17-year-old athlete died suddenly on the field, and it was the rules of the game that killed him, and the referee prevented him from entering the arena for rescue

In the face of the referee's behavior, most people were critical, thinking that they prevented this timely rescue, and if the medical staff could have been allowed to enter the scene earlier, perhaps the tragedy would not have happened

The 17-year-old athlete died suddenly on the field, and it was the rules of the game that killed him, and the referee prevented him from entering the arena for rescue
The 17-year-old athlete died suddenly on the field, and it was the rules of the game that killed him, and the referee prevented him from entering the arena for rescue
The 17-year-old athlete died suddenly on the field, and it was the rules of the game that killed him, and the referee prevented him from entering the arena for rescue

Netizens said that the best time for sudden cardiac death rescue is the golden 4 minutes, for the treatment of cardiac arrest, it must be fast, and it is necessary to race against time, but the referee prevents the referee from saving people because of the rules, he really doesn't take life seriously, are the rules more important than life?

According to the analysis of professional medical personnel, judging from the current public on-site situation, there is indeed a possibility that the first aid will be delayed: "Cardiac arrest should be considered first for non-contact fainting and falling to the ground, especially in high-intensity professional competitions, even if the AED does not intervene at the first time, CPR should be taken." ”

From the time Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and was carried out of the field, almost a minute was wasted, and there was no AED (external defibrillator) or CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) first aid at all during the period, resulting in the golden rescue time being missed, and the necessary medical equipment was not written into the rules and regulations, so it is natural that the BWF needs to be held accountable.

According to the Indonesian badminton spokesperson: "The medical conclusion indicates that the victim experienced sudden cardiac arrest. After Zhang Zhijie arrived at the hospital, he had no pulse and could not breathe on his own, and the doctor then gave him 3 hours of cardiac compression, and by 20:50, the hospital considered Zhang Zhijie dead. Subsequently, the Chinese side tried to transfer to another hospital for cardiac resuscitation 1.5 hours later, and was pronounced dead at 23:20. ”

One of the causes of this tragedy is the unreasonable rules of the BWF, which stipulate that coaches and medical team members are not allowed to enter without the permission of the referee. In the event of an injury or illness to an athlete participating in the competition, it is up to the referee to decide whether the tournament doctor or other personnel are required to enter the competition venue.

This is completely "killing", and if it is not revised in time, more athletes will definitely die for it in the future





#医生: Zhang Zhijie died suddenly or malignant arrhythmia#

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